A/N: Solomon is my favorite character. I wish he had lived. Truly a gentle soul - when he wasn't killing people.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Enjoy, R&R!

The Cat

He stared at the cat. The cat stared back. Neither blinked, gazes locked. He felt a slight respect for the pathetic creature in front of him. The alley cat, a painfully thin, filthy beast, glared at him with a fierce defiance, the grim determination to stand its ground radiating out from every muscle, despite the fear that made it tremble.

Slowly, he knelt down in the filthy alley and held his hand out towards the cat. The cat hissed, but did not back away. "Here kitty, kitty," he crooned. The cat just stared. He wiggled his fingers. "You remind me of someone. Like you, she fights even though she's scared."

The cat blinked.

He sighed, giving up on his attempt to woo the cat. Straightening up slowly, he pulled out the piece of chicken he'd bought earlier that evening.

The cat watched his every movement with distrust.

Moving slowly, he set the chicken leg down an arms length away. The cat regarded him carefully for a moment, then darted forward and seized the leg, growling fiercely as it backed away with its prize. The man sighed gently. "Yes, that's right. You should hide now." As if it understood him, the cat glanced behind him before darting down the alley, chicken firmly locked in its jaws.

"What are you doing down here? Come now, it's time to leave."

The man watched the cat disappear. At least it had known a true predator when it saw one. He sighed, shoulders slumped in resignation. "Of course, Brother." Solomon followed Amshel out of the alley and into the night.