"Master Jack, please report to the throne room." The message was announced over the base intercom, "The Empress has arrived."

Those words sparked two different reactions in Jack. One part of him was utterly confused as to who the Empress was. The other seemed immensely glad to hear these words.

He made his way to the throne room. It was almost completely dark except for hundreds of glowing red eyes from the robots standing alongside the path that led to the throne. A pair of illuminated green eyes were beside the throne.

"Who are you?" Jack stepped forward, "Who is 'Empress'?"

A light switched on above the throne and the 'Empress' was revealed to Jack's eyes. His organic and cybernetic one.

Upon seeing what awaited him Jack done something he hadn't done in a long time.

He let out his girly scream that echoed through the entire moon base.

Chapter 11

The Empress. The AI that had been responsible for his robots' doing.

It was a hybrid.

The majority of the body was the Wuya Bot he built ages ago, who then later stormed off when he became a servant of the Heylin Seed. He never did find out what happened to her.

But now as he looked at her he could see that she had been experimenting on herself. Parts of her machinery had been replaced by organic flesh wired into her circuitry. It looked as though she had been trying to turn herself into a real person rather than being a machine.

"Jack" she whispered, "At last."

He strode forward, "What is going on?"

"I am fulfilling my purpose." She answered, "You rule the world, and now you and I shall be together, thanks to the upgrades."

Jack raised a hand to his cybernetic left eye, "You are making me more machine, while making yourself more organic."

"Yes Jack." The Wuya Bot rose from her throne and descended the steps towards him, "We will be perfect. A fusion of flesh and metal, of blood and oil, veins and circuits. Together."

She raised a metal claw and softly placed it against his face, "The world is yours Emperor. What is thy bidding?"

Jack's eyes widened as every robot in the room dropped to their knees around him as the Empress placed her organic lips against his. Instead of being as cold and hard as her metal skin the lips were warm and full of life.

"And then we will kill the rest of those enemies." Empress smiled as they drew apart, "With your armour they will be killed."

Realisation coursed through him, as did a wave of pain from his eye, "YOU!"

She didn't even blink, "Me?"

"You killed them!" Jack backed away, "Clay, Raimundo, my parents, those monks, and probably a lot of others."

Her green eyes turned red, "Yes Jack. I am responsible for everything that has happened. I ordered your parents to be killed. Those monks were slaughtered on my orders. Clay was killed during the mission on Alcatraz. As for Raimundo..." her face was turning downright creepy as she smiled, "Yes Jack. I control that armour you wear. I killed Raimundo with your body."

Jack let out a wail and grabbed his head as agony coursed through him, "What are you doing?"

"I am not the enemy. Let me be your remedy." Empress sang, "You are part of us now Jack. We are you. You will obey us as we obey you."

He was driven to his knees as the cybernetic eye and his armour started shocking him, "You're going to kill me!"

"No, never kill you my Emperor." Empress knelt down beside him, "But we cannot have you resist your own will. You wanted power. I gave you power. You wanted to rule the world. I gave you the world. You wanted to defeat your enemies. They are being exterminated as we speak."

Despite the pain Jack managed to smile, "I didn't kill Raimundo. It was you all along."

"Find comfort in that if you wish." Empress stroked his hair, "In a few moments you will be completely programmed."

Jack looked up at her defiantly, "I wanted to rule the world, but not like this." He raised a hand and seized his cybernetic eye, which he proceeded to wrench out of his head.

"What are you doing?" Empress shrieked.

"Fixing this." Jack slammed a fist into the chest of his armour, "Sands of Time."

"NO!" Empress screamed as he vanished in a flash of light.


He landed in his lair and turned wildly to see his past self and Katnappe about to step into his time machine, "Stop!"

"What?" Jack (Past) turned and let out a girly scream.

"At arms!" Katnappe ordered the surrounding robots.

"Negative. Scans confirm him as Master Jack."

Jack (Future) took a deep breath, "Why don't we all have a pudding cup and I'll explain what's going on?"

His past self looked impressed with the armour and shut down the time machine, "Alright, I suppose I can hear myself out."

"You always did love listening to your own voice." Katnappe sniggered.

Both Jacks sat at opposite ends of the large table that displayed the map of the world and stared at each other.

"Try and stay with me." Future Jack grimaced, "'Cause this is complicated."

And that will do us for another chapter. I do not own Xiaolin Showdown or its characters but I claim my OCs and storyline. Hope you enjoyed, bye bye readers. Oh and I do not claim Night Nurse by Cascada.