
Sasuke jumped nimbly from rooftop to rooftop as quickly as he could manage. He cursed himself for taking that last mission. He thought he would be back sooner than he was, but things don't often go according to plan. He had rushed back as fast as he could but found out he wasn't quite fast enough.

"Why did I have to take that stupid mission with Ino so close to her due date?" He thought angrily.

It was three years after their wedding that they decided they wanted another child. When Ino got pregnant she stopped going on missions and agreed to cut down her hours at the flower shop for Sasuke. That left him with the responsibility of taking on more missions so he could support his family.

No matter what he always promised he would be there to see his second son's birth, because he was certain it would be a boy. Then with just one week left he was offered another mission. They discussed it and in the end he decided to go, thinking it would take him two days at most to complete.

Four days later Ino went into labor and Sasuke had still not returned.

"I'm gonna kill him!" She screamed from her hospital bed. Sakura was by her side holding her hand and trying to calm her down.

"Yes, Ino, use that rage to-"

"Shut up, Forehead!" Ino shouted.

Out in the waiting room Inoichi sat beside his five year old grandson.

"Grandpa, when will Dad get here?" He inquired.

"I don't know kiddo." He replied. Then he turned away and mumbled under his breath, "That good for nothing…"

"Where's Ino!" Sasuke shouted as he burst through the doors.

"Daddy!" Haro jumped up and ran over to his father.

"Hey Haro, I missed you but I really have to go find Mommy right now." He said patting his son on the head. "Inoichi, where is she?" He asked urgently.

"Last room to the left." He instructed with a frown. Sasuke ignored the disapproval in his father in law's face and took off down the hall.

"Ino!" He called as he rushed through the door. She glared at him venomously.

"What the hell took you so long!?" She screeched. Sakura rushed over to him.

"She's your problem now." She whispered. "I'm going to update everyone on your progress, Ino." She said and then she moved out the door.

"You're almost done." The medic said soothingly. Sasuke rushed over to the side of the bed and grabbed Ino's hand.

"I'm so sorry I'm late." He said. She took a deep breath before responding.

"That's all right. At least you're here now." Then she was another contraction and her grip on his hand tightened painfully. Only his vast amount of self control kept him from crying out in pain. And for the next ten minutes there was plenty of pain to be had, all around.

Finally after many painful hours the medic held up their healthy baby.

"Congratulations, she's perfectly healthy." The woman said handing the swaddled infant to Ino. Sasuke smiled at the baby for a moment then frowned.

"Wait, she?" He asked incredulously. Ino just smiled at her daughter and held her close. The medic laughed then left the room. Sasuke sank down on the bed beside his wife and stared at his daughter. "So, not a boy?" He said slowly, still trying to come to terms with the news.

"Nope, she is a perfect little girl." Ino said happily. "Do you want to hold her?" She asked.

"Of course." He replied gently taking the infant from his wife's arms. She smiled at him as he stared down at the beautiful face of his daughter. She had blue eyes like Ino and dark hair like him. "What are we gonna name her?" He asked glancing up at Ino.

"Why don't you pick something?" She said as she rested her head. He looked at the baby for a minute, trying to see what name would fit her.

"Could we name her Mikoto, after my mother?" He asked. She smiled at him.

"Absolutely, I think that is a good idea." She replied. She reached out for the baby and Sasuke set her gently in Ino's arms again. "Hello Mikoto, welcome to the world."

There was a knock on the door and Inoichi walked in with Haro at his side.

"Well?" He asked. Haro rushed around the bed to his father.

"Dad, this is Mikoto, our daughter." Ino explained. He walked over and smiled down at the baby.

"Mikoto Yamanaka?" He asked hopefully.

"Mikoto Uchiha." Sasuke said. They glared at each other for a moment.

"Daddy, I wanna see the baby!" Haro exclaimed. Sasuke lifted his son onto the bed beside his mother and he stared wide eyed at his new sister.

"Haro, this is your baby sister, Mikoto." Ino explained. His little jaw dropped at the thought of being a big brother.

"That's so cool!" He gushed. He reached out and gently touched her little round cheek. "She's so squishy!" The adults chuckled.

"Want to hold her, Dad?" She asked. He picked her up and cradled her in his arms.

"She looks just like you, baby." He said. Ino smiled then yawned. "You must be exhausted. We can come back later to see you." He said handed Mikoto off to Sasuke. "Come on, kiddo. Let's let Mommy get some sleep."

After they left Sasuke gently set Mikoto down in the crib and sat beside Ino on the bed.

"I'll bet you're tired too, from your mission." She said. He smiled at her innocently.

"I'm sorry. I will never leave one week before our baby is due ever again, I swear it." He said. She laughed at him then yawned again. "Get some sleep; you'll have to face the masses tomorrow." He kissed her on the top of her head and pulled the blanket up over her. "I love you."

"I love you too."

The End!

And there we have it. I hope you all enjoyed my little tale. Now go read my other story if you haven't already! Love ya'll. Until Next TIME!