Clare Edwards sat at her computer, scowling.

It had been a bad two months, to put it bluntly. As if the year hadn't been difficult enough already, she'd lost her boyfriend in what some might consider the most insane-sounding break up ever, and, as a result, was left home on a Friday night.

With writer's block.

This paper was due for English Monday, and for some reason, the words in her head were holding a grudge against her, not allowing themselves to be released onto paper. Brushing a loose curl from in front of her clear blue eyes, she frowned, reviewing the writing prompt for the umpteenth time.

Do you believe in second chances? Why or why not?

Bitterly, she shook her head. Second chances? How painfully ironic. The way her English class seemed to tease her and Eli's relationship interactions drove her crazy. Just for once, could she not think of him? The fact that she was spending this much time over a prompt was ridiculous; they were usually a shoe-in for Clare.

Sighing, she minimized the Word document and procrastinated, checking her Facerange. She'd tried to keep a low profile since the night of the dance, the night that Eli had purposely crashed his hearse to get Clare's attention. The rumors at school were unavoidable, (especially at first,) and Clare felt that the only way to avoid them was to avoid, well, everyone.

Eli had been released from the hospital about a month ago, though he hadn't returned to school until three weeks ago. English class was painfully awkward, and neither of the two had even attempted to converse with each other. Adam, stuck in the middle of their break-up, had attempted to break the tension by joking around, but his painfully not-funny jokes only made the situation more unbearable.

Browsing her news feed, she felt more dejected than ever. It seemed the entire Degrassi population was busy with plans tonight. How was that possible? She felt like she was the only one who felt this kind of loneliness. Sure, Alli had asked her to hang out, but Clare knew that hang out meant dinner and possibly a movie with Dave, Alli's current boy-toy, and the ever-inseparable Kenna. Hanging out with Adam was out-of-the-question. If he wasn't already busy with Eli, he'd spend the whole time hinting that Clare should talk to Eli.

Eli. At the very thought of him, his name flashed across her feed. Curious, she clicked on his name. His last status was from just an hour ago.

Eli Goldsworthy: I need plans tonight. Any takers?

To Clare's surpise, someone had indeed commented on it. Imogen Moreno. She was new, that's all Clare had heard about her, but due to Imogen's overuse of the winking emoticon and suggestive comment (Me! My parents aren't home, I'm up for anything,) it was evident that Eli knew her pretty well.

Rolling her eyes, Clare convinced herself she didn't care. He was moving on? Good. About time. She was happy for him. Her. Them. Irrational anger filled her. Since when had she turned into the kind of ex who stalked Faceranges and became unreasonably jealous? She'd broken up with him. And it's not like she cared, anyway. Right?

Suddenly, she craved to be anywhere but alone, at her house. It was only six o'clock, and still light outside. She could easily walk to the Dot, or something. Maybe Alli would still be there.

Pulling on her denim jacket and running a brush through her hair, she slipped into flats and pulled her purse over a shoulder. All that was left was her cell phone. Where in the world did she put it?

As if on cue, she heard a vibrating sound on her desk. Rummaging through the half-written papers and a few empty water bottles, she found what she was looking for. Strange, the person calling was listed as unknown. Cautiously, she answered it.


"Clare. It's Eli- please don't hang up. Hear me out. Look outside your door. I'm here. And..." He paused, his voice shaking. "I want to kidnap you."

Note: I'm not very happy with this, I had a migraine earlier and therefore my writing is not koala tea. Hopefully you guys will be interested in this anyway. I know it's been foooorever since I wrote Kidnap Your Heart but I felt like this was an appropriate time for a sequel. We're going to say that after their weekend, they got together, but they ended the same way as in the show. Tragic. Also, Sadie doesn't exist. Damn freshman.

Anyways. Please, review. I'd love to hear your thoughts. Namaste. (: