Summary: Another take on how Dom and Letty could have met and hooked up.

A/N: I think I'm going to make this a series of shorts that exist in the same universe, that have some elements of the actual storyline, but deviate into my own 'LaLa Land' as well. I don't plan on doing to much editing, so any boo boos are all me…don't Judge!


"Who's here tonight?" Dom asked, leaning over so Vince could hear him through the music.

"The usual's brother. Monica, Erica, and Denise are the better perspectives. As a matter of fact, Monica's looking at you now." He smirked, dapping fist with Dom.

"Alright, let me go grab a beer and I'll get started on that." He laughed, walking into the kitchen. As he reached into the chest to fish out a Corona, he could hear a crowed of folks in his backyard, lots of hoot and hollers and laughter. He peaked in the back and all he managed to see were a crowed of guys, some whispering and trying to peer over shoulders of others to look at something.

His curiosity got the best of him, so he went to the door, opening it and stepped down the steps. He could hear conversation, and chatter and then he heard,

"Give me a break. Everyone knows that a civic with a blown engine can smash a crotch rocket, Four wheels always beat two." The feminine voice said. A guy responded with,

"What type of engine does this car have, sweet face?"

"How about a 2JZ and I'm not anyone's sweet face, ass." All the guys laughed then and Dom made his way through them to see what the commotion was.

As she came into view, he noticed she was beautiful, in a very edgy way. Her hair was pulled atop her head in a messy bun, and she wore a black cropped turtleneck, a wide expanse of tanned stomach exposed in his view. Her cargo pants hung low and loose on her tiny hips, and black combat boots on her feet. She was predatory, that much was for certain and her full lips looked ripe enough to suck.

The sexy part was the 'I don't give a fuck' smirk she wore on her face, her feline eyes, cutting right through the guy who called her sweet face.

"Hey, Dom." Alex Ortiz greeted, holding his hand out to Dom. "I see my crazy cousin got your attention as well." He laughed.

"Cousin? I ain't never seen you with a cousin? Where's she from?" He asked, eyes still locked on her. Alex laughed.

"Definitely not locked in the family dungeon. Leticia's from the Bronx. She's here visiting for a while. Our grandmother is sick." He informed, shaking his head as the guys talked more shit on the 'sweet face' guy.

'Sweet Face" regained his composure, and was ready to test her again, when Dom stepped forward stopping the guy.

"And in this Civic, while you're racing, when do you hit your NOS?" Dom asked, turning the attention to himself. Everyone hushed and stepped back, leaving an air of space for him and Letty.

She eyed him appreciatively, and smirked,

"Never. If you know what you're doing behind the wheel, a real man who knows his stick won't need it."

Dom broke into a throaty laugh then, his arms crossing over his chest.

"She's right. Name's Dom." He introduced, stretching his hand out to her.

"That's nice." She smirked, brushing past him, leaving a huge smile on Dom's face as he shook his head, running his hand over his bald cranium. 'A breath of fresh air', he thought.

He turned to watch her then, as she playfully punched Alex in the shoulder and he threw an arm around her neck, escorting her back into the house. Before she disappeared into the door, she glanced back at him, his face serious, and lustful. She raised an arched eyebrow, before laughing out loud and allowing Alex to pull her inside.

Things were about to get real interesting.

Hours Later

Leticia had been under watchful eyes of her cousin and his friends. They stood in the kitchen, kidding around, and telling stories of her life in New York.

From what Dom was able to gather, she was twenty, daddy's little girl, and loved nothing more than grease under her fingernails. He was surprised he liked her instantly. She seemed secure in herself, and like loads of fun. His usual pattern with girls was love them and leave them until they recycled themselves back into his bed. Sadly, he wasn't against monogamy; however, the right woman hadn't crossed his path. He took the liberty of walking into the kitchen as a few of the guys stepped outside to smoke, not wanting to disrespect Dom's house.

"You enjoying yourself?" He asked gruffly, reaching over her to set his beer on the counter.

"I was." She stated playfully, pushing a fallen hair behind her ear. "This your house?"

"Yes. You want a tour." He offered.

"Not of the inside. I noticed a monster in the garage out back, though." She smirked, stepping up to him, but still keeping enough space so they remained un-touching.

Naturally, her grabbed her hand, leading her through the crowd of people out the back door and over to the garage. He let her go to fully open the doors. She gasped at the Charger. She ran a slow finger over the hood, whistling at all of the obvious custom work that had gone into it.

"She's beautiful." She finally spoke, looking at the car.

"Yes she is." He responded, looking at her as she admired the car.

"With a car with this much muscle, why put NOS in her?" she turned, questioning his choice. He shrugged.

"Why not?" He challenged, as her eyes lit up. She took a moment, choosing her words carefully.

"Only pussys run NOS in a car like this." She challenged, waiting to see his reaction. He didn't disappoint. His nose flared, and he crossed his arms over his chest again.

"Sounds like a judgement from a little girl who's never been in a car with wings." He countered.

"No, I have a Nissan with two NOS tanks." She replied, and he was confused.

"Well wouldn't that make you a pussy then too?" he asked, following the logic in her statement.

She laughed then, stepping up to him so they were touching.

"Dom, I do have a vagina, you know." She reminded and he broke into another laugh. That was twice in one night. He almost never had this much fun with women, except for Mia.

"That you do." He chuckled.

"So when do I get to drive her?" She asked, smiling with her eyes and her mouth. It was his turn to play with her now.

"When you can handle driving something just as wild." He smirked, watching her face.

"I know how to drive, I assure you." She reasoned.

"You'll have to prove it. A man is an extension of his car. When you can take me, and I mean all of me, you can get the keys to it." He replied, pulling his hand up to move a hair in her face for her. She caught it, smiling,

"Well I guess you'll pick me up tomorrow at 6. I'm only here for a few weeks and I want to put lots of miles in." And she turned, walking back into the house, leaving him to his own thoughts.

Fin…for now…