A/N: I based this off the song "Always a Woman to Me" by Billy Joel. The song lyrics will be in italics and in the actual paragraph because it is used in the narrative. So look out! This is also a multi-chapter fic so the whole song isn't in a chapter. enjoy

C.C Babcock reclined on the green loveseat as she looked over the piles of scripts on Maxwell Sheffield's large oak desk. She observed her fellow producer thoroughly read the script in the cream folder on top of the stack of scripts. Of course, she had already read through them, but she was much more productive than her partner. Suddenly, the door slammed open as Fran and Niles paraded into the office. The wife of Maxwell Sheffield took her seat at the edge of the desk. Her skirt rose up higher than necessary as she crossed her legs which caused a distraction for Maxwell. The nasally voice of Fran peirced the air, and despite the fact that C.C ignored whatever Fran had said to her husband, C.C was aware that it would be a distraction to their work.

C.C heard Maxwell respond lovingly to Fran, "Oh, I'd love to darling, but I do have a lot of work that needs to get done." C.C examined how he tenderly placed his hand under his wife's chin and his apologetic smile to Fran's pleading brown doe-eyes.

"But this is so important to me and ma," Fran begged as she glanced at Niles for assistance. He was always scheming and loved making Miss Babcock's life a living hell. He certainly had a plan that would benefit his best friend and torture his nemesis.

Niles poured a cup of tea and handed it to Maxwell. "Darling, I need to get these scripts read. I need a next big hit," Maxwell explained to his wife as he took the cup of tea. He reclined in his green chair as he wished there was a solution to their dilemma.

Niles grinned evilly, "Well Sir, if I may suggest, why don't you have Miss Babcock read through them and pick out the best ones. Then tommorow, you could read through those and make an executive decision." C.C scowled as she rose out of her relaxed posistion. Her body was tense with anger, and her eyes glinted with pain that she planned to cause Niles.

"Oh could you, C.C?" Maxwell asked, "It would mean so much for Franny and I." As much as his business partner did not want to do more work in the office, she did not feel as though she could say no.

Niles saw the fake polite smile on the blonde woman's face, and he realized that she can kill with a smile. He poured another cup of tea and handed it to Fran.

"Thank you C.C," Maxwell said warmly, "and I promise to have a decision tommorow afternoon."

C.C scoffed amd replied sarcastically, "Sure you will, and Niles is going to make an actual career move." She left the office knowing that she could snap every person's neck in the office especially Niles. She was used to his pranks but felt messing with her business life was just simply evil.

Niles with a proud smirk had followed the tall blonde woman out of the room. "Oh don't cry, Babs, we can't have you melting," he said as C.C glared at him.

She let out a sultry laugh that shook Niles to the core. "You'd have to clean it up, Butler Boy. You know if you actually did your job," C.C retorted with a smirk on her face. She placed her hands on her hips and didn't break her stride as she continued to the kitchen. Niles knew their routine, but something in C.C's body language assured him that she was pissed off. When he reached the kitchen, C.C glared at him. Niles felt She could wound with her eyes. The idea frightened and thrilled him. Niles grabbed the pot of coffee and poured some for his nemesis. He handed it to her, and she took a long sip of it.

The blonde woman shook her head and said solemnly, "There's got to be something in the water here. It explains the lack of responsibility here." Niles couldn't tell if she was teasing him or if she was making a general statement.

"Whatever it is," Niles teased, "It's making you age faster."

"You're probably right," She quietly agreed. She felt older than her age simply because she carried Sheffield-Babcock productions on her shoulder. She wasn't Atlas. She wasn't born to carry the world with her body.

"What did you say?" Niles asked incredulously as if she was revealing her vulnerabilities.

C.C shook her head and took another sip of coffee. "Nothing," she lied. She ,with the coffee cup in her right hand,left the kitchen. Niles was confused by her abnormal actions. She can ruin your faith with her casual lies he thought as he pondered the behaviors of C.C Babcock.

Niles did not have a clue about the inner workings of the tall blonde producer. She was able to control her emotions better than most people he knew. She only reveals what she wants you to see. She was known as the Bitch of Broadway. She was ruthless and a business woman through and through. No one knew much about her family life except her obvious issues with her father, and she had a playful betting relationship with her brother. She only explained that right before they came to visit her. Then, she never brought them up again. Niles also did not know much about her personal life. She didn't date often, but it usually ended in disaster when it did. Even Niles had been there when she read her break-up letter from Chandler, and she didn't cry or go running to ice cream.

Niles realized C.C probably had deeper feelings than he realized especially about his prank. Somehow, he felt compelled to figure out how she felt and make it up to her.\