Disclaimer: I own nadda. Whoopee!

"He doesn't look all that tough."

"I could beat him if I wanted to."

"It'd look bad for the school when we cream Buchou though. We don't want the other schools to think we're weak because that second-year talked his way into becoming Buchou."

"But if someone were to beat him, they could become Buchou!"

"Heeh, now you're on to something."

Three third-years stood in a cluster, casually throwing glances at the regulars of the tennis team, rackets leaning against the court they stood by. Their gazes flicked to one individual in particular wearing a regular's jersey on his shoulders; he stood a bit shorter than the other regulars, a calm air about him and a feminine face. This was the new Buchou of the tennis team, Yukimura Seiichi, only a second-year, and rumored to be one of the three best players at Rikkaidai High School by the second-year class, but unproven as of yet.

"Ok, try explaining this one more time, clearer, please."

Next to the Buchou was the Fukobuchou, Sanada Genichiro. He contrasted sharply against Yukimura, with his impressive height and solid features. Even the dark cap he wore screamed 'authority.' He was rumored to be the second-best player at Rikkaidai, behind Yukimura, another of the three most powerful players in the school.

"Whoever's responsible is getting 50 laps."

A group of players wearing regular jerseys stood around the two leaders, theatrically attempting to get a point across. The most upset one was a short pink-ette who popped his bubblegum every time he stopped for a breather in his explanation. A tired looking player, darker than the others in skin color because of his Brazilian blood, had a hand lain on the pink-ette's shoulder, appearing to try to calm him. These two made up one of the doubles teams, Marui Bunta and Jackal Kuwahara.

"I swear I didn't do it! I've been set-up!"

"Marui, calm down. You aren't getting anywhere with the theatrics."

Snickering behind the distraught pink-ette was a taller player with silver hair done-up in a rat's tail. He had a devious grin etched on his face, laughing at the misfortune of Marui. This was Niou Masaharu. Niou's doubles partner, Yagyuu Hiroshi, spoke quietly while hiding behind his glasses. He suspected who the real culprit was, but refused to say.

"Marui! How could you do something like this? You should know better than that."

"Niou, you're hardly one to talk, being the Trickster King and all."

Observing all of this was the last current regular of the team, Yanagi Renji, the human calculator. He had his notebook open and was leafing through it, skimming the pages with his eyes seemingly closed. Yanagi, with his data tennis, was the third-best player in the school, the last of the Three Demons.

"There is a seventy-seven-percent chance it was Niou who committed the crime, ten-percent Marui, ten-percent Niou in disguise as Yagyuu, and three-percent that it was a non-regular.

These seven people made up the Regulars Tennis Team. The eighth regular in the previous year was the former captain, who finished his third year and graduated.

"What? I'm insulted. Why am I the one with the highest percentage? Marui was the one caught red-handed, literally."

"Well, Niou, that's simple," began Yanagi. "If Marui were to paint designs on all the benches in the clubroom, there is a ninety-five-percent chance that he would paint them in pink. The fact that he had red spray-paint in his bag does increase his percentage from eight- to ten-percent, but it is still highly unlikely that he is the culprit. There is also the fact that Yagyuu has yet to express his opinion on who the culprit is; there's a ninety-percent chance that Yagyuu suspects it was you and is covering for you."

"As expected of Yanagi," Yukimura smiled. "Anything to say for yourself, Niou?"

"Puri, guess it can't be helped. I just wanted to liven up the clubroom a bit. Give it a bit of flair! It's so dreary in there nowadays." Niou's grin had yet to fade and only enlarged as he said the word 'flair."

"Niou, you're running 75 laps."

"What, why 75?"

"The 50 I promised the culprit as well as 10 for leading us on this wild goose-chase for 30 minutes and 15 for making us look disorganized to the new first-years signing-up. And Yagyuu also gets 10 for covering for you."

"Ha, that's what you get for trying to frame me! I told you all that I was innocent!"

"Marui, I think you've made your point. Why don't we go find someone to play a match with?"

"I suppose it is fair that I get 10 laps. Shall we, Niou?"

Niou and Yagyuu started to detach themselves from the group to head to the track, while Jackal and Marui began to make their way to the courts to find an opponent when a familiar voice cut through their thoughts and halted them.

"Eh? I'm not late for sign-ups, am I, Buchou?"


A short player with seaweed-like hair stood not 20 feet away, with a tennis bag slung over his shoulders. A confident grin was on his face as he glanced around the training facilities.

"So, when do I get my regulars jacket?"

I don't really know how long this'll be. Probably not very, maybe 5 chapters.

Good? Bad? Needs complete redoing?
