The Kings Death

Cheyanne Bourne

Chapter Twenty Four

-The castle grounds- two years later- Ichigo-

I can't recall why my feet brought me here but I'm glad they did because it allowed me to witness a sight I'll cherish even when I'm an old man like my father. There my wife sat leaning against a tree laughing vibrantly as Sayuri and Ichiro sat in the garden their eyes lighting up in laughter as they played with each other chasing the cherry blossoms that danced across the garden. They jump and move through them grasping into this air and sometimes stumbling. Rukia's eyes are alight with the most amazing laughter and joy I could ever hope to witness.

As we matured through parenthood we brought in and surround our children with a group of people unlike anything the soul society has witnessed. All controversy with the former elders of our clan burned out after the children were born and we brought in the Vizards to help me in situations that I requested their input. The twins adore their Uncle Byakuya and Aunt Rangiku. They were married last month. Sayuri and Ichiro were in the wedding. They are identical copies of Rukia and me in every way yet they hold their own personalities as well.

All of the Seireitei is just enamored with my family, the royal family, including my dad and sisters. Everyone pounced on Toshiro and Karin when they got together it was shocking because almost everyone thought Toshiro liked Momo. I knew, I knew before Karin and Toshiro even did. They are only in the dating phase and in some ways they are lucky because Rukia and I never got that looking back it probably would have been much easier but we never did things properly in the first place so I guess we did alright. However, I get the feeling he'll be proposing quite soon knowing him the way I do.

"Daddy…" Sayuri shouts running at me full speed with her twin brother following behind her slowly. I lean down and gather them in my arms running around the gardens wand swinging them around laughing.

"Daddy is gonna eat you." I say sitting them down and pretending to be a dinosaur. They run form me screaming and laughing at the same time. I grab them and flip onto my back pulling them down with me. They sit on my chest and peer down at me.

"Daddy I think you lost." Ichiro says trying to be all superior but it's hard with the slight lisp he has acquired in these years. He's so much like me that it's funny sometimes.

"Oh really I think you two won daddy is tired. Daddy's going to go sit with mommy." I murmur placing a kiss on both of their foreheads and moving to Rukia's side.

"They are so much like us it's scary." Rukia says laughing brightly. I smirk and wrap my arms around her pulling her to me. Her head rests on my shoulder and she presses a kiss to my chest softly. I nod and watch as Ichiro picks up a worn showing it to his sister. She squeals and runs away talking about how nasty it is.

"I still can't wrap my head around us being parents Ruki." I murmur pressing a kiss to her hair. Her laughter wraps around me and I can hear something in it. Something just beneath the surface that she's about to tell me.

"Well you better get ready because there is going to be a baby around the castle again in about five and a half months." She says pulling up to look at me. I grin and kiss her passionately.

"That's amazing…man Rukia you can't believe how happy I am to hear that!" I say brightly. She kisses me again and then lays her head back on my chest resting her hands on her stomach.

"I'm so excited Ichigo, I can't wait t have a little baby around the house. Here's hoping it's not twins again or I will make sure we never have children again." I chuckle and hope for that as well, twins were tough work because they would wake each other up and they'd feed of each other's emotions. I do not want a repeat of that.

"Yes twins are not my favorite choice." I murmur shaking my head softly and then resting my chin on top of her head as Sayuri and Ichiro wander over to us sleep already invading their senses as it closes in on their nap time.

They sit down beside us and Sayuri leans into my side as Ichiro lies across Rukia's lap. She runs her hands through his hair and he soon falls asleep. Sayuri's hand clenches around my shirt as she falls asleep as well slipping Rukia and I into a peaceful silence.

"Kurosaki-dono you have a visitor." Yasu says quietly lifting the twins up slowly. I smile and press kisses to their sleeping faces. Rukia follows suit and we walk toward the throne room where our guests are brought by tradition. We enter and Byakuya is standing there with Rangiku at his side.

"Have you two forgotten already that we are going out for lunch?" Rangiku coos softly as I wrap an arm around my wife. Rukia giggles and moves toward the door grabbing our hoods and handing me mine.

"Of course not I was just sharing some news with Ichigo in the gardens before Ichiro and Sayuri went down for their naps." Rukia says softly donning her hood.

"What is this news Rukia-chan?" Rangiku asks as they move forward, Byakuya strolls beside me as we leave and enter the Seireitei. Eyes still follow us but with a kind fondness.

"I'll tell you two over lunch dear Rangiku. So tell me are you two finally finished with the honeymoon phase?" Rukia asks softly gripping her sister-in-law's hand. Byakuya shakes his head and I turn to him.

"So are you planning for any children?" He raises an eyebrow and I chuckle at his face. Damn that eyebrow.

"Certainly…just not twins….never twins I do not know how you do it and how your father did it. I believe I will go insane if such a thing happens to me." I nod and smile softly at the thought of my children. We enter our favorite restaurant and take our seats quickly before ordering our meals and drinks.

"So this news Rukia-chan please I can't contain my excitement." Rangiku says brightly while sipping her tea. She has a certain glow to her that I have noticed before on my wife.

"Well I'm pregnant about two weeks to be exact, the same situation as the twins with the time period and such." Rangiku giggles into her cup.

"Well at least my child won't grow up without anyone it's age considering I'm about one month pregnant." Byakuya nearly spits out his tea and starts coughing loudly before staring at her in shock.

"What…when…why didn't you tell me?" He says quickly before trying composing himself.

"Block head calm down and take deep breaths. It's not good to worry a pregnant woman." I chuckle and wrap an arm around Rukia before kissing the side of her head.

"I'm pregnant…about a month ago…and I wanted to tell you and Rukia-chan at the same time and have Ichigo-kun here so he could calm you down." Rangiku murmurs softly before kissing his cheek. He just sort of stares at her before grabbing her and kissing her passionately. She grins brightly as he pulls away and then our food comes out and we eat talking about everything and anything that comes to mind.

After we eat we all walk back to the castle talking. Byakuya trails behind the women with me beside him.

"Kurosaki is parenting hard? Will she be moody and such for long?" I chuckle and push my hands into my pocket.

"It all depends on the woman I guess and for all the bad times in parenting there are double as many good times. I won't say it's easy because hell it hard sometimes but it's one of my favorite parts of my life." He chuckles and we watch as the woman stop and coo at baby clothing gushing about having a small baby around again. I look up and notice Toshiro and Karin walking down the street their hands linked together and eating some food from one of the vendors.

"Karin-chan come here I have to tell you something!" I say as they pass. The pair walk over and I lean down a bit to peer at her.

"Ichi-nii is Rukia nee-chan going to have another baby?" She murmurs her eyes glancing at my wife who is practically glowing with joy. I chuckle and pull back up.

"Yes but for my sanity pray for one child and not multiples again." She grins and removes herself from the group to congratulate Rukia and then get the news from Rangiku. Toshiro watches her with both love and adoration in his eyes.

"I remember that look very well Kurosaki." Byakuya says pointing to the Captain standing before us. He turns his head and stares at us in confusion. I smirk and chuckle dryly.

"Oh I remember it too you had that look too…so Tosh when you going to do it?" I question with a smirk his face pales instantly and he shushes us.

"Shut up I don't want her to hear! I got your father's blessing about a week ago when we all met for dinner." He says with a blush. I pat his shoulder and Byakuya allows a smirk to cross his features.

"I remember the night I proposed…Kurosaki nearly had to knock me out to calm my nerves." I chuckle and shake my head.

"See that's one thing I loved about Rukia and I, I wasn't nervous about it I just said will you marry me." Byakuya laughs having heard the full story once before.

"I said I guess you'll do, I mean you are a king after all." Rukia murmurs wrapping her arms around my waist from behind. I laugh and Toshiro takes Karin's hand.

"Ichi-nii why are you talking about proposing again?" Karin asks with a giggle.

"We were talking about my wedding and the night I proposed came up." Byakuya says covering Toshiro's ass. Toshiro smiles gratefully and I chuckle as we say our farewells to the couple. They walk away and Rukia and Rangiku share a smile.

"He's going to propose isn't he?" Rukia asks softly taking my hand in hers.

"Yes, he looked very nervous so I'm guessing within the week." I nod at Byakuya's guess agreeing with him.

"That's what you looked like all week before you proposed Byakuya-kun." Rangiku says softly pressing a kiss to his cheek. He smiles softly and nods.

"I nearly had to knock the bastard out to calm him down that night he did." They laugh as we reach the area to open the gates. We walk into the palace and two forms come flying toward Rukia and I.

"Mommy…Daddy…your home!" They call latching onto us for dear life. Rukia hugs Ichiro close and I pick up Sayuri holding her in the air. "Uncle Kuya…Aunt Ran" They cry together detaching themselves from us.

"Hmm you'd think that they haven't seen their aunt and uncle in months when they were just here yesterday evening." Rukia murmurs leaning back against my chest. I wrap my arms around her and place them on her stomach.

"That's alright at least they don't hate them." I murmur pressing a tender kiss to the top of her head.

When I think about it so many people around here started showing feelings and emotions and fell in love as Rukia and I did or after Rukia and I did. Yoruichi and Kisuke openly display their relationship now and Shinji and Hiyori finally became an actually couple instead of just friends with benefits. Toshiro and Karin confessed to each other with a little push from Yuzu. Yuzu is still a bit stuck between Shuhei and Jinta but I get the feeling that she'll fall right into place with Shuhei once the idiot tells her that he likes her. He's been afraid of telling her forever now. Uryuu and Orihime are doing fine now too. Renji is pinning over Tatsuki and visits her often. He doesn't think anyone knows but these days I know pretty much everything. I wonder when he'll confess to her but she probably already knows because she is very perceptive.

"When do you think Renji is going to confess to Tatsuki?" Rukia whispers deep in thought. I chuckle and shake my head.

"Funny I was just thinking that. Tatsuki most likely already figured it out. I'm just waiting for Hisagi to grow a pair and tell Yuzu he likes her." I feel Rukia nod as Byakuya plays with Sayuri and Ichiro. Rangiku watches on in delight most likely thinking about when he'll be doing that with their child. Rukia detaches form me and goes to join the woman as I shunpo in front of the twins and pull Ichiro into the air running about letting him screech with glee.

"Daddy, put me down!" He says laughing and screeching. I fall backwards tucking him into my chest and roll over pinning him to the ground and tickling him.

"Leave Ichi alone, Daddy!" Sayuri says pushing at my side, I move to where she's pushing me and they pounce on me pretending to beat me up.

"Ah you've got me…I'm hit…everything is going black!" I say closing my eyes and letting my arm fall back onto the ground. Sayuri moves off of me and I feel a shadow cover my face.

"Quit pretending Daddy, I know you're faking." She says and I open one eye. She's standing above me with her hands on her hips staring down at me in amusement before I turn quickly pulling her to the ground and tickling her.

"You are too much like your mother when you do that." I say smirking from above her. She squeals and screeches in laughter before we both stop and look up at the shadow covering us.

"What are you doing to my daughter mister Kurosaki?" Rukia says putting her hands on her hips and looking down at us in amusement. Sayuri chuckles along with Ichiro.

"You're in trouble Daddy." Ichiro says softly plopping onto the ground beside his sister.

"You think so?" Rukia says moving to her knees with her serious face on before springing on the two and tickling Sayuri and I grab Ichiro tickling him. We all stop and the twins are breathing deeply. We sit down and smile as Rangiku and Byakuya join us on the ground as we sit and bask in the warmth of the sun.

"Ichiro-sama, Sayuri-sama your lunch is ready!" we hear Yasu call out form the door way and the two children stand and bow to us softly before running over to Yasu and follow behind her telling her everything they just did with us.

"Shall we join them for lunch?" Rukia asks softly as we all stand. I offer her my arm and she tucks her hand in my elbow allowing me to lead her. Byakuya does the same without thinking and we walk in quietly and join the children for lunch as we usually do. We all eat and make small talk mostly in our own minds.

"Daddy when Sayuri and I get older can we be like you, mommy, Aunt Ran, and Uncle Kuya?" Ichiro says looking up at us shyly. I smile and pat his orange locks.

"Sure…but you have to train really hard and promise to protect your sisters all the time no matter what." He looks at me for a moment and then nods returning to his meal. He doesn't understand yet, then again I doubt he will understand that when he does join the academy but the first time his sister gets in a dangerous situation he'll understand. They both will.

"Mommy can we play dollies when we are finished lunch?" Sayuri says brightly looking up from her meal. Rukia smiles brightly.

"Of course dear we'll play out in the gardens alright; we can even have tea after that. Maybe if you ask nicely Aunt Ran will join us for dollies and tea." Sayuri smiles as bright as her mother and turns to Rangiku using her charm; sometimes I curse Rukia for doing that in front of her so much.

"Aunt Ran will you please play dollies with me and then join us for ea in the gardens. I'll even let you play with Aimi, she's my favorite dolly." Rangiku looks at her and smiles brightly.

"Of course I will Sayuri no one can say no to a face like that." Rangiku says blowing her a kiss. I sigh and shake my head.

"Keep telling her that and she'll believe it when she gets older." I grumble softly pushing a bite of food into my mouth.

"What was that Mister Kurosaki?" Rukia says brightly from her seat while giving me the death glare. I stiffen and hold back a curse.

"Oh nothing Ruki." I murmur trying to sweet talk her. She narrows her eyes and finishes eating silently. I sigh and bow my head knowing that either I'm not getting laid tonight, or we'll have a long talk and she'll get bored and decide to punish me; I'm hoping for the latter rather than the former.

Lord does life ever get peaceful…no as soon as it settles down for once I have a pregnant wife who is emotional. I can't really complain though, can I, because I couldn't be happier? Things worked out in the end I guess I just hope like hell that Sayuri and Ichiro aren't bad as hell when they get older I might go prematurely grey.


Wow I can't believe it's finally over…I'm shocked and sad that TKD has finally ended. For all of you who may be upset with me I am currently in the process of writing the stories of:

Karin/Toshiro and Yuzu/Shuhei (The King's Sisters)

Yoruichi/Kisuke (The King's Mentors)

Byakuya and Rangiku (The King's In-Law)

Shinji/Hiyori (The King's Companions)

These stories will be written during the time frame of The King's Death and will explain the relationships of the pairs and how they progresses behind the scenes of the King's Death. All stories will lead up to this point two years after the birth of the twins.

I will also be posting and writing a sequel to this in the process of posting the other spin off stories of the King's Death so fear not I am not finished with this story just yet! However in the time between the sequel and The King's Death the children will have grown up and it will mostly be about their life and their love and such.

I would like to thank:




I hate love stories




Thunder Claw03

Dbz wrting for fun



Zetsub dorn


Katsumi Hatake

For reviewing throughout the story but I'd like to give a special thank you to Lalaith Quetzalli, Yoko 89, and hitugayatoshirou1220 for giving amazing reviews every time I posted.

Also a big thank-you to histugayatoshirou1220 for letting me bounce ideas off of you and for helping me with different ideas. You were a big help in the chapter with the wedding!

I hope you all loved and enjoyed the story as much as I loved and enjoyed writing it. I'm both saddened and excited about ending this story but all good things must come to an end. I hope you enjoy the other stories as much as this one. ^_^

-Cheyanne Bourne-