Three months later

"You're such a girl, Logan!" Chuckled Carlos when he caught him sniffing the fabric of my shirt he was wearing. James and I just came walking back into the living room with pop corn and a movie for our movie night. The last few months have been so amazing. Logan and I haven't fought once, it was all so perfect. I've never been this happy in my entire life. Being with Logan was even more amazing then I imagined. James and Carlos were still happy together as well and kept growing closer and closer. I sometimes saw them staring into each other's eyes and it was like you caught them having sex or something. I had to look away from them on those moments, it was incredibly intimate.

Logan glared at Carlos. "I'm not a girl! You are!" Now, of course Logan wasn't a girl but even I couldn't help but make that joke every once in a while. James nudged me.

"You wanna make a bet?" He whispered.

"Yeah. Ten on Logan" I whispered back. I had my doubts about this, Logan was always so sweet to everyone I didn't see him hurting Carlos with words, but I also couldn't let him down. What kind of boyfriend was I then?

"Ten on Carlos. Just give me the money already, we both know Logan wouldn't hurt a fly"

"Shh. We'll see about that"

Carlos rolled his eyes. "I am a girl, huh? How?" He asked curiously, but irritated.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because you were jumping up and down with excitement when you showed us James' necklace?" He said sarcastically. Two weeks ago, Carlos came running up to us, dragging James along with him and the he had the biggest smile on his face I'd ever seen in my life. Although James was looking a bit sheepish, but seemed pleased with himself none the less for making Carlos that happy. The Latino had showed us the little 'C' on James' necklace and had been beaming for at least a week.

"Oh please! As if you didn't do the exact same thing when Kendall gave you yours!" Carlos fired back. James nodded approvingly and smirked. He was convinced Carlos would win this.

"I actually didn't! I kissed him and didn't even blush!" He stood up from the couch and Carlos followed his example.

"You're so much more of a girl then I am you act like a blushing bride all the time! Why don't you just change gender?" Asked Carlos triumphantly. I hissed and James laughed. He patted my back.

"Maybe, because we only have enough money for one plastic surgery. Your boob job" He said sweetly.

"In your face" I whispered to James. I was extremely proud at Logan for this one. I had no idea he had it in him to make such a move. He stepped closer to Carlos, still with that smile on his face, as if he knew exactly what was about to come.

"Why would I do that?" Squeaked Carlos. "I don't even have boobs!" He crossed his arms in front of his chest defensively.

"Exactly. Don't you wanna give James what he wants?" He cooed. James pulled a face, but didn't smile anymore. He was suddenly watching this very closely, his eyes fixated on Carlos' face to read his expression. Carlos' face turned red and he narrowed his eyes. He took a step closer too.

"I'm so going to win this, James!" I whispered smugly. He huffed.

"Only a girl can be as mean as you are now, Logan" Said Carlos hurt, but not giving up yet.

"Only a girl can be hurt by what I just said" He responded matter-of-factly. He took another step closer, getting face to face with the Latino. He grinned widely, obviously thinking he'd won this argument already. James glared at him. Something I wasn't very happy with.

"You're such a bitch, Logan" Mumbled Carlos, and then smirked. "For Kendall's dick, I mean"

"Yeah, baby!" Shouted James and clapped his hands.

"You take that back, slut" Snapped Logan angrily, his face red with shame and anger.

"I'm a slut, huh?" He asked unbelievably, smirking wider. "I remember that you're the one that's getting fucked!"

"Take that, Kendall! I win!" James did his happy dance and I groaned. It was going to take ages before he would stop bragging about this.

Logan was staring at Carlos as if he had three heads and then did the one thing no one ever expected. He, Logan Mitchell, the pacifist, slapped Carlos in his face. Hard

It was silent for a moment. Carlos grabbed his face and stared at Logan unbelievably. I was pretty impressed by this. "Nice one, sweetie"

At almost the same time James got between him and Carlos and hid the Latino behind his back. He was absolutely livid. "Now, it's on" He hissed and cracked his knuckles.

James fucking Diamond was being protective? Since when was that? I didn't take the time to think about it because he was getting dangerously close to a terrified Logan, who had no idea how to react to this. He walked backwards until the back of his knees hit the couch and he fell on it. That was my sign to get in between them. It's actually a very simple thing to understand. You don't threaten Logan if you want to stay alive.

I caught James fist in mid air. "You should back off now, Diamond" I whispered dangerously.

He pulled away from me. "He's smart enough to think about the consequences before slapping my boyfriend. Now, get out of my way so I can return the favor" Said James furious.

"I don't think so. You're dead if you touch Logan"

"Such a pity, because he's still going to die for slapping Carlos!"

"Logan had every right to! Carlos comment was so mean!" I moved quickly when James tried to sneak past me to get to Logan. I pulled the shorter brunette on his feet and against my back. I held onto him to prevent myself from attacking James.

"Carlos was mean? Did you even listen to what Logan said? Carlos wasn't even half as mean as Logan was!" I took another step back, pulling Logan with me.

"Oh please! As if you didn't find it just as funny as I did!"

"IT ISN'T FUNNY IF IT HURTS CARLOS!" He shouted. Logan whimpered softly and buried his face between my shoulder blades.

"Damn James! Since when did you change into a copy of me?"

"I'm not. I've always been just as protective as you are, just not over every little thing. Get used to it"

"I don't think I have to, seeing as you're going to leave him soon anyway"

I'd never seen James this mad. "Why the hell would I do that?" He whispered softly. No longer focusing on Logan but on me instead. I didn't really care about that. As long as Logan wasn't going to get hurt I was fine with everything.

"You never stay with anyone longer than a month or two. You're too much of a player"

"Maybe this is different? Maybe I really like Carlos a lot? You're going way too far here, Kendall"

"Why would this be different? Besides that Carlos is your best friend? You're just going to end up breaking his heart" I heard a quiet sob coming from the Latino behind James and the pretty boy immediately turned around to hug him. He was staring at me with something I recognized immediately. It was the exact same thing I felt when he was getting in Logan's face.

"I'm not going to break his heart, Knight" He said darkly. I'd never seen James this scary. His eyes narrowed and I was surprised I didn't have a black eye. Carlos smiled a little, but still wasn't fully convinced of that.

"We'll see about that. Just remember you promised not to fuck it up again"

Then James said something that brought back the tears in Carlos' eyes, but not of sadness. "I love him"

With that I backed off. I couldn't say anything if that was true. He had good reason to be mad at Logan. No one liked it if the one you loved got hurt. I knew that all too well.

Carlos POV

"You do?" I asked stunned. I didn't want to believe it, afraid it would just be a way to make Kendall back off. I really hoped it was true, I've loved James since the very beginning, but it was way too soon to tell him and I wanted to hear it from him first.

He slowly turned around so he could look at me. From the corner of my eye I could see Logan pulling Kendall away from us, to give us some privacy. I had to remember to thank him later.

James put his hands on my hips and made little circles with his thumbs. He was looking down in my eyes and waited until he heard the door of Kendall and Logan's room shut.

"James, did you really mean it?" I couldn't hide my hopefulness anymore and he chuckled softly.

"Yeah, I think so" He said softly, but his eyes sparkled. "Carlos, I love you"

I'm pretty sure I beamed… Oh well. The most gorgeous person on this planet just told me he loves me so I'm allowed to. "I love you too"

We both leaned in and I'm pretty sure I heard a door squeaking. James groaned.

"We should have known they would eavesdrop" He chuckled before slamming his lips on mine.

Logan was ecstatic. He was so happy about this. He'd been worrying about James breaking Carlos' heart ever since they started dating, since James really is a player, but now he knew it wasn't going to happen. James loved Carlos and the last thing you want to do to the one you love is breaking his heart. You just don't do it. I was happy about it too. I'd forgiven James, but that didn't mean I wasn't going to hit him if he made such a move toward Logan again. I would kill him.

"Calm down, Logie. You knew this would happen sooner or later" I laughed and wrapped my arms around him. There was another reason I was happy about this. Something very important to me. This meant James was finally over his feeling for Logan. That was major progress.

"I didn't. Seriously! I'd been thinking the exact same thing as you, I only didn't have the heart to tell Carlos. I'm extremely happy about this, though" He laid his arms around my neck.

"How happy exactly?" I asked suggestively. I pulled him closer so his chest was touching mine.

"Oh, we're going that way, huh?" He whispered and traced my lips with his finger. I opened my mouth and bit softly on his finger, before sucking on it.

We ended up blowing each other and now Logan was lying naked on my chest, something that happened often after the first time we woke up like that. He still used the excuse that I was a great mattress. I was singing You're Beautiful for him, another thing that happened more and more. Only this time, it went a little different. I reached the last refrain and he started to sing with me. That was a first and I was completely surprised, so I stopped singing.

You're beautiful

You're beautiful

You're beautiful, it's true

You must be an angel, with a smile on his face


And it's time to face the truth

I'll always be with you

"You changed the ending" I said with a voice thick with tears.

"I didn't like it. If it's about you and me we can as well make a good ending on it, right?" He leaned up a bit so he could see my eyes and blushed when he saw how much I loved it. "I love you" He whispered lovingly.

"I love you too, sweetie. So, so much"

I'm sorry if this was crappy. It really, really is. I hate the ending, but I couldn't bring myself to rewriting it, so here it is. I have the first few chapters of the sequel done, if you want me to post them before I go on vacation to PARIS, please review? Thank you so much for reading!