Kagome sat alone in silence on a rooftop bar overlooking the busy city below. Media was not allowed up here, and not everyone could get in. Thankfully it was the middle of the week, so it was her and some other couple only. She sat a table near the edge while they sat at the front of the bar, kicking it quietly with the barkeep. She moved the wine glass in small circles in her hand as her eyes glazed over. She would drop out of her last year in college; she could not be there and run this.

"Uhg," She could not even think straight. She could marry him. She could have married him. No, she could still marry him. She realized it sometime after his first visit to her collage. Once she got away from everyone and into the real world, things started to wake her up.

Kagome looked down at the magazine in hand. Naraku's death and even her own father's death were overshadowed by Sesshomaru's face. The headline read, 'Will the two major clans marry further keeping the power locked into two families, unattainable by anyone else?'

It was political for some. It was romantic for others. It was a tradition to him. It was expected because it was planned.

"I am not some business deal," She told herself. She envied the people below. So unaware. So blissfully happy in the unknown. She wondered what it would be like to meet a stranger.

But she wasn't taking anything for granted. She had money, friends. Her life, for the most part, was safe. Fast but safe.

He could be a safe choice. At least he was upfront about why he would marry her, unlike some men would be.

Kagome took a sip of her wine. Suddenly she felt sad. Why didn't he just ask like other men do? She snorted like he would ever get down on one knee for her.

Did she want to marry him?

Her mind went back to their kiss. To his body, hard pressed against hers. But just as quick as that lustful thought came into her head, vision of him and that other girl would take over. It made her mad, and she wondered, was she jealous? Self-doubt wanted to enter, but she was not that kind of girl. It was clear her kiss affected him. Then she thought about how she would feel if he was set to marry someone else.

When did she become possessive of him?

Kagome sighed heavy and threw her head back over the cream fluffy chair she was in. There he was. Standing there, just looking at her. She wanted to groan. She sat up, set her drink down, and stood. He began to walk; she met him halfway. "What are you doing here?"

He held up a folder.

"I'm not sighing anything else today Sesshomaru," She said over the soft music playing in the background.

"It is not work-related,"

"I'm not editing my will either,"

"I shred that,"

Her mouth opened, "Do you know hard it was to get Miroku to write that out!"

He waved the folder; she snatched it "This better not be some lame attempt at a proposal,"

He snatched it back, and she looked at him "Wait, is it?"

"Do you wish it to be?"

She shook her head "Yes, no I mean ugh I am not marrying you because we are supposed to," She made bunny ears with her fingers to exaggerate the point. "They're a ton of rich, powerful girl Sesshomaru, why me?"


"I swear to god if you say because I am some endeavor that was born for you I will throw you off this roof,"

"Your use of those words is incorrect,"

"But not the word itself?"

"You are my endeavor because you are my pray Miko,"

She rose an eyebrow "I'm not that kind of girl, and I know you have a thing for lose women,"

He closed the distance between then "She was a mere tool,"

"That you slept with,"

"Only because you were not ready,"

She blushed but wasn't buying that. She squared up at him "Since when do you do what others tell you,"

"Never, unless it pleases this one,"

"I dont please you,"

He smirked, and she groaned at her choice of words. A cool breeze blew, and her face softens "I will admit, I did start to find you attractive, but this stupid notion that I was born for you to overcome I can't settle with that,"

"It this why you reject my offer,"

"Is that what this is, an offer,"

"Miko," He was getting annoyed "You know my choice of words are not always what you wish to hear,"

He pulled her close "Is being born for me that bad; you make it sound so negative,"

She blushed more,

"Perhaps it was our father's silly idea, but they did not put it in my head," He popped the folder back up, and she slowly took it and backed up to open it. She pulled out a photo. It was her mother, very pregnant with her. There was a small Sesshomaru standing with his hand reached out, touching her belly with a deep look on his face.

"What is this,"

"Me wrapping my power around you so that you would know me,"

Her eyes met his.

"My father my have told me you were mine to protect, but I chose to because I wanted to not because he said it so," He closed the distance between them again "You were born for me because I was not whole till you were born,"

Kagome wanted to cry.

"I grew restless with time and your resistance I though scent marking you while you were young would work in my favor, but then your father took you away and I, I became bitter and angry you constantly riled me up, defied me, pushed me when all I wanted was for you to submit,"

She hated that word,

"Yes, I know that look, you dont with to and so I, in childlike matter resulted in using jealousy," It worked slightly.

"It was in all fun and games till it wasn't," He had never meant to hurt her.

"My endeavor was to have you love me, not to concur or rule you,"

She could not believe her ears, "Ok, who are you, and what have you done with Sesshomaru?"

"Your will insulted me,"

"I thought you would be happy,"

"It was fine until you brought our unborn children into it,"

"You say that with such confidence,"

He lowered his face "Tell me you dont want to marry me,"

Her heartbeat hard against her chest,

He didn't even let her answer; he sealed her mouth with a heated kiss as if he was saying all the things he couldn't. She moaned and leaned into him like melting butter. Slowly the kiss broke.

"Why now?"

"I thought you died,"

She searched his face.

"I could not save you, I feared."

He was scared.

"I want to bind you to me, tie you down to my soul forever, because Miko, you were born for me,"

How could she ever say no to that?

Being married would be an endeavor, having children, running the world, all would be endeavors, but they would do it together and concur it all together but none as great as the endeavor of love, and they achieved it with great passion.

It was a higher power, and there were days she knew she was born for him just as he was born for her.