I can't believe this is the final chapter of Akari! Wahh!

Thanks to FairoNeko, Bradley8155, Kitsune300, splitheart1120, sjir-sama, lonewolfgirl-sademo588, ninetailsgirl94, Dani4Short, LovelyLily13 and Iloveikari for reviewing the last chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own any Pokémon characters but I do own the plot and my own characters.


Chapter Thirty Two

The gymnasium was heaving as Dawn and Paul arrived back in the Akari headquarters. Apparently the Kurai had offered the Akari their unconditional surrender after rumours of Lord Kuro being dead. Dawn was slightly confused by the fact everyone had crowded in the gym rather than the throne room but who was she to question it. A few faces came into view that she recognised. Kiboji and Reggie glanced over at her and Paul smiling widely.

"Dawn!" Kiboji yelled as he ran towards them. He picked her up and spun her round a few times while Reggie patted Paul on the back in a brotherly sort of way. When Dawn was back on her feet Kiboji hugged her tightly. "I'm so glad you're safe."

"Thanks, Kiboji," Dawn said, blushing slightly. She glanced over to Reggie, smiling at him before she opened her arms. "Reggie."

She hugged the middle brother tightly too before she stepped back to look round at the rather busy hall. She could see Isamu talking to Kane and Etsuo while Akiko was checking up on people in the area. Akiko glanced over at the four teens and immediately made her way over. She hugged each of them in turn, saving Paul for last.

"You all made it," Akiko stated, "Good. Saves me the trouble of yelling at you."

"Yeah, we're glad you're alright too," Kiboji laughed.

"Shouldn't dad be here?" Reggie asked suddenly, "After all the war is over. Kuro is dead and everyone is celebrating."

"You would have thought," Kiboji agreed. Paul and Dawn glanced at each other sadly then looked down at the floor to avoid the others' eyes.

"He's probably just finishing some stuff off," Akiko suggested, "You know, diplomacy and all that."

As she finished speaking the grand doors of the throne room swung open. Akiko twirled round to look at Arashi but he was no where to be seen. In his place stood Sayuri, holding his obi in her palm. Her kimono was quite bloody but her face and hands looked like they had been washed a few times. Akiko grabbed for the nearest thing, which happened to be Paul. He looked up at his mother, wondering what was wrong. Then he realised what she was doing. He looked at Kiboji, grabbing Dawn's hand tightly in his own.

"Akiko?" Kiboji asked quietly, "What's wrong?"

"Sayu?" Isamu's voice rang through out the chamber. Everything fell silent as all eyes turned to the doorway where the pink haired woman was stood. She took a deep breath and stepped forwards. A path cleared as she strode towards Kiboji and his brothers. Akiko let go of Paul and stepped out of the way as Sayuri came closer. Paul's eyes drifted down to Sayuri's hand and he stared his father's obi. He tensed immediately. He put one arm round Dawn's waist and pulled her away from Kiboji so that Sayuri had more room. Reggie stepped backwards too but he did so in a confused way.

"Mum?" Kiboji asked as his mother stepped up to him, "What's going on?"

"Kiboji," Sayuri spoke quietly, "I am sorry."

"For what?" Kiboji asked with a chuckle in his tone. Sayuri took another deep breath and locked her eyes onto his son's.

"My husband has fallen," she said loudly, "And with his death I grant you his obi so his soul may rest in peace."

"What?" a few people asked in shock and amazement. Dawn looked up at Paul. His jaw was clenched like he was stopping himself from crying. A quiet whimper from the side told Dawn that Akiko was now in Isamu's arms. Dawn had never seen Isamu so protective over his wife. He held her closely into his chest, his chin on her head as his own eyes sparkled with tears. Etsuo was not far behind them, his head in his hands. The whole chamber seemed to go into sudden mourning. Dawn saw Kane stood next to Itsuki, their heads bowed in silent respect for their fallen leader.

Then her attention moved back to Sayuri. She held out Arashi's obi and gave it to Kiboji. Kiboji hesitated as he made to grasp the material. He looked down at it for a few seconds, dazed by everything. Gently he squeezed it like he didn't believe it was real. The hall was deadly silent as everyone stared at Kiboji, waiting for him to do something, anything. Isamu was the first to move. He ushered Akiko and Etsuo in front of Kiboji, arranging them so that Akiko was in the middle of the two Akari brothers.

"Aki, Etsuo," he prompted them. Akiko roughly rubbed the tears from her eyes. Etsuo sniffed and straightened up. Slowly, and all at the same time, they drew out their swords from their obis, holding them high above their heads.

"I, Isamu Akari, Champion of this Clan, relinquish my title and support you to take the title of Leader," Isamu said clearly. He then looked at Akiko, telling her to speak next.

"I, Akiko Akari, Carer of the Clan, relinquish my title and support you to take the title of Leader," Akiko said, her voice wavering slightly half way through the sentence.

"And I, Etsuo Akari, Conscience of this Clan, relinquish my title and support you to take the title of Leader," Etsuo concluded.

Slowly the three of them turned to face the crowd. Dawn looked a little confused as a few of the warriors straightened up like they were expecting something to be given to them. After a short pause, Isamu walked forwards instantly heading towards Paul, holding his sword out to the boy.

"I give thee this title, Champion of the Clan," he said, "To the fierce and brave soul that will defend our leader and our clan for this generation. Use your skills to protect. Never fail. Never forget that our Clan rests in your hands."

Paul reached forwards to take the sword off Isamu. He grabbed the cold blade with his hand and carefully slid it out of its old master's hand. With a flick of the hand, the sword went up into the air, spinning slightly before coming back down. Paul caught it by the handle. He raised it above Isamu's head then bowed.

"I accept my title," Paul said.

Etsuo approached Reggie next, offering the sword to the younger warrior in the same way Isamu had down to Paul.

"I give thee this title, Conscience of the Clan," Estuo told Reggie calmly. He paused as he battled to keep his voice in check. "To the middle ground between fist and thought. Your guidance is key to the lives of our Clan. Guide your leader to make the right choices."

"I accept my title," Reggie said as he took the sword from Etsuo, but unlike Paul who had down a fancy trick with his, Reggie reached for the sword with both hands, turning it to face the right way then holding it above Etsuo's head.

Now it was Akiko's turn. She paused for a second to wipe another tear from her eye. Dawn noticed how everyone was now pushing forwards to see who Akiko would choose. Dawn guessed that Isamu's and Etsuo's choices were pretty clear with Paul and Reggie being Kiboji's brothers and all but Akiko's title could go to anyone. When she had finished wiping her face, Akiko walked forwards. Her eyes locked with Dawn, making Dawn tense a little. When the dark haired woman stopped in front of her, Dawn gulped.

"I give thee this title, Carer of the Clan," Akiko told Dawn in a soft tone, holding out her sword gently, "To the soul of caring, who will help those in trouble, who has helped those troubled. I give the Clan to thee. In your capable hands, may their troubles be eased."

"I-I accept my title," Dawn stuttered. She took the sword gently from Akiko who flashed her reassuring smile. Dawn then juggled with the sword until she was holding it by the handle. She quickly raised it above Akiko's head, causing Akiko to chuckle ever so slightly. Then the three older Akari stepped out of the way leaving the younger three to stare up at Kiboji.

"We three are the new council," Paul said, "The fist, the knowledge and the care of the Akari. We pledge ourselves to our Leader: Kiboji Akari, first son of Arashi and Sayuri. Our leader here after."

There was a pause as Paul stared at Kiboji. Kiboji was still staring down at his father's obi, his eyes wide and his hands trembling. When he failed to speak, Paul decided to prompt him.

"Do you accept your title?" Paul asked. Kiboji took a breath in, like Sayuri had done before, and raised his head to look at Paul. He looked from Paul to Dawn to Reggie.

"I accept my title," Kiboji said, "With honour."

Paul sheathed his sword in his obi, waiting for Dawn and Reggie to do the same. Dawn wondered briefly how she could do this without destroying her obi; after all she had never handled a sword before. She sheathed her sword in her tatted obi slowly. When she had done this, Paul reached his hand out to her. She took it straight away and allowed him to lead her towards the new Akari leader. Reggie followed robotically. When they reached Kiboji, they turned to face everyone else. Silence fell once again over the hall.

"All hail to the new leader," Isamu shouted. There was suddenly a flurry of movement and, like a ripple; people sank down onto their knees, bowing to their new leader. Sayuri, Akiko, Isamu and Etsuo were the last to kneel down, each casting the younger ones a reassuring and almost proud smile.

"Oh my Acres," Kiboji murmured, "I think I'm going to be sick."

"Do it if you want to," Paul replied quietly, "Just make sure you throw up on someone you don't like."

"Thanks, Shinji," Kiboji hissed, "Thanks a whole lot."

Dawn smiled as Paul grinned darkly. Even Reggie managed to smile at the exchange but only for a second. This was not the time for smiles.


The leaves were no longer gold and orange, they were mush on the floor and trodden into the grass. The trees stood bare, empty of all life it seemed. It was the remains of something once beautiful now gone for a time until everything would be reborn again. Then a warm autumn wind blew across Dawn's face as she looked up and down the small route leading towards Sunnyshore City. Wearing a thick pink coat with a white scarf, gloves and her trademark beanie hat, she shuddered without much reason. Her baby pink boots felt odd on her feet like they belonged to someone else even though she had worn them since setting off from Twinleaf Town so long ago.

"What am I doing here?" she asked, turning back round to stare at Paul. He had a bag slung over his shoulder, a grave look in his eye. "Are we going somewhere?"

"Yes," he admitted with a nod. Dawn frowned at him, putting her hands on her hips as she stared into his coal black eyes. Realisation hit her.

"Oh," she said, "You didn't say…"

"I'm sorry," Paul said, "But it was a… spur of the moment decision."

"I see," Dawn said. Paul ran a hand through his hair then shrugged the bag off his shoulder. He put it on the floor in front of her. She let out a sigh. "You're not coming with me, are you?"

"No," he said, "I'm going to train with a Churitsu Master. With Akiko going to work with Tatsu and the Kurai, there's no one to teach me at home. Isamu and Etsuo will be busy with Kibo and Rei so they won't have the time either seeing as he has his new duties. Sayuri is moving back to her old clan, for some reason or another, I didn't ask but she seemed rather adamant to go."

"And you're kicking me out?" Dawn asked.

"I'm giving you an opportunity," Paul replied, "Either you can travel for two years or you can stay with Kibo and Rei."

"I can't go with you?"

"Sorry, no. As much as I want you to be there… you can't," Paul said. Dawn bit her lip, sucking her tears back into her eyes. She let out a breath she just inhaled to stop herself crying.

"Two years?" Dawn asked.

"When we're eighteen we take our places in the Clan's council," Paul explained, "So you have two years to make the best of without me. Two years jerk free."

"Thanks, just what I always wanted," Dawn snapped sarcastically, "Just when I thought you really did love me, you do this."

"I'm sorry," Paul said. He stepped closer to her, cupping her face in his hands. She stared into his eyes to find he was just as sad as she was. "I don't want you to resent me."

"How could I ever-"

"You want to be a Co-ordinator," he stated, "And I want you to live up to your dreams but the moment we take our seats on the council, we stay there until the next one is named: when Kiboji dies. I don't know how long that may be."

"But I-"

"I know," Paul said, "And I do love you, Dawn."

"I love you too," she cried, tears falling down her cheeks. Paul smiled at her tears. They were so innocent and so painful at the same time. Slowly he moved his head forwards and captured her lips with his. She closed her eyes, pushing against his lips. Maybe if he was a different person he would have thought how her lips tasted of strawberries, some lip gloss she used, but he didn't. He merely kissed her, memorising the feeling of warmth. They stood like that for a few, blissful, seconds then they pulled away. Paul let go of her and picked up her bag. He handed it to her gently and she swung it over her shoulder.

Their eyes met suddenly making Dawn blush.

"You'll never be alone," he told her, "I'll never leave you."

"I know," she said with a smile, "See you in two years?"

He raised his hand to stroke her cheek. She leant into his hand snuggling against it until he withdrew it.

"Sooner," he said, "I won't be able to stay away for that long. Whenever I can, I'll come to see you."

"Thank you," she said, fresh tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Now go," Paul said, "Before you burst into tears and I have to hold you until you stop."

"I like the sound of that," Dawn laughed. Paul nodded in agreement but they both knew it would make this harder. Dawn bit her lip again. "Good bye, Paul."

"Bye, Dawn," he said.

A sudden spurt of courage flashed in her. She turned and strode off down the route with her head down, her fists clenched by her side.

"You better not forget me!" she yelled back at Paul, but she daren't look back at him. Paul smirked at her waiting for her to go out of view before he returned home.

"How could I?" he asked himself. Then with a puff of black smoke he disappeared into nothing.

Dawn's feet carried her all the way into the busy city without a single break. She never looked back once and she never shed a tear. The City was busy with people walking in all directions, going about their usual day. Dawn felt a little bit lost wondering where on Earth she could begin. For now she was on her own, without a friend in sight. Perhaps she should start at the contest hall, she thought; see when the next contest was on so she could start a fresh. She sucked up her courage and walked on past the Pokémon Centre.


She turned round, her blue hair whipping round. After a pause her face lit up into a wide smile as she recognised the person who had shouted her. Stood surrounded in the crowd were two boys, one tall brown haired breeder, the other a stubborn black haired trainer. They smiled and waved at her, waiting for her to join them. Dawn waved over at her old friends happily and suddenly, just for a second, it felt as though she had never left.

The End

Dawn and Paul will return in the sequel Kage.

But before I publish and get into writing this, I am going to be finishing both Puppet Master and Harmony of White Roses.

And now, my final note: A great big thank you to everyone who has read, reviewed, alerted and favourited this story. I hope you'll read the sequel when it is published. Look out for it!