I told you I would interpret the dreams. Both Prue's and Phoebe's. It goes in order of when it appeared in the dream, for example the paper in Prue's dream would go before the butterfly.

I got all my interpretations from the book "Remembering & Understanding Your Dreams" by Craig Hamilton-Parker.


Party - Traditional interpretations say that this dream indicates that quarrels are ahead unless the party is exceptionally enjoyable.

Papers - a) blank papers - foretells a period of grief.
b) paper with writing on it - predicts great joy concerning a love affair.

Salt - Seers claim that it is particularly bad to dream of eating salt or lard, as these signify a serious argument.

Dance - To dream of dancing can be a mystical symbol. It can, for example, represent the eternal dance of the Hindu god Shiva, who symbolizes the eternal movement of time and the powers of creation and destruction. (It was exactly that in Prue's dream)

Butterfly - A butterfly may symbolize rebirth, inner beauty, and transformation. It may also represent romance, joy, freedom, and success. It is the essence of your true self. (in Prue's dream, The Source crushed the butterfly Prue was following. He was killing the real Prue, her true self. Get it?)

Descent (falling) - Since the earliest times, the descent into the underground world has been a symbol of man's search for divinity and spiritual empowerment.


Forest - Many fairy tales are set in the forest. Just like dreams, these stories represent exploring the world of the unconscious mind.

Crowd - Dreaming about a crowd may show that the worries and the problems of the world are pressuring on you.

Cutting (stabbing) - Dream oracles tell that to dream of being cut means that a friend will betray you.

Abdomen - blood warns of tragedy in the family.

Butterfly - see PRUE'S DREAM and look for Butterfly.

Crow - Associated with witchcraft, the crow is said to have the gift of prophecy. Some people believe that dreams that include crows foretell future events.