Midna lurked in Link's shadow as he walked through the catacombs of the Temple of Time. Even though in some places there was no light from the outside world, she still preferred to stay in his shadow. She couldn't see too much from the shadow unless she rose, but even then, it wasn't much. Midna didn't really care for what was going on, unless Link needed her for his wolf transformation.

As a result, it wasn't until the couple had fought a Darknut that Midna had become active. The Darknut was Link's most difficult foe to date, and she had thought that he actually stood a chance of defeat. However, like many enemies before, Link managed to slay the Darknut, and claim the prize it was guarding, a massive blue gilded treasure chest. Instead of kicking it open like he did with the smaller ones, he bent over, and opened it. The golden magical light of the treasure inside shone over him. He reached in and pulled out a magical rod, inscribed with the words "Rod of Dominion" on the side. He swung the rod, activating a large stone statue nearby. After a few minutes of tsting how it worked, he figured out how to get the statue out of the room through a giant golden bell hanging from the ceiling.

Midna, however, was not impressed with the rod, and instead had her attention on something else in the room. While Link was fighting the Darknut, she had heard something, a small crying sound from a corner, which was quickly drowned out again by the sounds of the warriors duelling. As Link left the room, Midna rose from his shadow, hoping he wouldn't notice she was gone.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are..." She crooned, trying to find out what the noise was. Out of the corner of her eye, there was a sparkle. "Come here, I won't hurt you..."

The sparkle, instead of just being a trick of the light, actually moved, and floated into the center of the room. "Who...who are you?" It said, sounding as if it was trying to stop crying. "And what do you want from me?"

Midna frowned. She wasn't used to comforting things. "There...there..." She said, trying to sound as reassuring as possible. "What's your name?"

The sparkle flew around Midna's head, trying to get a good look at her. "My name...I'm Navi. I'm a fairy."

Navi. Why did that name sound familiar? Midna couldn't place her finger on where she had heard that name before. "Why are you crying?" She asked, hoping to tryy and jog her memory.

Navi sniffed. "About...one hundred years ago...To this day, the Dark Lord was defeated by a good friend of mine. He was..." She paused to shake away some tears. "He was my best friend, and he just had to go! He disappeared from me! One song on that ocarina by that princess and he was gone!" She burst into tears again.

Midna wisely chose not to say anything, instead reaching out a hand to Navi. She floated into her hand, collapsing on it. Midna brought her hand close to her chest, in a sort of hug. "And why are you here? Couldn't you go and find him?"

"No. I knew what that ocarina did to him. It took him back to his time, his original time. And I thought...I thought that maybe, maybe he would come looking for me, once he was older again, but he didn't! He forgot about me! His best friend!" She broke off at that, shaking off a few more tears.

Midna looked at the pitiful fairy in her hands. She actually felt bad for the thing. "You could come with me, I'll find your friend." She suggested.

Navi, flew upwards, suddenly hopeful. "Really? You could do that?" Even though Midna couldn't see it, Navi was smiling, instead of crying.

"Sure, let's go! I'm sure he'll be easy to find!" Midna said, before heading for the door.

AN: I wrote this for a friend in an effort to improve my writing. I was supposed to pick a couple and write about them. I have no idea why I chose Midna and Navi. I don't even think they'd make a good couple. Please review, as always, I like to know your opinions.