hi there! i thought i'd try this fic, since the idea has been inside my head for quite a while now. I'll be calling Keroberos - Kero sometimes, just cos it's a tad shorter! Please, enjoy!

disclaimer:- i own none of the cardcaptors characters, they all belong to CLAMP and whoever else makes the show/comics!

"What is wrong my friend?", Keroberos lay beside Yue, the stars glistening in the sky, their knowing light reflecting brightly on Yue's saddened face.
Yue turned away from the winged beast, his silver hair rippling in the wind. He was in no mood to talk to the persistant Keroberos, he had other things on his mind. His own thoughts and dreams flared passionately within his heart, but he chose not to share them with others.
"Yue?", Kero whispered,"Please, tell me what is wrong. I am worried about you, your face, it's paler than normal, as if your life force is ebbing away from within."
"I am fine", Yue replied in a cold hard voice, wishing for his friend to leave him alone with his thoughts.
Kero stood, his wings fluttering slightly in the night breeze."Do not lie to me Yue, guardian of the moon", he snapped, growing impatient with him,"I can tell when you are upset. Now, i demand you tell me your problem this instant."

Yue turned, and gave his commerade a hardened stare."My buisness is my own Keroberos", he replied sharpely,"Keep out of it."
"Not until you tell me what troubles you Yue", Kero returned, his face flushing red in the cold wind.
"What troubles me", Yue spat,"What troubles me.....you have no perseption of the meaning of trouble......your life has always been perfect Keroberos......unlike mine."

Kero looked surprisedly at Yue."What do you mean Yue?", he asked, his voice filled with newly found concern for the winged man.

Yue stiffled a chuckle."You wouldn't understand if i told you Keroberos. Your mind is too small, for you keep focused on the single task in hand, whereas my mind......is free to wander."

"Explain to me", Kero asked, sitting solidly on the ground, the river shimmering in the moonlight."You were always Clow Reed's favourite......always the best......i could never do enough to please him. Many, many times in the past i have wished that i was you, for then i could have recieved some of the praise you earned, for doing nothing."

"Nothing?", Yue questioned, his voice becoming hollow as he began to sink into dispair,"You think i earned that praise from Clow Reed for no reason? You are grossely mistaken Keroberos. I had to do something.....give up the thing i valued most in the world."
Kero stared on intently, as Yue's mind began to wander back to the days when his master had still been alive.


"Yue?", Clow Reed whispered,"Yue? Where are you?"
Yue cowered timidly behind the bookshelf in his master's vast library, hoping that the volumes of magic would conceal his presence. He felt his hands shaking slightly, even as he contemplated what could happen next.
Clow Reed continued to prowl around the house, a smile embedded onto his fair, striking face. This was all a game to him.......there was no fear......no anxiety......only victory played on his brilliant mind. "Yue?", he called once more, his soft voice striking fear into the moon guardian's heart,"Yue? We must talk."
Still, Yue shrouded behind the shelves, pulling in his wings, their vast width silently disapearring into Yue's slender figure.
Clow Reed glanced around the library as he entered, feeling the presence of the guardian at once. He jokingly closed his eyes, and called out blindly for his 'friend', willing him to come closer.
Yue held his breath, but inside he knew it was too late, he had no chance of escape now, for his master had felt his presence, and there was no exit from the master's will.
Clow Reed sighed, his face slowly changing from a grin to a slight frown. He had no time for this sort of thing, he would just have to bring Yue directly to him."Yue!", he called, he voice carrying throughout the vast halls of the house,"Yue! I command you to appear here, in front of me! Do it now, for i wish to speak with you!"
Despite fighting the command with every instinct in his body, Yue could feel himself teleporting to his master. His magic was not as powerful as the master's own. He had been created to serve, and, unfortunately, Clow Reed took advantage of this particular trait very often.

He gradually appeared in front of Clow Reed, looking down at his shoes, he did not dare to look his master in the eye.

Clow Reed smiled as he slid his hand down Yue's tender cheek. He directed his servant to the nearest armchair, and sat him down firmly."Did you not hear me call for you Yue?", his voice alight with mock sympathy for the poor creature.

"No Master", Yue replied untruthfully,"I did not. I am sorry."

Suddenly, Clow Reed slapped Yue's cheek, lighting up the pale skin with flaming red strokes."Do not lie to me Yue!", he spat in disgust,"I know you heard me call for you, why did you not approach me?"

Yue lifted his hand to his swollen bone, a tiny tear spilling from his eye. He brushed away quickly, he was used to being treated like this. "I swear Master", he replied quietly,"I did not hear you."

Clow Reed gave a half smile, for, as displeased as he was with Yue's behaviour, he admired the guardian's spirit. "I am sorry Yue", he lied, a hint of malice in his voice,"I must have been wrong. Here, why don't you lie down on this, and i shall treat your injury."

Yue stayed on his chair warily."My injury does not need treatment Master", he mumbled, averting his gaze from Clow Reed,"It's fine. I shall go and fetch Keroberos, we must get started on dinner."

Clow Reed lifted his hand, and pushed Yue roughly to the ground."You are going nowhere Yue", he hissed into his victim's ear."You will stay right here with me."

Yue whimpered, as he tryed to force Clow Reed's hand away, but the man only pushed him back to the ground.

"What's wrong Yue?", Clow Reed said with a snicker,"Don't the things we did three days ago mean anything to you?"

Yue said nothing, he could feel the sweet smell of his master descending upon him, the magical vibrations alighting his soul. All he could do was murmer a soft response."No.......", he mumbled, under the influence of Clow Reed's magic.

Clow Reed pressed his body against Yue's own, running his fingers through the guardian's silver hair. Yue gasped, his eyes flickering in horror as he realised what was happening to him. The master of the Clow cards grasped Yue by the throat and pressed his lips roughly against Yue's own. There was silence in the library as Clow Reed's cold, hard tonuge flickered in and out of Yue's mouth, warming the moon guardian's ice cold lips.

Finally, Clow Reed lifted his mouth from Yue's own. Yue panted, for he had not taken a breath for several moments. Clow Reed smiled silently. "This isn't going to hurt Yue.....i promise......"
Yue froze as he felt his master begin to undress him. He choaked back a sob as Clow Reed desended upon him, knowing what was happening, but unable to do anything about it.

***************************End Flashback******************************************

"He raped you?", Keroberos said in disbelief, his heart filling with grief for his friend,"Why didn't you tell me before?"
"I...i couldn't", Yue replied, tears running down his face."I just couldn't........"

*****************Same Flashback, Moments After***************************************

Thunder clapped outside the library window as Clow Reed finally lifted himself from Yue's weary body. The Clow master had taken all he could get from Yue, and so had surpressed his hunger for now.

Yue couldn't speak, silent tears just poured down his face as he lay on the floor, unable to move, unable to feel........unable to do anything."
Clow Reed hauled Yue to his feet, ignoring the tears that ran freely down his dirty face. "Can you accept me now Yue? Do i mean something to you now...........?", he spat in his servant's face.

Yue tryed to turn away, but Clow Reed grabbed him by the neck, forcing him to stay still. "You used me!", Yue croaked, shaking his head furiously at his master,"I do not care for you like that.......you have destroyed me!"

Clow Reed gazed at his servant in astonishment."Do you not love me Yue?", he snarled, his hand squeazing the guardian by the neck.

"I feel nothing for you!", Yue cried as he broke free of his master's grip.

Clow Reed's hand fell freely as his servant ran down the corridor, his heart shattering into a million pieces. He spun on his heel, hot tears burning in his eyes. "I shall have my revenge on you, Yue!", he snarled, flicking through his magical books."I forsee your furture my servant......i see you love.......i shall cast a spell, forbidding the love you crave most dearly. You shall see her.....touch her.....smell her.......but you shall not love her!"
The Clow master began to weave his spell, sowing it into his magical book in golden thread, each letter thickened, making sure the spell could not be broken.
When his task was over, Clow Reed stood over his magical book and cackled. He would make sure that Yue would never recieve what he craved again. But as he made the final adjustments to his spell, he was unaware that Yue was watching, his own heart sinking deep into his breast.

****************************End Flashback*******************************************

Keroberos sat, dumbfounded at what Yue had just told him."But....but why.......", he spluttered,"What do you mean......a spell?........He cast a spell to make sure that you could never recieve the love you craved again? I can't believe that our master could do such a thing!"

Yue sat, locking eyes with Keroberos."Well", he finally said,"Now you know."

Kero moved toward Yue, embracing him lovingly. He glanced at his friend in puzzlement."Why do you tell me this now Yue? What has brought on this confession?"

Yue sighed as he gazed at the stars once more."I can feel it."
"Feel what?", Kero replied, his heart as confused as his head.
"Love", Yue replied in a word, saddned, even by the thought of it.
"For who?", Kero said, stunned by Yue's words, his own mind at once trying to figure out who the person was.
"I cannot tell you this now Keroberos", Yue sighed as he flew off into the night,"For i have told you too much already. You shall find out my heartbreaker........most probably when it is too late."
"Too late?", Kero whispered,"Wait Yue! Come back!"
But it was too late, for Yue was already gone, he had flown into the darkness of the night.

Well, i really hope you liked that, what did you think? Thanks for reading! next part out soon!