A/N: sorry to say folks, this is the last chapter of The Joy of Pain, however, do not fear, this is not the last story. I have in mind at least two more parts to this story, part two, The Joy of Captivity, will be up soon. Don't worry, there will be more BellaMione action in the future. ( hopefully better then the last time.)

Chapter six.

"What did you just say?" Bellatrix said, as she looked over her shoulder at Hermione. Hermione looked at her with no fear nor hesitation. " I said, I love you." she looked at the Older Witch and said " I love what you do to me, the pain and torture, the pleasure you give me. All of it." Bellatrix looked the younger woman in the eyes and said " So...that is why you didn't bother to escape." and she climbed off the young witch. She sat cross legged and looked Hermione in her Brown eyes and said " You know, I could kill you now, and no one would ever question it. I could slit your throat," she said grabbing her hair and pulling it back, forcing Hermione's head to tilt back, she then placed a silver knife she had grabbed so fast it was almost like magic. " and no one would ever bat an eye lid about it. Your friends would never learn about your fate until it is far too late."

Hermione smiled and said " I know, but I don't think you want to. You would have done it before now." Bellatrix pulled on her hair sharply, and hear her gasp at the pain. She also saw Hermione's legs rub together from her arousal. She looked at Hermione's brown eyes and saw, Trust, Love, and something that she had never thought to see in any eyes other then her own,the beginning's of Madness. Bellatrix let her go and stood up, smiling at her suddenly happy beyond her own understanding.

" Well then, Hermione," she said smiling at her " Lets get you dressed, and get you down stares." she stood up and pulled her own cloths off the floor " There are some people I want you to meet." She grinned as she was dressing, Hermione climbed out of bed, and used her own wand to close up most of the cuts. " What shall I wear, Mistress Bellatrix?, sense your my Capture, I think you should chose."

Bellatrix looked at her for a moment, then waved her own wand, and clothed Hermione in a slinky tight black dress, low cut so that the words Property of Bellatrix LeStrange showed clearly above it.

" Come, Little Mudblood, it is time for you to meet some of my more...interesting people."