I don't own ATLA.

Zuko, are we there yet?" Mai giggled. Zuko covered her eyes with his hands and lead her to the gardens. It was four months after the war. The gang was visiting Zuko at the palace. Mai often stayed with Zuko, but he never asked her to officially move in yet.

"Okay, this is my present for you!" Zuko whispered in her ear. He uncovered his hands. A beautiful white horse with a golden mane stood before them next to Zuko's own horse.

"Why would I want a smelly animal?" Mai asked.

"I just thought.."

"Well, you thought wrong." Mai turned away.

"What am I doing wrong?" Zuko sighed.

"Oh, what a beautiful horse!" Katara exclaimed. Zuko turned to see the young Waterbender running towards him and the horse. She grinned and patted the horse.

"What's your name?" Katara cooed. "Is she one of your new horses, Zuko?"

"No, it was supposed to be Mai's, but she doesn't like it."

"Why, she's beautiful!" Katara giggled as the horse licked her face.

"You can have her."

"Hmmm?" Katara said.

"Mai doesn't want her, so maybe you might like her."

"Like her? I love her!" Katara exclaimed. "Thanks Zuko!"

"Well, you'll need proper riding clothes!" Zuko blushed on how that came out.

Katara didn't notice. "But I really never ridden a horse before."

"I could teach you." Zuko offered.

"That'd be great!"

Katara's hair was tied in a long braid. She wore blue fitted tights and blue boots with red soles; she wore a silver shirt and a blue coat that was buttoned up by gold buttons going across her chest, and she had on silver gloves.

"Don't be nervous." Zuko wrapped his arms around Katara as she sat in front of him. She gulped and took the reins.

"Okay, let's go!" The horse took off.

"That was a great ride, Zuko!" Katara said. Katara, Zuko, and the horse were laying down watching the sunset.

"Why must she always say it like that?" Zuko blushed. "No problem."

"Isn't the sunset beautiful?" Katara asked.

Zuko nodded and smirked. "Funny, the last time I was here I was on a date with Mai; she hated the color." "Oh."

"Anyway, we should be leaving."

"Why?" Katara looked disappointed.

"That meeting your father wanted to have?"

"Oh yeah." Katara got on the horse with Zuko wrapping his arms around her.

Katara and Zuko entered the dining room laughing. The others who sat along the table had different expressions on their faces. Toph was smirking and Suki covered her mouth giggling. Aang, noticing how close his girlfriend was to another guy other than him, fumed. Iroh looked please. Sokka wasn't paying attention as he ate his food. Toph's parents didn't really care. Mai looked absolutely furious, and Hakoda's face held no emotion. Zuko, noticing the stares, straightened up and walked by to sit next to Mai. Katara went to sit by Aang, and they smiled at each other.

"So Dad, what's up?" Katara asked.

Hakoda cleared his throat. "Katara, as you know, when a woman becomes a certain age, she is supposed to marry."

"Yes, I know."

"Since you were traveling around with the Avatar, you never really got to meet the suitors."

"Wait, what?" Katara's face scrunched up.

"Katara, I have selected three men from each nation." Hakoda passed her the scrolls. "I was wondering if the Fire Lord would allow you to meet them here."

"Dad, how could you?" Katara cried.

"Don't worry Katara, I'm one of the suitors! All you have to do is play along and then, at the end, choose me!" Aang beamed. "I can't wait to start having kids with you!" Sokka started to choke on his food. Suki patted him on the back. It didn't help so Toph decided to do it. Her parents gave her disapproving looks.

"Well, we can't let Katara have all the excitement, Toph dear; we found the man you're going to marry!" Toph's mother announced.

"You can't do this to me!" Toph shouted.

"Toph, please understand, it was hard to find offers."

"So you just marry me off to anyone?" Toph accused. Toph knew that men would have a problem with her being stronger than them, but Toph was proud of her strength and independence.

"Toph, please understand.."

"Dad, I know I have to marry sooner or later, but I want to choose the guy."

"Toph, who would be better than the man your parents picked?"

"I can't marry him!"

"Why not?"

"Because she already has a boyfriend!" Suki spoke up. The whole table looked at her.

"Really, who?" Toph's mother asked.

"It's Sokka!" Suki said. Sokka was about to say something when Suki stepped on his foot.

"Since when has this been going on?"

"Toph didn't want to tell you guys yet!"

"Well, I guess warrior Sokka is okay, him being a war hero and all."

"You have my blessing," Toph's father said.

Toph's mother kissed Toph's cheeks and then Sokka's. "I can't wait to start planning!"

"Oh, I am so happy for you, but what about me?" Katara asked.

"Katara, keep an open mind to the choices!"

"I wish you had consulted me first without announcing it!"


"Well, I don't want to marry some guy named Chan!"

"Wait, Chan?" Zuko growled remembering he was one of the guys Zuko got into a fight with on Ember Island. "Katara can't marry him!"

"Why do you care?" Mai asked.

"Chief Hakoda, I respect you, but Chan is a bad choice!"

"He's the best choice out of the Fire Nation suitors."

"Even better than the Fire Lord?"

"What are you saying?" Hakoda raised an eyebrow.

"Chief Hakoda, may I try to win your daughters hand?"

"Zuko, what are you doing?" Mai hissed.

"Are you sure?" Hakoda asked. Zuko looked at Katara and nodded.

Please review my ATLA Pokemon story.