DRRR! Alterage c1

T : child!Shizaya

R : K

P : ShizuoxIzaya

D : Meh, of course not me!

W : Additional character; GRAMMATICAL SUCKS; maybe OOC; and varying updates.

Additional chara : child!Izaya = Since we haven't seen any of Izaya's child version, I decided to make him a child! Version for Shizuo's sake LOLOL XD

Here he is: of course he's shorter than Shizuo, and he's about the same height as Kasuka. He has shorter hair, black jeans, red hoodie and black backpack hanging on one shoulder. He'd wear his rings, with his chain wallet. (hel yeah XD) And yeah, of course his annoying (but cute) trademarks smirk. XD



Chapter 1: child!


A hazelnut brown haired boy is walking home with his younger brother. His left arm was broken, because of... well, everyone knows.

"Is it hurt, nii – san?" the younger brunette asked his older brother.

"Not really, Kasuka. But I'm really PISSED!" the orange – shirted boy said.

"Is it because of Orihara Izaya – senpai?"

"Of course! Who else? Don't say his name! It makes me migraine! He always pisses me off!" the older of the duo, named Shizuo, clenched his teeth and fist.

"Yo~! Blockheaded dimwit!" an annoying voice called.

Shizuo and Kasuka turned their heads, as Shizuo shouted, "SHUT UP YOU SHORTY BASTARD!"

A boy stands behind them, throwing a rock to Shizuo's head, as he greeted, "Yo~"

"I~ZA~YA~KU~N~!" Shizuo shouted, as Kasuka waved, "Yo, Orihara – senpai."

"Ah, wait wait wait~ I'm just checking my classmate who is happened to break his own arm," the boy named Orihara Izaya said.

"Calm down, nii – san," Kasuka' trying to calm his brother down, who's currently waving a traffic sign at Izaya. "Put that back, please?"

Izaya stepped forward, but his devilish smirk has gone. Then, he's grabbing Shizuo's bandaged arm.

"#$%^&(*&^%! DAMMIT, FLEA!" the injured boy screams as his left arm' being pinched.

"Oh, I'm sorry~ I didn't know it still hurts~" the boy in red hoodie said. "Bye~!" He's running away, and, questionably, a dust of pink scattered around his face.

"Wait there you damned flea!"

But Kasuka pulled him. "Nii – san, look," the deadpan boy pointed at the fold of his brother' bandage.

There's a chocolate stucked in it. Kasuka grabbed the chocolate, and pull off the wrappings. A memo stuffed in. the siblings exchanged a glance, and read it:

"'Dear Shizu – chan. Get brute again very soon, will you? From the Great Orihara Izaya'," Kasuka reads. "Nii – san, I didn't know that he's your boyfriend, he even calls you using '-chan'."

"No way we will!" Shizuo barked, but chews the milk chocolate as they continue walking home, with a slight blush in his cheeks. 'Thank goodness its sunset,' he thought. 'Eitherway, Kasuka would notice those stupid blushes!'


As for child!Izaya's memo, its folded inside child!Shizuo's wallet.



Yo~! Child!Shizaya!

I decided to made this less violent =P

They're children afterall!

Sorry for the shortness. But I tried to give it a bit fluff T_T

Please, review? For the adorable Orihara and Heiwajimas =D~

39, very much~~~!