Ch 3 My Prince

Sebastian pulled himself into a sitting position, and my eyes met with his lust glazed ones. He pushed me back, kissing me fully on the lips, touching me and fondling my manhood.

My eyes close as I feel hit hot breath in my ear whispering to me, "I want to feel you inside me Grell can you do that?"

"I can," my voice was so quiet but I knew he heard.

We repositioned ourselves so Sebastian was on his hands and knees, "Ummm Sebastian?" I smiled nervously, "this is going to hurt."

"Its fine," he was preparing himself mentally I could tell by his expression, part of him really didn't want to do this.

I pressed one finger inside to try and loosen him up some, he flexed tightly there was no way to put myself in at this point so I decided to try something more.

Placing one hand on his back and my lips to his neck I started to trail kisses all over his shoulders tickling and teasing his senses. His body started to relax as he focused on my lips rather then my finger. I moved deeper inside and his eyes shot open I felt panic did he like it? Or was he going to lash out at me?

"Grell," he whispered, "It's so … strange."

"Don't hurt me," I squeaked.

"No," he paused and slightly backed into me, "It's not … bad. Just strange."

My heart raced, he likes it? Sebastian Michaelis likes me, inside? My smile widened and I pushed in a second finger earning a gasp from my love. I could now spread my fingers slightly as I began to tease him, watching the side of his pink face, "Damn it Grell," he clinched the sheets.

I positioned myself and slowly, carefully pushed my way in. The pain was searing, he was so tight, I had to try again, "Sebastian please, try to relax,"

"I'm trying …" he breathed gripping tight to the bed.

Finally I managed to push myself in, waiting a moment for him to adjust, "Damn it Grell … move!" he called to me and I did as he said, "slowly pulling my way out and carefully pushing my way back in, he started twitching and moving with my body as I pulled us into a nice pace.

Reaching around, I fondled his balls causing him to buck into my hand, "Grell, it's so good."

"Bassy~!" I breathed stopping my self from drooling. I licked his back along his spine, "you taste so good" I found myself moaning in time with his breathing as the friction built up.

He felt looser now but still intense, his butt arched into the air and his face rested on a pillow, I continued to rock, trying to saver this moment.

The bed began to rock in time with us as I slammed all the way inside hearing Sebastian let out a small shriek.

"S-e-bass-chan~" I was loosing my breath in all the ecstasy and felt myself cum, filling his body with my seed. I felt my head growing dizzy and over heating as I lay down on his back still deep inside, Sebastian collapsed beneath me.

After a moment or two I open my eyes to a pail face smiling back at me, Sebastian watched me in the moon light. The candles had burnt out at some point and he was holding me in his arms.

"You're staying?"

"I'm staying," his soft petal like lips brushed my forehead, and I drifted off into the most beautiful of bedtime dreams.
