Hey there people! I was sitting in math today, getting bored, because there's only 19 days of school left, and I just don't really give a fuck. So yeah. I plan on this being two chapters. The first being from Samcedes' point of view, and the second from Klaine's. Yep. This will work.

I don't own Glee, or any of the characters. If I did, none of you would be watching it anyway, as it would suck royal hippogryff. *damn it I know I spelled that wrong.!*

-We Most Certainly Were NOT Eavesdropping!-

It was their first offical date. And they could not have been more excited. Sam and Mercedes had been dating ever since about two days after prom, but with all of the buzz about Nationals, they didn't have time to actually go on a date.

Now, The Lima Bean may not seem like the most romantic of all places, but Sam and Mercedes took what they could get. They were planning on just a quiet, romantic afternoon of hand-holding, eye gazing, and talking, but when they saw their favorite couple sitting only several feet away from the enterance, they knew that they could postpone it.

They were about to make their presence known, when they hid behind one of the thick columns in the cafe.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Sam asked his-was she his girlfriend?-

"I don't know, but I plan on finding out."

They descreetly slithered behind the column closest to the boys, and they could hear what was being said.

"Wait, I don't get it. You don't seem that sad at all." Blaine stated. Mercedes and Sam knew what he meant-Kurt had been awful chipper for a loss at Nationals.

"It was still amazing!" Kurt began. "I mean, I flew in a plane for the first time in my life, I had breakfast at Tiffany's, I sang on a Broadway stage,-"

He sang on a Broadway stage. Without me! Oh, that boy is gonna get it-

"I love you."

Both Sam and Mercedes were pulled out of their thoughts.

Blaine just said he loves Kurt. For the first time. And we heard it. Oh my God, this is amazing.

Sam was pretty happy about their new proclimation, too.

Wow. That's intense. That's really romantic and all. A coffee shop...but it's so Blaine and Kurt. I think Mercedes would like it if I did something similar the first time I tell her I love her...

"I love you too." Kurt stated seconds later, after getting over the shock.

The way Blaine was looking at Kurt with such affection and love and caring was almost too much for Mercedes and Sam to handle.

"You know, when you stop and think about it, Kurt Hummel has had a pretty good year."

The four all smiled simultaneously. Sam and Mercedes made a quiet, yet mad dash to get near the door, as if to re-enter.

"Oh, look who's here!"


And there, lovies, is part l of ll. I hope you liked it! By the way, if you like Panic! At The Disco, I advise you check out my other fics, because I absolutely ADORE Panic! and Klaine, so I could not resist to mix them up a little bit. If ya want, you can follow me on Tumblr at

www . klaineratthedisco . com

Just copy and paste and take out the spaces, obviously.

Hope ya liked it!

Please review!

