"Tell me Sesshomaru, do you have someone to protect?"

"Protect? He questioned, something he didn't do often, it was rhetorical though,

"The answer is no, I Sesshomaru have no need for such"

Modern time

He wondered why his father asked such a question, but the again Sesshomaru knew, his father was planning something or had already planned something. His father was always one step ahead of everyone else.

Sesshomaru looked out the tall glass window, down at the garden, down at a small child of four years old, she was small to him anyway. He was, in human years, a few years older than her, but in demon terms, he was more than 100 years older than her.

His fathers question ran in his mind; he had only asked it a few years ago,

Now he looked down at this, girl.

He was her protector, and he had no choice in the matter. The girl was of grave importance's, she was a Miko, the last, and while he and his father were all powerful, her father was right behind them. However they were demons and ruled as such, her father was a king you could say, he owned more companies than any other HUMAN, and he owned most of the oil in the world as well. His own father owned just as many companies, among other things, these two men together really did rule the world, and one day, Sesshomaru hoped his father's empire would be his.

The girl was left in their protection, her father had to travel a lot, and of course, demons were far more powerful than humans.

His father had adopted her without question, his father and hers were best friends. So she was placed under their care, but it was he Sesshomaru, that was deemed her protector. At first, of course, he said to his father the same thing he had years before, that he was in no need of such, he needed no one to protect, that she would only be in the way, but when his father placed his birthright in front of him, telling him that if he completed this, he would hand over all rights to him, Sesshomaru could not refuse, how hard would it be, and how long would it last?