Six years ago, I was pulled into the well.

Six years ago, I met InuYasha.

Five years ago, I heard his story.

Five years ago, Kikyo came back to life.

Four years ago, I got training in my miko abilities and my fighting.

Four years ago, we completed the Shikon, and Naraku went into hiding.

Three years ago, we killed Kana.

Three years ago, Sesshomaru joined our group.

Two years ago, I brought Kikyo back to life.

Two years ago, the well closed.

One year ago, InuYasha took Kikyo as his mate.

One Year ago, I completed my miko training, and the Jewel joined with my soul, finally giving Midoriko her rest.

Today, is my birthday,

Today is the day I leave the village Edo.

Kikyo will be the village miko. I still have not completed my reason for being here, Naraku, Hakudoshi(sp?), and Kagura are still alive and building an army. I was still here to make sure they didn't.

I had long since abandoned my school uniform for a slayers garb underneath a traditional priestess uniform. My hair now fell to the back of my knees and was thick wavy and dark black. My sword at my side and my yellow bag gone replaced by a smaller bag holding only what I couldn't get by myself now at my side, my bow on my shoulders and my quiver on my back with the strap across my chest. I only had my equipment on to make sure I wasn't forgetting anything. Sango and Miroku had left to rebuild the slayer's village, making sure I knew I was welcome back to visit,with Miroku's cursed hand being to the point where it will no longer grow, or devour him, as a direct result of my training. Naraku still has to die for it to go away. Sango and Miroku no longer fearing the wind tunnel, got married.

With Kaede and Kikyo tending to the herbs and InuYasha out hunting it was my final chance to say goodbye to the god tree. Taking an arrow and my sword I walked out to the tree, taking my meditative position; legs tucked under me, knees out to the side, I began to pray to the Kami to keep the tree and the village around it safe.

This journey started with an arrow.

Me pulling the arrow out.

Me breaking a seal.

Me freeing a Half-Demon.

I'm not sure how my journey will end, but my leaving this village will end with.

Me leaving an arrow in the tree.

Me creating a seal.

And me leaving a half-demon.

Pulling forth my energy, with a well practiced hand, I left a message to my family that would show up on the god tree in 500 years to let them know I was ok, I had spent the last two years of my practice sending messages on arrows with miko powers, I've never tried sending one to last through time, the effectiveness of a sealing spell, is a direct result of how passionate you are about the spell. Kikyo's spell was easily broken due to the fact she still loved him when she sealed him, mine will last until I die, the arrow will fall when that happens, my family will know that much.

After the spell was complete I sat down to meditate to restore some energy.

After an hour I felt well enough, to go at least the three days it would take me to get to Sango and Miroku's villiage.

The sight that greeted me upon arriving was not what I had hoped to see, but one I had been expecting in a worst case scenario.

Inu-Yasha with his ears flat on his head, and his head bowed down, and a look of pure guilt on his face.

"Kagome, I know I promised to complete this with you, I can no longer hold that promise, Kikyo is pregnant, I can't risk my life. I couldn't leave her to be alone during this time."

"Inu-Yasha, I knew right when you and Kikyo mated, you guys would not be continuing this with me, now come here."

"Feh, What do you mean you knew?"

"Do you think I would have done anything less than a dealing spell to prevent you from leaving if she was pregnant? Now come here."

as he walked over, I grabbed on to his rosary and broke it, took a few beads off of the ground. And handed one back to him.

As he reached his hand out to take one he retracted it back quickly.

"What are they gonna do to me now? Make it so Kikyo can 'sit' me too?"

"They will let you know if I find Naraku or any trouble I can't beat, or if anything bad will happen to you they will let me know."

"It will do that? All of that?"

"Yes it will. Goodbye for now Inu-Yasha, I will be back before the baby is born."

and with that I left Edo for a while in the direction of Sango's village

Walking through the forest was an uneventful small rabbits was all I passed through. It was days like today I wish Shippou had not left to find a fox demon clan to show him how to better use his magic.

Around midday I ran into a demon who was a mean one, it jumped up and began screaming about wanting the jewel, and all of the power it would bring it. This one seemed like a small one so I didnt plan on using any of my powers, taking out the sword from its place on my hip, I cut upwards but where the demon had been only seconds ago was air.

Looking at me from its place in the trees the demon lunged at me, I held up my sword and swung at where it would be, instead for the second time that day I hit air.

Looking up I saw the lord of the west cleaning his sword off in the grass.

"You should be more careful miko."

"Sesshomaru, good to see you too! Thanks for that now we are even."

"What do you mean even miko?"

"I saved Rin and cured her when she was sick, now you have saved me, and when you helped to save Kohaku."

"I guess we are settled and I owe you nothing, goodbye miko."

as he turned to walk away I ran up to him grabbed his nub of an arm, it had grown back since InuYasha cut it off, so I decided to make it so he would be able to go to sleep and wake up with an arm, it would only take a night.

"Now i'm up by one, goodbye Sesshomaru"

"What do you mean up one, Wench!"

as I continued walking through the forest I found a small bush of berries, gathering enough in a small bag I had I grabbed those for a snack.

As night approached and nothing eventful had happened I found a small area of trees to go to sleep in. Taking out 6 pieces of sutra paper, I wrote down the ones I would need for a strong barrier and using a small does of holy power, stuck them to trees in a circle around my camp, I set out my sleeping bag, I had gotten a new one before the well closed, I laid down with my sword next to me and my arrows along with my bow on the other side. Closing my eyes I fell into a peaceful sleep.

I dreamed of a white dog standing outside of my barrier staring at me the dog reminded me of Sesshomaru, the only difference was he had all four legs. Remembering what happened yesterday I woke with a start to find that same white dog staring at me.

Watching his hairs grow back into his skin and the hair on his head grow down his back to calfs. His body, head, and legs shrink back to their normal size, his clothes still on his body but his swords falling to the ground.

Getting up I grabbed the closest sutra to me and pulled it from the tree and the rest fell down next to their respective trees. When I heard the one thing I didn't want to, Sesshomaru growling, I heard one footstep, and felt a calloused clawed hand around my throat, and my back hitting the tree that held the sutra just a few seconds before holding me between it and Sesshomaru.

"What have you done to me, Miko?"

"Well that of course depends on when you are referring to, I got the sword that you wanted out of your father's stomach and gave it to your half brother that he then used to cut your arm off, I saved your ward, kicked your toad, and most recently I helped to...uh... speed up your already fantastic healing abilities. That's all I can think of for now, care to add anything?"

"Miko, did this Sesshmaru ever ask for your help?"

"Well no, but I thought it would be nice." When his eyes started to bleed red, I understood why he was so upset about his arm, "now don't think of it as me thinking of you as weak, you and I know you are the strongest demon even with one arm, I just want to bring you back to where you were before I caused your arm to get cut off, it was me fixing what I broke, can we go back to where we were before this?"

"Miko..." then both of us felt it, three very strong auras of three very strong demons.

The wind picked up, the neighing, and the chilling laughter that could only belong to the threesome of Hakudoshi, Entei, and Kagura.

"Sesshomaru, if it would get you to let me go so I can fight, I will cut off the arm if it means that much to you."

"Don't kill Kagura, she's on your side."

"I just want Hakudoshi dead today, Kagura isn't on my list"

With that he let me go, I went to my pack and grabbed the net of silk I had prepared an arrow and my bow, notching the arrow with the end of the net tied to it, putting a little of my miko oomf into it, I took aim and waited for them to come.

"Miko, what is that contraption?

Saying nothing I waited for Hakudoshi, when I first heard Entei I let the shot loose, it missed narrowly. When Kagura let some wind from her fan go I doged as quickly as I could I still got hit by a branch that got knocked off, when Entei spit several fire balls at me, I tried to dodge by doing a roll to the left. When I felt something grab my waist and I went speeding up.

"Miko do what you must to make that contraption work."

Sesshomaru was apparently faster than Entei.

My net went around Hakudoshi and I caught him, pulling on the string the net tightened and pulled Hakudoshi off of Entei.

In the minutes that followed I did a few things, the first was to send several shocks releasing Hakudoshi from Naraku, and severing any link they had. Then I did the basic, sent enough purifying energy to take out Sesshomaru and. Grabbing the arrow on the string I shot it through the mess that would have been Hakudoshi.

And then to put it simply, I passed out. In the process of passing out I fell off of the cloud that Sesshomaru had been carrying us on.

Switch To Sesshomaru POV

Seeing the miko falling, I knew I had one of two options, go after he or let her fall to her death. Although the second option sounded appealing I did owe her one, saving her would take me out of her debt. But when I went to get the miko I felt a burst of heat and she was in the back of Entei. He landed on the ground and leaned to his left and she fell off of his back he then spit several fire balls in a circle around the two of them trapping them in the small clearing with her pack and fallen sutras, he looked up at me his eyes grew dark in a challenge and he let out a neigh so loud it was more like a roar. As any sensible demon would have, I flew off making sure to keep a close distance incase the miko was in need of some, assistance. Although thinking about it, the miko did a nice thing by restoring, or helping me to restore my arm. It will take some getting used to I think I will be able to fight better like this, protecting Rin.

Now comes the waiting.

Kagomes POV

16 hours into my trip to Sango's villiage and I had already killed Hakudoshi, repaired Sesshomaru's arm, and passed out from over exertion, and from here on out it got bigger.

I woke up to a big, cold and wet thing pressing against my cheek, feeling a hot blast of breath I felt after the nudging, and a big huff of warm breath hit my face are the things I woke up to.

The sight I woke up to was terrifying

long white nose, red eyes, large ears, and fire in the background

The old Kagome would have screamed

The old Kagome would have called for Inu-Yasha

But not now, I opened my eyes to see Entei, the horse that Hakudoshi had been riding, the horse to be known as the fastest and meanest demon horse, who only allows evil demons to ride him, who makes demons prove themselves before riding him, looking at me.

"Give me a few minutes, Entei, then I will know what you want ok?"

he just looked at me.

Taking that as a yes I tucked my knees under and calmed myself and began to meditate, bringing myself to my "happy place" in my mind. Sitting under the God Tree with Shippou in my lap and Kirara at my side, the well open and working in the background.

Meditating, pulling my strength back.

Standing up I pulled out of my meditation, and shook my head, pulling just a little power to my hand nothing to hurt him but enough to do what I had to.

Walking over to Entei, he saw my hand and began jumping around and kicking.

"Entei, I need you to calm down, I won't hurt you, miko's promise."

And with that he settled down, still visibly tense and I put my hand on his head in between his eyes and focused.

"Entei, why are you here? Don't you only allow the strongest to ride you?"

and in my head I heard his response

"Miko, you are stronger than any demon I know, You also posses compassion, something that is what demons lack. I want you to be my rider, with my help, you will be able to destroy Naraku, he is the one who was responsible for my family getting slayed. That is a story for a different time. Where did you learn to do this?"

"I was allowed to practice with my friends Neko-Demon I learned to talk through her mind and I could do it with any demon that doesn't have a human form and cannot speak with me, and that will allow me this close with my miko powers active and out."

And that was how me and Entei began traveling together, after packing up my camp and making sure I had meditated for a little longer we left in the direction of the slayer village

Thinking about it, taking Entei to the slayers village was a bad idea, as we got with in shooting distance of the village I got Entei's attention

"Hey Entei, will you slow down please? I need to warn Sango and Miroku"

and with that he stopped, I got off of him and gave him a hug around the neck and gave him a pet on the head. And we walked to the edge of the forest around Sango's village. I took out my bow and one arrow pointing up so my arrow head was in line with the sun, I released, knowing it would hit some where near the center, maybe on the tower she had so my arrows wouldn't hit any one.

And then I heard it, the creaking of the big wooden doors as they opened slowly. I beckoned for Entei to follow me. The door opened to reveal Kohaku, who took one look at Entei and took out his weapon and charged. Doing the first thing that came to mind; I close lined him knocking him down.

"Kohaku, this is my new friend, Entei, I killed Hakudoshi and he wanted me to be his rider. I guess everyone has a reason to want Naraku dead."

"You know Sango will have a fit right?"

"I'm planning on it"

Walking through the village with Entei I was greeted by many strange looks.

I say many because in the two years since Sango and Miroku left our traveling party they went back to the village, to find it already rebuilt by the children of nearby villages that they had saved who had grown up and been sent by the elders of the village to help out, when they found the village destroyed they set to work to take away all of the ashes and debris.

Sango had arrived and found the village had been rebuilt for months, she then had a group of young adults to train in the way of demon slaying. One year after she arrived at the village Kohaku showed up ready to finish his training and help teach the ones in lower classes to take some of the burden off of Sango. Her and Miroku had finally been married, after a lot of talking to, they kept using his hand and Naraku as reasons behind why they weren't married yet. After six solid months of talking after they moved back they got married and were the leaders of the village. The young boys weren't used to having a woman as a leader, but having a woman as a leader and a bunch of eligible young boys in the village was enough incentive for women to send their daughters the village. Sango taught them how to fight, and they taught her housekeeping. Now two years after the village was restored, they were well known with a small section dedicated to those who were killed in Naraku's attack almost six years ago.

Arriving at Sango's hut the sight that greeted me was not what I was expecting.

"Kohaku, was that Kagome? I can't greet her right now, I'm busy."

"Sango, i'm coming in, and I want to know why you haven't been visiting, plus I have a surprise, that you have to come out and see."

and pushing my way into the hut, I saw Sango, bigger and sitting down, she looked to be about seven months pregnant. So I walked over and put my hand on her stomach feeling the little auras of the babies in her stomach.

"Sango, how long have you been pregnant?"

"five months. Why?"

"Did you ever wonder why you were so big at only five months?"

"I have a big baby, Kagome, what is this about."

"Well, you have two normal sized babies, do you want to know the sex?"

"Wait, two babies? I wasn't ready for two babies, Miroku! We need another crib made, Kagome, do you have any advice from your time? Wait the sex? You can tell me that, right now? Wait I don't want to know. What did you want to show me any ways?"

"One thing at a time, Sango, You and Kikyo will be having babies together and i'm going after Naraku on my own-"

"Are you crazy? I can send Miroku with you!"

"And who would take care of you and the children? Protect the village and your hut when you are stuck in bed? And what if he dies? Who will raise the children then? You need to think about these things, I know you both have revenge to get, and I will set up a barrier so you or Miroku can't leave the village for the next two years."

"Now get up I have to show you my new traveling partner."

and with my help Sango got up from her sitting position on the ground and walked outside, where I had left Entei.

She took one look at him and screamed, loudly getting Miroku outside, who used logic some what.

"Kagome, purify him, do something, that horse is evil!"

"Miroku, Sango, meet Entei, my newest traveling partner. His mate, and kids were killed by Naraku when he was sealed, He wants him dead as much as us, Entei didn't want evil, he wanted power so maybe that power would help him, they never did, he wanted me to be his rider after I killed Hakudoshi, with Sesshomaru's help, i'll be ok. Trust me there is more than just us who want to kill Naraku, I'll get some help. Plus with Entei, Not only can we fly but we can run too, no offense to Kirara but he is the fastest out there, plus I can talk to him the same way I can her. He also protects me"

"Kagome, how will we know if you live through this? How will we know if you die?"

"Go to the god tree if I don't show up for a week after Miroku's wind tunnel is gone, I have an arrow set to fall if I die"

"Kagome, I may be a monk, but I know about Naraku, just because the jewel is gone, doesn't mean he has stopped allowing demons in, he has a way to get stronger. It won't be easy. I want you to be careful, and come back in four months if he is dead or alive, we want you to be the Miko to help us with delivering our baby."

"I promise a Miko's promise, I will be back to deliver your baby. But since you are not coming me and Entei are going to leave to maybe go to Totosai and see if he will be able to have a sword made for me, if not i'll stick with this one."

"Do you want any food, lady Kagome? We have some extra if you should need any."

"Do you guys have any apples? I think Entei is hungry and I would feel bad not feeding him, I have enough food in my pack for a while I dried some rabbit before I left I have enough for if I get hungry."

"You heard her, Miroku, go get some apples!"

"Yes, my love right away."

"Sango, have you been feeling slightly moody lately"

"Well to be honest a little but Miroku understands it all perfectly well and is such a gentle man about it all and he is so forgiving."

"Well, do you want my help on how to control it, just in case it gets any worse?"

"Is it hard? Will it hurt the babies?"

"It's good for the babies and will take some of the stress away and will help them a lot, it will only take a few hours a week."

"Tell me about it please, if you take 30 minutes to an hour a day for meditation you will be happier and the stress on your back from the babies will be gone. Do you know how to meditate?"

"I will try it but, Kagome, I don't know much about how to, can you teach me before you go?"

"Entei, I will be inside for a few minutes, will you be ok out here?"

he just looked at me, and laid down

Sango and I walked into her hut and sat on the ground.

"First, you start in a comfortable sitting position."

I sat with my legs tucked under me and my knees out to my side.

"For you it will probably be crossed legged because of the baby weight on your back, sitting with your legs crossed will help to support them."

She crossed her legs and sat up straight

"Now is the hard part, you have to imagine yourself in your happiest memory with no interruption, at all, nothing to upset you, otherwise you will come out of this feeling worse than you went into it feeling, now close your eyes and imagine, I will pull you out when i'm done too, ok?"

we sat in our meditation, I was pulled in immediately, wich only meant one thing, she was waiting on the otherside.

I felt the peace before I felt the panic, I saw the sun before I saw her. And then I was pulled to here, and the black took over.

When I looked around, I realized, I was not in my happy place but her resting place. Not the resting place of her body, but the resting place of her soul and the souls of all of the demons she took with her, with the help of Kikyo and myself, her and the demons were able to end the battle, she won, but stayed behind as a seer to help me, she came out no more than than once a month.

"Stand, young miko, you will need this help, I am not sure if after this I will be able to visit you again."

pushing myself off of the ground careful of the corpses that littered the area.

I was still not used to the pink glow, the corpses of the demons, or the lack of sunlight. The idea that when she called me, it was into my own soul also had a hand in blowing my mind.

I faced Midorioko and she faced me, we bowed together.

"Now, young one, the fight with Naraku is coming up and quickly. Do not think for one minute that by taking the jewel you have taken his power, You know of how he became a half demon-"

"Yes, by allowing -"

"young one, we don't have a lot of time, you must listen, you can reflect and think when you are out of here, well he is allowing more demons in, getting more power you will never be able to help him with out an Inu-!"

and then I felt it, the gut wrenching feeling of being pulled out of my meditation.

When I opened my eyes I saw Sango with a look of panic on her face.

"Go save Entei!"

with that I grabbed my sword and walked out to see the village hunters surrounding Entei.

"Get away from my horse! What has he done to you? I can't help, Sango. with out you attacking my damn horse?"

"M-miko, we had no clue that this bloodthirsty demon-"

"What has he done to make you call him by such a name?"

"Well he has helped Hakudoshi, to kill innocent people."

"I want you to know if you so much as think about touching my horse, I will fight you as if you were an enemy of mine."

"Is it normal for Mikos to fight?"

"Is it normal for mikos to have the shikon in her? Sango we are leaving remember the meditation, Entei let's go, we have to find a place to stay tonight preferable by a hot spring, I have meditated enough to hear your story"

With that I got on Entei's back and we flew off after around 20 minutes of flying the sun started to set and I could see how fast it was going down, the clouds were preventing me from seeing the colors of the sky during the sun set, maybe tomorrow morning I could see it.

"Entei, will you land if you see a hot spring, or a clearing?"

we both began looking, but I guess it was hard for me because he was going too fast.

After 10 minutes he began descending rapidly, then I saw it, a clearing with a hot spring nearby, perfect for sleeping and maybe I could bathe.

Once we landed I took off my pack and put my hand on Entei's forehead, and let the power flow.

"Tell me about your mate and what Naraku did to her and your child, Entei, if you don't mind. You can of course stop at any time should this get to hard for you or upsetting."

and in my head I saw a white horse who was spotted brown and was slightly smaller than Entei, with nicer eyes. Next to her was a small foal mostly brown with white spots. The bigger horse was laying down while the smaller one played with its ability to spit fire, Then in the forest surrounding the pair, two red dots appeared soon followed by more, with in a matter of minutes the forest had over one hundred pairs of eyes lit up in it. The haunting, hollow sound of Naraku's laughter came into the scene

and soon the all too familiar baboon pelt and face of the puppet were visible with Kagura and Kana at its side.

"You are Entei's mate are you not?"

The larger horse placed herself in front of the foal and backed up, when it happened. The younger horse sensing that his mother was distressed charged at the puppet and the saimyosho all attacked at once and left the young foal there bloody and dead, and went back to the forest.

"Join me, I will get your mate from the place he is sealed."

and with one last look at her fallen foal she took into the sky

"Kagura, bring her back, I want her alive" with that Kagura took out her feather and flew after her

"When Kagura brings her back, Kanna, I want you to take out your mirror and take her soul, command her body to find Entei, once we break the seal, he will join us to save his mate."

as the horse was flying through the sky she stopped and fell, and broke her neck and was killed instantly.

Then the memory stopped.

"Entei, how did you see this? Haven't you been sealed for like, a long time?"

"When horse demons die, we can send our mate the last hour if necessary to show them how we died, and who killed us."

"So, that's why you want him dead so badly. I understand, well because everyone is off starting their families we are the only ones who are going to be able to kill him."

"Young Miko, do tell me what ever became of the jewel of four souls. I knew of its creation, and the miko who created the jewel. Hakudoshi and Kagura spoke of you, the jewel you posses, I am assuming you need it. Am I correct?"

"Well Entei, after I completed the jewel I did the first thing I thought of to keep it safe, I merged it with my soul, and now when I die, the jewel goes too, no more worrying about some one else getting it, or it being put into my reincarnates soul, or any number of things that could happen to it. Once I'm gone its gone for good"

"And do tell me young miko, what if some one similar to Kanna with the ability to touch or take your soul comes up, then what do you do?"

"To tell you the truth, Entei, I have never thought of that. We will take it as it comes. I can't keep this up for tonight and still put the sutras up. Good Night, Entei."

And with that I stood up and motioned for Entei to follow me walking to the hot spring I sat down and stuck my head under water, and let it get wet all the way through.

When that was done I flipped my head up and took out one of my towels, getting it wet and a mild bar of soap I made the towel foamy and stood next to Entei.

"Entei, we have been through a lot today and you are awfully muddy, so I'm going to have to wash you now ok?"

and with that I set to work and began washing Entei, restoring his fur to its previous pure white state. And once I was done I began stripping down to wash myself.

I jumped into the water and began swimming back and forth

after a while in the hot spring I got up and grabbed my clothes taking out my towel I dried off and got dressed leading Entei back to camp I took out the apples that Sango was nice enough to make Miroku get for us and gave it to Entei, I took out some dried rabbit and we ate our dinner, when Entei was done with one apple he grabbed another and ate all of it, soon he had finished the whole bag.

"Entei, didn't your other riders feed you apples? Or did they just leave you scraps? Because if they left you scraps, and even if they didn't I promise to always feed you fresh and delicious food, because you deserve it."

after I had my fill of dried rabbit I took out eight sutras and with the correct spell and some miko boom I threw them all to the trees surrounding this camp sight and laid down. And tried to go to sleep, but the conversation I had with Midorioko was going through my head, Inu what did she mean Inu-Yasha?

I will have to figure it out some other time not tonight and I couldn't go back because it would take too much energy.

So I spent the night meditating if I can't be rested, then my mind could.

I was pulled out of my meditation by Entei at the time that the sun was rising.

With a stretch and a yawn I took down one of the sutras and the rest fell on the ground and turned to ash. That was part of the new spell I had put on them, I put a different one on every night so something different would happen when they fell, some times they left a trap for the next demon who was following me.

Packing up I got on Entei, and we took off towards Totosai, ever since I completed the jewel, he had been a little nicer to me and has helped to find swords or how to make a sword for my miko powers to be channeled through.

When Entei took off I asked him to stay low, in case someone needed help I would be able to hear the scream or call.

And it was a good thing I did, half a mile from the camp there was an ear splitting scream.