On to the big finale. This will be the last chapter of my story. I hope everyone has liked it and thank you to all who have left reviews. I have loved every one of them.

Chapter 28: The End

The world will always keep turning. No matter how hard we want time to stop and spend the time we have with the ones we love. No matter how much we wish for it to happen, it never will. Time is finicky and troublesome, but we have always endured. Life is fleeting and so is the memories we try so desperately to hold on to.

The end comes for us all. No matter what we do to try and prevent it. But.. there is that one slim chance that you could find a golden orb that could change that forever...

A soft breeze blew through the burned out place that once housed a multimillion dollar complex, kicking up ash into the air. No one had come back to the shell to see if any had lived. For they knew if assassins were involved, chances are there would not be.

The ground stood ruined and burned. Nothing grew and no life came near. For years, it stood this way, until the ground began to stir one morning. Ash and small bits of burned wood were moved, like something was below.

A woman, covered in the ash of the fires, rose from wherever she had dug herself from. Confusion set in as she looked over her surroundings and then at herself. Clothes barely covered her, but her skin was clear and undamaged.

A fractured mind tried to recall who she was or what had happened to her in this place, but nothing would come. Darkness was all that greeted her. She did not even know her own name, or who she was before she woke up in the darkness. Voices she had a feeling she knew flowed in and out of her mind. Faces that she should know the name of, were in her waking mind.

She looked out at the damage and counted herself lucky she was alive. She did the only thing she could think of. She began to walk towards the distant lights.

Time is strange. It can make you, break you, or completely remake you. When you reawaken from one life and are thrown into a new one, you fight your demons and move on. You live with the 'What could have beens' and live for the 'What could be'.

We all must see through the mists and see the truth for what it really is. Nothing is true. Everything is permitted. Words apart have no real meaning, but together, open a whole new outlook on life itself. A quote worth repeating. 'Life's not about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.' Take what it throws at you and smile. Be happy you are drawing breaths, because that can change in an instant.

Distant thunder could be heard over the roar of the city. A storm was fast approaching, and high above the streets, there was no shelter from the coming rain. A lone figure watched from above as he thought about his life. There was nothing to it anymore. The joy gone, and the life he lead was dull and unfulfilling.

Nothing made sense. There was nothing in his heart but cold emptiness and snow. It was winter all year long in his body, for he had no warmth in him any longer. Long ago, he had left the only people that knew him, knew of him. They quit searching for him years ago. All but three, moved on. They found love, started families.

He, on the other hand, had no one. Not anymore. No thanks to the Templar bastards that took everything from him, not once, but twice now. He now saw it as his mission to wipe them all out. To destroy them for what they took of his. To watch as they see what they put him through. Starting with the top.

No words can be said for the people that we lose in our lives. Time rolls on and we learn to live with it. It is hard, to loose a loved one that is so dear to you. When Death himself says it is time for them, you can not stop him, no matter how hard you try.

There are exceptions to every rule though. Loopholes that can be exploited. You can get away from Death, but at what cost? To loose yourself? To loose everything you hold dear? Could you live with that? Would you want to live with that?

We all have a mark to bare. To do something before our end. Today, it was not ours.