
PrUK: Maybe Someday

Chapter 7




It felt surreal. Gil had definitely witnessed something not meant for his eyes.

'Should I go? Or should I go talk to him? No don't do that! He'll freak out! Who knows what that was about and how he'll react if he finds out someone saw that, whatever it was. But still I want to comfort him- NO JUST STOP AND TURN AROUND! But Arthur's hurting so much, I wanna help...'

If this was a cartoon there's be smoke coming out of Gil's ears by now, but he was only frozen to place, petrified with confusion.

Suddenly Arthur inhaled loudly, breath shuddering, and he got up quickly. The greenette wiped his eyes with his hands and stormed off right past Gilbert without noticing the eavesdropper. Gil stood on his place as he watched dat delicious piece of manbooty Arthur disappear behind the corner.

He didn't feel like partying anymore.

The situation boggled him, big time. Who was that? Why were they acting so hostile? What even was that?

Gil's head hurt a bit from all the thinking. But it wasn't just his head that hurt. He had a strange strangling feeling in his chest he hadn't felt since in a long, long time. The albino sighed tiredly.

It was freezing outside and Gil the Genious had of course rushed outside without a jacket. Actually he hadn't even brought a jacket to the whole party. Real nice.

'Good going genious.'

The cold really started to get to him so he started heading inside, thoughts rummaging in his head like a drunken Feliciano.

Gil managed to slip his way through the mass of people back to the kitchen in his zombie-like state. Antonio and Francis were still there by the counter.

"So, did you find him?" Antonio asked.

"Uuh, no. Didn't see him", Gil said a little absentmindedly. Both Francis' and Antionio's brows furrowed in doubt, they knew when he was lying. Their doubts were left unsaid as the ruckus in the house got indernal, a fight had seemingly broke out, again.

"Agh, c'est pas vrai, honnêtement", Francis growled.

"Wait, is that Lovi?" Antonio said worryingly and went after Francis.

Gil slumped on the counter, again, and sighed.


Not long after someone else leaned on the counter beside Gil and sighed. Gil turned his head uninterestingly until he saw who it was beside him. The neon green hair couldn't be mistaken, it was Arthur. He was clearly in his own thoughts and didn't really pay attention to his sunnroundings. Gil gulped, this was his chance. His heart skipped a beat as he opened his mouth without really thinking about it.

"Not feeling well?" the albino asked simply. Arthur got startled at someone talking to him and he flinched. The greenhead was silent for a while, looking at Gil with wide eyes and then sighed.

"You could say that", he said and rubbed his temples with his elbows on the counter.

"Mmmm, know the feeling", Gil said calmly, even though his mind was on the verge of exploding.

'The hell Gil? Now you can be calm? Couldn't try that a bit sooner, couldn't you?'

Silence fell and bit by bit it started to get awkward.

'Get it together dude! Just do it! DO IT!'

"Look, uh, if you need to talk or just want to you can, umm, call me if you want", Gil blurted as he scribbled his number hastily with a random pen on a nearby napkin and handed it to Arthur, then quickly rushed away. His head was blowing up at the moment and he really needed to calm down.

'The hell did I just do? Stupid! I'm going to look so stupid in his eyes!'

The albino didn't even look behind him, he didn't dare to look. Who knows what kind of a reaction he'd get from the Brit.

Before he knew it he was outside in the chilly cold again. The cold helped his heart and mind calm down. Gil was pretty much done for the night as he felt the tiredness his him. What a rollercoaster of feelings indeed, this night. He could just find West and go home. Hopefully he wouldn't run into Arthur again, though. That would be awkward.

It seems that luck was on his side as the blonde German came out of the front door.

"Here you are dummkopf. I was looking all over for you. You ready to head home? Otherwise you'll be walking home because I'm leaving now", Ludwig said sternly. As usual, he hadn't been drinking. He was driving, after all.

But what wasn't usual was Gil response. "Sure, I'm pretty beat." In normal circumstances Gil would probably laugh obnoxiously and say 'But the night's still young, brüder!' or something along those lines and stumble home wasted in the middle of the night.

Ludwig's eyes widened in surprise but he didn't say more and the two of them walked to the car. The blaring music got quieter as the two brothers slammed the car doors shut. Gil huffed and Ludwig kept his composure and started up the car.

"So how'd it go?" the blonde asked straightforwardly.

"Wha- What went how?" Gil said surprised as he was pulled away from his personal bubble.

"You know what I mean."

"... Oh. Well, I dunno."

"What? What do you mean you don't know? You're not that much of an idiot, how did they react? Did you get their number? Or make a date?

"Uuuuh, well, the funny thing is, well, I gave them mine but I... Don't know what they thought. I, uh... Slipped away, kinda." Ludwig just groaned.

"Dummkopf", he sighed and didn't say anything more. Silence fell between them as the ride home slowly neared its end. Gil immersed himself in his own thoughts and Ludwig concentrated on driving.

They finally made it home in the uneventful and peaceful evening. No drunkards other than those at Francis' on the street, not much people in general. Victor was already sleeping soundly on the soft living room carpet but woke up at the sound of the front door opening and rushed to meet the brothers enthusiastically. He came to nudge his head at Ludwig and the blonde pet his head in response. "There's a good boy. Yeah we're home", he spoke gently to the retriever.

Gil was in a daze, took off his shoes in a zombie-like manner and started to slump up the stairs towards his room. "Night West", he said lazily. The blonde had kneeled down to pet the excited but tired dog. He sighed quietly and said "Night brüder. Sleep tight."

'Is he gonna call me? Did I make myself a complete idiot? Did I write my number correctly? What will I say the next time I meet him? Will he avoid me?'

He sighed.

'Well, can't help it now', he thought as he opened the door to his room. Gilbird was sleeping soundly at his spot, on a pile of Gil's socks. Gil just slomped across the room and flopped on the bed face first tiredly. Thinking was hard work.

After a small while Gil's phone in his pocket buzzed and the albino cringed abruptly, frantically digging for his phone with newfound vigor.

'It can't be-'

And it was just Francis. Not Arthur. Just Francis. A short text full of typos asking where he was. Gil reversed to his former, lazy mood and replied to Francis.

"Went home. Got tired."

A reply was received almost immediately.

"WHAAAAAAAT TU N'EST PAS SÉRIEUX. You okay?" was texted unbelieveably clearly.

"Yeah, but didn't feel like partying anymore."

"Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo what's going on with Arthur now. ;)"



The albino hesitated a bit. Should he tell? And how much should he tell? Telling about the mysterious meeting behind the warehouse was out of the question, of course. But on the other hand, Gil kind of owed the two knuckleheads. Without them he wouldn't have even managed to get close to the blonde of his dreams.

"I gave him my number."


Soon after that message another chat blinged.

"Francis told me! Sooo how'd he react? ;)" Antonio messaged.

Gil chuckled.

"I don't know. I pretty much ran away right after I gave him my number."

"So what'd he say- No wait Antonio told me :P" Francis messaged. They were apparently close to one another.

"YOU RAN?! What were you THINKING? You burro! D:"

"Yeah, I got scared and ran. Hey I'll talk to you guys later, I'm completely beat. 'Night." Gil typed quickly and put his phone on mute. He had fulfilled his duty and it was finally time to sleep. It was probable that those two would spam him all night until they got either bored or he spilled everything right now.

The albino was falling asleep with a troubled mind and finally went off to dreamland.

If he had stayed up for just a little more, he would have noticed that his phone's screen lit up again, notifying about a new message...

Author's notes: Here's a new chapter, hope you like it! ^^ I'm planning a slow-build relationship between Gil and Arthur, filled with drama! (Or something like that :P) I'm sorry if the BTT portrayed in this story is Francis- and Gil-oriented, I don't like Antonio too much and I find him hard to write, sorry 'bout this. But I'll try my best in writing a good story!

What will Arthur do now that he has Gil's number? Who the hell was the mysterious person with Arthur? Is Francis' house still standing? And most of all, is Arthur's hair dye really washable in the shower or will it stick for weeks?! (Okay that's kinda irrevelant xD) Find out in the upcoming chapters!


Burro - Knucklehead, hard-headed idiot or something along those lines

C'est pas vrai, honnêtement - This isn't true, honestly (My French is pretty rusty, feel free to correct me c:)

Dummkopf - Idiot

Brüder - Brother


Stay tuned! c: