We were running towards Appa, all of our chests heaving; Aang is blowing on his bison whistle; Sokka was throwing his boomerang knocking the Fire Nation guards off of the Hippobirds; Toph was building a rock shield around them to protect them from the flames; while I was having a one on one spar with Zuko and we were both equally match, but the sun was high up and thunder cracked around us and we both knew it was almost time. The GAang knew to leave me and I know no one wanted to but I had to keep Zuko busy, he ambushed us while we resting in the lake, and unfortunately we never saw them coming.

"You filthy peasant!" Zuko growled as he shot fire balls at me with his fists, I quickly pulled water from the air and made an ice shield blocking the blasts.

"Is that all you can come up with? I may be a peasant, but at least I am not the one who is disowned as a child!" I screamed, and I had a gut feeling I had crossed a line there. His eyes narrowed as he sends a fire wall straight towards me, I barely manage crashing my water whip in the fire, making a big enough hole for me to slip through.

"You know nothing about honor you were raised in Hell's ice." He snarled back as he dodged my ice daggers. This time he dropped to the floor and swept his legs over the grass, and a fire ring came straight to me and it was growing larger by the second as I watched in horror. I jumped up in the air, back flipping in the air, but the fire burned part of my leg. I landed back on the grass but my body weight was too much and I fell holding my burnt leg. I see Zuko smile as he starts to stalk to me, but above us lightening crackled and it began to rain. Zuko watched my face as I began to grin; "What are you smiling about? You are the one injured."

"Ha! You don't know anything do you?" I sarcastically asked, the rain seeping through my sarashi. The rain began to glow blue as my burn was completely healed.

"What?" I heard him whisper, as I smile; the water encases my hands, turning to ice by my fingertips.

"Like I said you know nothing." I flicked my wrist and the icicles flew straight toward him, he knocked out the four but the one pierced through his shirt by his chest. He stumbled back taking it out as he heaves heavily.

"Let's get this over with." He growled as I smirk.

"Let's." We both ran at each other; my arms were encased in water having two large like tentacles while Zuko did the same but with fire. I launched my one out at him grabbing his ankle, but before I could yank, his tentacle had turned my water one into steam. I didn't have time to react as his other one slammed into the side of my neck burning the top of my sarashi and leaving a mark. I scream as the water drops, Zuko comes over as I tried to heal my burn but he immediately put a fire dome around us so no water was accessible.

"You are going to come with me."

"Never," I gasped out as I tried taking away the pain.

"Well, you don't have a choice." He responded as he drew his hand back and hit me across the head, I fall on the floor stars clouding my vision. "Damn it, you are not out yet are you? Guess I didn't hit you hard enough." I heard faintly, and right before I rolled out of the way I blacked out.

I awoke to movement beneath me, I peel my eyes open and immediately I see a Fire Nation insignia, I sit straight up but a pain erupted right through my chest. I clutch my burn as I grit my teeth, I look around for any sign of Zuko; none. I lift my hand up and I pull water out of the air and I put it across my burn; and immediately the soothing sensation healed my burn, completely. I smile to myself as I stand up running to the door. I press my ear to the door hearing nothing on the other side,

"Zuko you are a stupid man," I smile while pulling the door open and right before I could escape my face slammed into hard, metal armor. The person grabbed my wrists and held me there as I struggled. "Shit," I whispered as their hands were becoming encased in heat, I hold back a whimper as I felt the fire licking over my wrists. I look up at him and he threw me back into his room; I rub my wrists together as I saw the indentation.

"You didn't really think I was that stupid did you peasant?" Zuko spat out as I pulled water from the air and my burns began to quickly heal.

"Well, a girl can dream," I spat back, immediately before I had time to react he slammed me up against the wall my head slamming against the cool metal. My vision blurred for a second, and unfortunately that was all it took for Zuko to pull out a dart and stab it in my neck. I went limp as I felt my body beginning to drain, "Wh-what di-did yo-you d-do to m-me?" I barely got out as his arms wrapped around my body supporting me.

"I injected you with a poison that cuts you off from using your water bending for two hours," Zuko stated as he picked me up in a bridal style and carried me to his bed. "Don't worry in about ten minutes you will fine, but I needed you to be under control." I glared at him as I spit in his face; Ohh, so not the smartest move I could have done. He wiped away my spit from his eye as he grabbed my throat tightening his hold, "Listen here water witch, I don't have to keep you here. You could be downstairs in a cell where any of the guards could get to you, and I mean any." I continued to glare as he let go my neck while I took in a deep breath of air.

"When I get my bending back I am going to kill you," I gasp out as he walked to his door pulling it open.

"Well then I will just have to wait then," Zuko responded back as he shut the metal door behind him locking it.

"Great," I mumble as I look around his room, "Maybe there is something in here I can use," My eyes scan over the swords mounted on his wall. "That will do," I whisper as I took one of its placements. I carefully moved the blades in a swift motion; as I slashed the air I saw a faint inscription on the one blade. I squinted as I saw the initials BS . "BS?" I whisper as I began to think, "Who or what is BS?" As I was trying to think of what that meant I realized a big mistake Zuko made. My water bending is cut off, but not my other. But would I really resort to that just to get off this god forsaken ship? Damn Straight. My thoughts broke as I hear footsteps draw near Zuko's door; I quickly placed the swords back as I hid behind the door in a fighting stance. Here goes everything,

I saw Zuko step into the room, trying to find me; I took my elbow and slammed it into his head making him fall to the ground. I kicked him in the gut making him roll over, but as I saw his eyes lock onto mine, I knew I was in deep shit. I quickly slammed his door and locked it, I took off running down the halls as I felt the moon's presence above the metal; finally I came onto the deck to see a full moon. Perfect,

"Get back here you peasant!" Zuko yelled, "Guards attack her! Don't let her escape!" I saw Fire Nation soldiers file on the deck each in a battle stance each waiting to strike. I was backed into the front of the ship as Zuko walked on the deck steam literally coming from his nostrils as blood trickled down his neck. Oh, great now I did it. "Attack!" Zuko yelled, all the guards ran straight toward me as I got in a battle stance, Here I go.

Two men came from the side of me and both threw punches at me; I easily ducked under as I slammed by elbow in the back of each guard's knees making the crumble. I took each one of their heads and slammed my knee straight through the mask making each pass out. I dropped to the ground as a fire ball shot barely missed my head, I back flipped to another three guards and hit them in the sides making them go down, I hit each pressure point making them unable to bend. (Think of what ty Lee does while fighting, and has it ever occurred to you that Katara is a healer thus giving her the knowledge of the pressure points and exploiting that? Just a thought.)

I continued to duck, punch, and jump my way through each guard on Zuko's ship; I slammed my knee down on another's head making him fall to the ground. I look up to see Zuko with a menacing look on his face,

"If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself I guess." He snarled, he took off his outer armor as I shrugged my shoulders getting relaxed.

"Zuko don't make do this, you will lose." I say, but he laughs,

"I have nothing to fear from you Katara, you are low life peasant who needs to learn her place." He snarled back as I shook my head,

"You really should get to know your enemies better Zuko it will help you in the long run." I yelled back as he glared at me, I felt the heat radiate off his body.

"And you need to learn to shut up." I saw steam again come out of his nose, and I couldn't help but notice how muscled he was as took off his shirt leaving him shirtless. I kept a straight face without blushing at the sight of him, Get a grip!

"Just remember Zuko, do NOT underestimate me. I am not a pathetic girl, and I will get off of this boat one way or another." I smirk, my voice filled with confidence. Zuko smiled,

"When you beg me for mercy I will not give it to you."

"Like I would ever give in to someone to the like of you." Zuko yelled as he shot multiple fire blasts, I easily back flipped out of the way; as I looked around I saw him run straight towards me, and before I knew it he crashed into me making me fall to the ground, and I was underneath him.

"That was easy," He whispered in my ear as I shivered,

"Not even close," I slammed my knee up on his groin as he rolled off withering in pain. I quickly side stepped out of the way of another fire blast. He was up quicker than I had expected, but I maneuvered out of the way of his fists coming straight towards me, I dropped to the ground and used my feet to wrap around his and yank him down to the ship's ground, his face slamming into it. I flipped him over and straddled him, pinning his hands to each side of his. "So tell me how does it feel now?" I whisper and I could a faint shiver, but that was soon replaced with the feel of heat radiating off of him. I jumped off of him as the heat was becoming unbearable; I looked at the moon.

"This ends now!" He yelled as I saw him take a deep breath and move his hands in a circular motion, and I could see lightening forming.

"Yes it does," I smile, I take a deep breath getting ready; his hand shot out, and lightening was coursing its way through the air to me, but before it even touched me his hands were behind his back and he was kneeling. I moved my hands making him walk over to me as I saw his eyed widen in horror; "You weren't expecting that now did you?" I asked while grinning, feeling my ego boosted.

"Ho-How?" He asked while I saw his body shake in fear.

"It's called blood bending and I can't believe that THE Prince Zuko is cowering in fear from a 'peasant,' I will NEVER forget this moment." I responded as I clenched my hands tighter making him shriek as his body was becoming tighter. As I was about to kill him I didn't notice one of the guards come up from behind me and knocked me in the head I felt him pick me up and throw me across the ship. As I felt my stop from the force I looked up to see Zuko standing over me his lips turning into a smile. I tried to get up but Zuko kicked me in the ribs knocking me down, I grit my teeth as I grabbed on his legs and pull him down making him fall to the ship again. As I struggled to get up, Zuko had already pinned me under him and he had my arms above my hand and his legs on each side of my waist. He leaned down to my ear as I felt his hot breath trickle its way down the side of my cheek,

"It's over," I frantically tried breaking loose but his grip tightened, he yanked me to my feet as he twisted my hands around my back. "Guard! Help the men!" Zuko ordered as the guard was tending to others lying on the floor. Zuko pushed me into his room as he turned me around, my face right in front of his chest and I almost forgot how to breathe. "Listen to me, if you ever pull that stunt again I will kill your friends." He threatened,

"You wouldn't dare, you would have nothing on me then," I spat back while he squinted his eyes at me,

"You want to take that chance?" He asked as I struggled again but he pushed me up against the wall, and somehow I wanted to kiss him, I don't know why. I am losing my mind. He stared down at me as I looked at his golden eyes trying to find some type of emotion in them; Anger, Confidence, and Lust was behind his eyes as I saw him stare straight into mine.

"Zuko, please," I whisper, I don't know what made me do it but we both knew what I wanted and Zuko wasn't one to give up on a challenge. His lips crashed onto mine as his tongue darted in mine our tongues battling for dominance. My legs wrap around his waist pulling him in closer trying to savor him; his arms drop mine to plant his hands over my breasts. I moan silently as I felt his member grow harder by the second, my arms snaked their way around his head while arching my back as I felt his one hand trail down my stomach resting on the band of my blue shorts. "Zuko," I gasped out as he sucked on my neck,

"Katara, please," He moaned as I slipped my hand through his boxers resting on his member, feeling him harden. We heard a knock on the door, we immediately separate and I saw one guard come in,

"All of the men are bruised but no major injuries reported, Sir."

"Thank you that will be all," Zuko said, after the guard saluted and left, I look at him in horror realizing what I had just done. Zuko stomped his way out of his room, locking the door behind him, and I never saw him that whole night.