Rating: NC-17

Kurt felt as though his life had finally begun after 17 years of waiting. He was head over heels in love and, miracle of miracles, the boy he loved was kissing him as if he felt the same way.

Blaine pulled back, his hands on either side of Kurt's precious face, to just gaze at him again. "You're so beautiful," he whispered. His thumbs brushed the sides of his face and he leaned down to kiss the corners of his eyes, then trailed kisses down his temple to his ear. He sucked an earlobe between his lips and softly licked the sworls of his ear.

Kurt's eyes rolled toward the back of his head, his mouth falling open when Blaine's tongue swirled around his ear. A shock of electricity flew through his body straight to his groin and his hips spasmed.

Blaine smiled to himself and set about the very serious task of driving his boyfriend out of his damn mind.

He scraped his teeth on a fleshy lobe, then delved his tongue into Kurt's ear. His head was thrown back and he'd started to make the most fascinating little mewling noises. Blaine's cock twitched and began to harden again, startling him. He'd already had two mind-blowing orgasms tonight. He should have been limp and exhausted... Fuck that. He climbed fully on top of his boyfriend and bit down on his neck, growling in personal triumph when his hips thrust again and he whimpered Blaine's name. He felt powerful, knowing he was the person who would reduce Kurt into a quivering, helpless mass of need. Kurt had done the same to him, and fair was fair.

Kurt shivered when he heard and felt the growl against his neck. Blaine was so strong and virile and - and manly! It was definitely in Kurt's nature to be bossy sometimes – lots of times, if he was honest – but what he secretly wanted most was to feel safe, protected and loved. He wanted to be petted and stroked, and made to feel like he belonged to someone. Blaine. He wanted to belong to Blaine. He sighed and arched his neck, offering himself up like an hor'dourves to be nibbled on.

He could feel Kurt's cock, wonderfully hard again and pulsing against his hip, but the other boy didn't try to rush him, didn't demand to be touched. He simply tilted his head and arched his back, his fingers combing tenderly through Blaine's hair. He practically purred, which somehow made Blaine want to ravish him. How the hell did he do that? He was convinced Kurt had absolutely no idea how sexy he was. It just came naturally to him. And he's all mine! Blaine thought, crowing to himself.

Blaine shimmied up the bed a little to get the small bottle of lube he kept in his nightstand. His chest was directly above Kurt's face and his muscles flexed as he reached up and over the low headboard. Kurt admired him in wide-eyed fascination. He was so entranced that he almost missed the opportunity to lick a nipple while it was so close to his mouth. Almost.

He groaned and grabbed the lube in a hurry so he could get his hands and mouth back on Kurt's silky skin, where they should be. He dropped the lube onto the bed beside them so it would be within easy reach, then slid back down his boyfriend's sexy body until they were face to face again and he could kiss him senseless.

He pushed his hands under Kurt's head to hold him in place and clashed their mouths together in a rough kiss. He groaned, wanting more, needing to taste as much of his boyfriend's warm mouth as he could. His hands clenched fists full of Kurt's hair, giving him an idea of what he'd been doing to Blaine all night.

Kurt's arms circled his body, holding him tight, needing to feel his full weight pressing him into the mattress. His nails bit into his boyfriend's back, then his hands roamed down to grip his sweet, sweet ass. He wanted to pull all of Blaine right into himself. His hips were rocking of their own accord. The way Blaine was kissing him and pulling his hair was setting him on fire until he couldn't think at all.

The sounds Kurt made were erotic music to Blaine's ears. He moaned almost non-stop into his mouth, his nails biting into his back and his hips thrusting. Blaine had him right where he wanted him. He let his lover hump against him, kissing him hard and giving him just enough time to get tantalizingly, frustratingly close before he pulled away, rolling to the side.

Kurt wailed at the loss of Blaine's mouth on his and the sudden rush of air where his boyfriend had been. He needed every inch of his skin covered by Blaine's hard body or he was going to scream. His hips rose off the bed, desperate for contact, but Blaine was rolling off him and not even his tight grip or digging nails could stop him.

"Blaine, Blaine, Blaine! Please! I need it! Pleasepleaseplease come back!" he begged shamelessly. One hand was trapped under Blaine's hip as he rolled onto his side, the other reached for his own cock.

Blaine grabbed his wrist and pinned it to the mattress to stop him from touching himself. He leaned forward and bit hard into Kurt's flushed chest.

"Aaah!" Kurt gasped, then lay still except for an uncontrollable trembling, and the heaving caused by his rapid, shallow breaths. He tried to slow his breathing, and willed his cock to stop throbbing painfully. He kept his eyes closed, afraid if he looked at Blaine he might come all over himself.

Blaine gently licked the bite mark he had made, although he thought it looked really great there. Kurt was being good now, trying not to come, so he placed small, closed mouth kisses along his chest and collarbone until Kurt's breathing was slightly closer to normal, the trembling had stopped, and he was able to open his eyes.

"Kurt. Sweetheart," Blaine murmured.

He felt Kurt's body relax more and saw the haze of lust in his eyes soften at the endearment.

"Yes, Blaine?" he answered with an adoring smile.

"I want you to remember something for me."


"Payback is a bitch, Honey."

Kurt laughed at the totally unexpected remark and put on his most innocent 'Who me?' expression. "Why, I'm sure I don't know what you mean, Dearest," he said, fluttering his eyelashes.

Blaine growled at him again, earning an adorable little giggle in response. God, he loved this boy so much. "Allow me to demonstrate," he said. Keeping their eyes locked, he skimmed a hand down his taut body until he felt it touch his erection. He trailed his fingers up and down his boyfriend's impressive length, stroking him until Kurt was groaning and thrusting against his hand, his eyes glazing over again. Then he pinched the tip as ruthlessly as Kurt had done to him. He'd loved it but, for the sake of teaching a lesson, he wouldn't admit that out loud.

Kurt hissed and closed his beautiful eyes. Blaine loved watching him and seeing the red flush creep over his skin. It covered his neck and face, making his cheekbones even more prominent, and it turned his pale chest to a splotchy pink that was irresistible. He didn't try to resist. He kissed and licked Kurt's chest and sucked a stiff, pebbled nipple between his lips.

Kurt tugged his right hand out from under Blaine's hip and sunk it back into that glorious head of hair, sighing with pleasure. With his left hand he gripped the sheets to keep from reaching for himself again.

Blaine didn't miss the slight movement, even while busy nuzzling his chest. "Good boy," he praised.

The simple phrase sent unaccountable shivers through Kurt's body, and that reaction spoke volumes to Blaine. He already knew this surprising boy was not only capable of giving orders and handling Blaine with ease, he was damn good at it. Now he also knew Kurt was seriously turned on by having him take that control away and give as good as he got. Could there be a more perfect boyfriend? It didn't matter. Kurt was the only one he wanted.

Blaine's kisses travelled leisurely over Kurt's chest and stomach. He heard a small gasp when he slid lower down on the bed, and he smiled against a hipbone before sucking on his fair skin there.

He decided it would be a good idea to leave a small mark somewhere on his boyfriend's body every day from now on, so Kurt would always be able to look at it and remember that he was Blaine's.

As he sucked a bruise onto Kurt's pelvis, he reached out for the lube, feeling around until he found it. Then he planted teasing kisses on his inner thighs, smiling when he parted his legs without being told. Blaine lifted one of his boyfriend's shapely legs over his head to rest on his shoulder and pressed a kiss onto his scrotum, looking up at his face, which was pointed toward the ceiling, with his lips parted and eyes closed.

"You belong to me now," Blaine said possessively.

"Yes. Yes. Yes, I belong to you. Always."

He licked Kurt's balls, rolling them around on his tongue. Kurt sucked in a breath and gripped the sheets tightly in both fists now that he couldn't easily reach Blaine's hair. "Oh, God, please," he whispered.

"Please what?" Blaine teased, his tongue darting out for another lick.

"Please suck me. Please. I need you."

"Mmmm. I like that answer... but I'm not ready yet," he said against the warm flesh he'd been licking, while quietly opening the bottle in his hand.

Kurt whimpered, his knuckles turning white.

Blaine gently sucked a bit of soft skin between his lips and watched it react by drawing up tighter against Kurt's body. He squirted lube into one of his hands and closed the lid with a snap. He felt his boyfriend's hyper-sensitive body jump at the sound.

"Are you okay?" Blaine asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes," Kurt squeaked, the muscles of his thighs tense around Blaine's face. "Please don't stop."

As if I could, Blaine thought. This was the single best night he'd ever had. The first of countless nights he hoped to have with this man. He lowered his face more and rubbed his cheek against the underside of Kurt's balls. With his unlubed hand he gently pushed aside a cheek to spread him wider, and brushed his tongue across his puckered entrance.

"Oh!" Kurt's hips jerked and his body began to tremble again. "Blaaaaine...," he groaned, pleading.

Blaine did it again, slower, rimming him thoroughly and pushing his tongue into the tight heat.

"Fuck!" Kurt couldn't stop the high-pitched yelp and he slapped a hand over his mouth to prevent it from happening again.

Blaine still hadn't touched the erection in front of his face, which was pulsating with need. He could tell Kurt was close and might come soon whether he touched him or not. He pulled himself into a kneeling position, Kurt's knee crooked over his shoulder, then bent forward and put his mouth near enough for Kurt to feel his warm breath on his aching cock. He circled his own rekindled erection with one hand, then he simultaneously swept his tongue up the length of Kurt's shaft and stroked his tight entrance with lubed fingers.

Kurt's eyes flew open and he slapped his other hand on top of the first.

Blaine tilted forward to take Kurt into his mouth. Not an easy feat with no hands, but he laid his cheek against his taut, quivering stomach and was able to slide his mouth over the head. His tightly wound boyfriend was squeezing him closer with his leg and making lewd sounds into the hands held firmly over his face, so Blaine knew he was doing something right.

Blaine angled himself back up carefully, bringing the long shaft with him so he could lower himself onto it. He swirled his tongue around to get Kurt wet and relaxed his jaw to take more in, a little at a time. Then he sucked and pulled back, tonguing the ridge, but not rising past it. He didn't want his prize to slip out of his mouth.

He stroked Kurt's ass again, rubbing lube all around his entrance, then slowly pushed a slippery finger past the tight ring of muscle. Kurt's hips spasmed again, forcing his cock deeper into Blaine's waiting mouth. Blaine gradually started moving his head, thrusting his finger and stroking himself slowly. Once he had everything going to the same rhythm he picked up the pace.

Kurt was losing his mind. In his 'practice' dreams, he had only envisioned what he would do to Blaine. Why had it never occurred to him what the other boy might do in return? He couldn't believe what was happening right now. Blaine Freaking Anderson was sucking him and fucking him with his finger! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! He was a quaking mass of nerves. He had absolutely no control over the way his entire body was shaking. It took every ounce of his willpower just to keep his hips from ramming into his boyfriend's face. The thrusting finger had hurt at first, but then the pain disappeared and now it felt incredible. He was really close and he wanted to warn Blaine, but he knew he was making an obscene amount of noise and if he uncovered his mouth he could very well wake the whole building because he felt like he might scream at the top of his air-deprived lungs.

He needn't have worried about the warning. His body was thrumming with a language of its own. Blaine felt him fighting to be still, felt his ass clench tighter and heard the pitch of his muffled sounds change as his words went from incomprehensible (was he speaking French?) to a steady stream of "Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Blaine moved faster, pumping his straining erection and thrusting his finger harder just moments before Kurt climaxed wildly and triggered his own orgasm. He grunted around Kurt's cock as they came together. He managed to swallow some of it, but a lot of the fluid got away, dribbling out of his cock-filled mouth.

When they were both completely spent, Blaine gently withdrew his finger and let go of himself to hold his boyfriend's cock instead. He slowly pulled his mouth off and licked him clean. Then he grabbed the towel off the end of the bed and made a half-hearted attempt to wipe up the mess he'd made coming all over himself, Kurt and the sheets.

Kurt was trying to catch his breath, one hand still plastered to his face when Blaine looked up. He weakly climbed up the bed after ducking under the leg wrapped around his neck, peeled Kurt's hand off of his mouth and kissed the vivid, red handprint left on his face.

Kurt's huge eyes were staring, unblinking, at the ceiling. "Blaine," he breathed. He turned his head, trying to make his eyes focus on his lover's face. "Blaine. That was unbelievable. Is it always that good?"

"I don't know," he answered with a tired smile, flopping onto his back. "I don't think so. If it was, no one would ever get anything done."

"You're right. I was already having trouble with you around. I'm screwed."

Blaine smiled. "It won't be easy, but we have to try. We also have to learn to keep the noise down," he said, his practical side showing. "We could get suspended, or maybe expelled if we're caught, I don't know. But I really don't want to have to explain to your father how I got you kicked out of Dalton."

"Noise. Yes. No. Noise bad. Less noise... It'll take a lot of practice," Kurt deadpanned.

He laughed and rolled back toward Kurt, draping an arm over his hips. "You are freaking amazing."

"You already said that," Kurt said with a soft smile.

Blaine leaned in for a kiss. "I love you, Kurt. I know I haven't said that yet, but it's true. I love everything about you."

Kurt was speechless. His eyes brimmed with tears and he pulled Blaine into a tight hug that lasted until he thought his voice would work again. "I love you too. I think I've loved you since the first time I heard you sing," he finally replied. He pulled back to kiss Blaine tenderly. "You've kept me waiting a long time, Blaine Warbler," he said. "For that, you must pay."

Blaine chuckled. "I know. And I want to make up to you for all the time I've wasted."

"That would be difficult. Four. Long. Months," he exaggerated, pausing dramatically. "Do you realize how many blow jobs I could have given you in four months?" he squinted at him and shook his head to emphasize how bad Blaine had been. "At least a hundred. Maybe two!"

The look on Blaine's face was comical. His mouth opened and closed a few times as his mind tried to process the loss of 200 blow jobs from Kurt.

Kurt tried to keep a straight face, but when Blaine stuck out his quivering bottom lip in a pitiful pout he curled up in helpless laughter. "Okay, okay! Stop looking at me like your dog just died. You'll get your blow jobs."

"Really?" He flashed a bright, toothy smile.

Kurt rolled his eyes. "Yes, really. But I don't want my jaw to be so sore that I can't sing." Blaine's eyes went wide and he shook his head to indicate he wouldn't dream of it. "That means no more than one or two a day," he said firmly.

Blaine's jaw dropped. "One. Or two. A day," he repeated weakly.

"Well, I mean except on weekends, when I might want more. But only if there's no performance or rehearsal scheduled."


"And don't forget. You still have to make it up to me," Kurt reminded.

Blaine hopped out of bed and paced the room, his exhaustion forgotten. "Yes! Absolutely! Anything. Anything you want. Just name it and it's yours. Would you like me to take you to a different mall every weekend and carry all your bags? Go from dorm to dorm and personally notify every student that I'm your slave for life? Crawl behind you on a leash when you walk to class?" He stopped in front of his desk and waited for Kurt to pronounce his sentence.

He watched Blaine stride around the room bare-assed and gorgeous until he stopped and faced him. I think he asked you a question, Hummel. Gaga, he's hot. What were we talking about? Oh, right. Payback. "I don't know," he replied. He hadn't actually been listening, but that answer seemed generic enough for whatever the question was. Blaine was still waiting, though, so maybe not. "Umm, what?" He dragged his eyes up to his face.

"How can I make up to you for wasting so much time?" Blaine enunciated, refreshing his memory with a knowing look.

Oh! Right. That payback. Kurt looked away from Blaine's distracting display of full-on naked hotness. He turned his mind to the question at hand and put a finger to his chin to strike a thoughtful pose. The pose must have worked too because, after a few moments of tapping his finger, he had an idea for exactly how Blaine could make it up to him. His eyes brightened and his lips curled mischievously. He slowly turned his eyes back to his boyfriend with a wicked grin that made the other boy very nervous.

Kurt studied him, letting him sweat. "I want you to go au naturel," he said at last.

Blaine looked down at his nude form, wondering how much more natural he could get.

"No, no," Kurt shook his head, his eyes still gleaming. "Not your body... Your hair."

Blaine's jaw dropped again. "My hair?" he gulped.

"Your hair," Kurt stated uncompromisingly. "You will let your hair to grow to a minimum of one inch longer than it is now, preferrably two, and you will not attempt to tame those curls without my express permission. I will allow you to use products. I'm not a monster. But said products will be used to enhance, not hide your hair's natural beauty. Understood?"

"Yes?" it was Blaine's turn to squeak. "Are you sure you don't want the door-to-door slave announcement thing?"

Kurt shook his head slowly, although that sounded very interesting. "What I want, is to run my fingers through your hair any time, day or night, without worrying about messing it up. I want plenty of curls to twirl around my fingers when we make out. And I want to hang onto your hair like the reins of a horse when I'm ready to ride you."

Blaine dropped into his desk chair, his legs giving out. He suddenly wished his hair was a lot longer.

"After four months, the hair restrictions will be lifted and it will be up to you to decide whether or not I have any lovely curls to hold onto. Do you accept my terms?"

He nodded dumbly, wanting nothing more than to grant Kurt his every wish. Holy crap, he thought. One night and I'm completely whipped. Who knew it would feel so good? He was staring off into space when he saw movement out of the corner of his eye and turned to see Kurt climb off the bed and crawl toward him on all fours, his curvaceous ass swaying. Hell, yes! Whipped or not, Blaine decided he was the luckiest S.O.B. he knew.

Kurt reached him, cupped soft hands around his calves and placed small, loving kisses along his shins, up to his knees. He pushed Blaine's legs apart so he could kneel between them and wrapped his arms around his waist, hugging his face to his chest. He felt his wonderful boyfriend stroke his hair, and he tilted his head back to look up at him. "Blaine, I love you so much."

Gone was the confident, imperious diva. In his place was the boy who'd been Blaine's best friend for the last few months; sweet, warm and vulnerable Kurt, gazing at him with eyes full of nervous questions. And love. Blaine simply couldn't comprehend how he hadn't seen it before. "I love you too," he assured him.

"I want you to promise me something."

"Anything, Sweetheart."

Kurt kissed his chest and gathered his thoughts. "You have to promise to tell me if I ever say or do something you don't like. No matter how bossy I get, I never want to make you unhappy or uncomfortable. I wouldn't really expect you to change your hair just because I said so, or do anything else you don't want to."

"I know that, Kurt. I feel the same way. Come here." He pulled Kurt onto his lap, where he curled up with a happy sigh. "I promise to tell you if I'm ever uncomfortable or reluctant to do something you want, on the condition that you make me the same promise. Okay?"

He nodded. "Okay."

"We can decide on a safe word, just in case."

"A safe word? What's that?"

"Couples who get into kinky, or potentially painful stuff," he felt Kurt stiffen. "Relax, Honey, I don't mean us. Other couples, who want to play rough games, have a safe word that either of them can use anytime they want the other person to stop what they're doing."

"Couldn't they just say stop?"

"That would depend on what kind of games they're playing. Saying stop or pretending not to like it might be part of their role playing."

Kurt was quiet, thinking he really didn't know anything about sex. What kind of sex involves role playing games, he wondered. Then it occurred to him that his diva performance earlier might count as role playing. He obviously had a lot to learn, but he was a very willing student. "Okay. What word should we use?"

"It can be anything we want, but it should be something we wouldn't normally say."

"I wouldn't normally say stop," Kurt said playfully.

Blaine laughed and smacked his bottom. "Neither would I, but I would say 'Don't Stop!' and I wouldn't want you to misunderstand me and actually stop."

"Good point. How about Rachel? I'd definitely never say that!"

"That's a turn-off alright. A little too much of a turn-off," he grimaced. "How about Liberace?"

Kurt laughed. "Liberace is less of a turn-off than Rachel?" He thought about it for a second. "No, you're right, he is. That's perfect."

"Then it's settled. If you're ever too bossy, I'll just say Liberace."

"No, not exactly. Only if I'm too bossy during sex," Kurt corrected. "Any other time, you should just go ahead and do what you're told. Ouch!" he shrieked when Blaine spanked him again. He smiled and nipped Blaine's earlobe. "Stop," he whispered.


A/N: That was my very first fanfiction. I hope you liked it! It's unbeta'd, so please forgive any glaring errors. I'm trying to finish the sequel, thanks to all the encouraging comments. Will they do the deed? Hell, yes!

Most of you probably recognized the Chris Colfer traits I attributed to Kurt, not to mention Darren's Harry Potter history. I have nothing but love for them both, so I hoped they wouldn't mind.

Obviously I don't own Glee. If I did, it would be on Showtime and this story would be a script. Failing that, Kurt would at least take his shirt off every couple of episodes. He's a fashionista. How hard would it be to write some wardrobe changes into the story? I'm just saying. Also, there would be as many Kurt makeout scenes as there are Finn makeout scenes. Fair is fair and I'm all about equality. Plus, Chris is hella hot.