Ok guys so this is my first story, if any of the characters are out of character I'm sorry, and let me know so I can try and fix it for next chapter. Please R&R and basically, enjoy!

Summary: They'd been running from the Edison Group. Then they were betrayed by those they thought they could trust. Unease and distrust was still rife amongst the group, and when Derek see's Chloe and Simon whispering in a corner, it starts off a chain of events that leads to one of them being captured by the enemy. With everyone feeling guilty for the part they played, something has to be done to stop the enemy once again, but will it be enough?

Disclaimer: I don't own the Darkest Powers or its characters unfortunately, I wish I did, oh the things I'd make them all do... anyway! On with Chapter One!


It had been a long time coming, breaking into and bringing down the Edison Group's lab. None of us had been prepared for what had happened next though. The release of the demi-demon - Diriel, the foundations of the labratory crumbling, Simon and Derek's Dad, Mr. Bae turning up to save the day, the death of Tori's mother, Mrs. Enright followed by my resurrecting her to shoot Dr. Davidoff. And then we'd had to run, run for our safety, for our lives and the lives of the others who didn't know what they were yet, but they would, we would find them and tell them, in time. We had to make sure we were safe now, while the others were fugitives from the supernatural world, I was one from the human world too. We would never be safe, not until this was ended and ended right, with the disbandment of the Edison Group, and all of their experiments.

We'd been on the run with one another for nearly a week now, and all I could keep thinking about was, "When will we get ready to leave again?", "How can I let my Dad know I'm safe without endangering him?" and "When will Derek and I get some time alone together?" That last thought had been occurring to me more and more as the days progressed. Especially at night when there was nothing more to do than listen to the slight snoring from the left of me where Tori slept, and the snuffling of Aunt Lauren on my right in the next motel we started stopping in two nights ago. What a time to worry about my love life when we were on the run from not only the Cabals, but also what was left of the Edison Group, and someone else... someone called Mr St. Cloud. I hadn't mentioned this to the others yet, too much had been going on and it had slipped my mind. Simon and Derek had only just got their Dad back, the same for me and Aunt Lauren, and there was a lot to talk about there, and then there was Tori. She still didn't know she and Simon were brother and sister, and when she did that could get a little awkward, what with her chasing after him at Lyle house. Its a good thing Simon hadn't felt the same way otherwise things could have gotten a whole lot messier... but as he had said, he wasn't "Diva bait". As it was Tori had no other family, her mother may have been an evil murdering bitch like she said that night of our escape, but still she was her mother. She still loved her, and the fact she was not only dead, but that I raised her and summoned her soul back into her corpse? Well, I'd rather not think about it.

And then there was Derek and my Aunt Lauren to think about. When she took me back to the Edison Group after our mass breakout from Lyle House, I heard her - even through my sedation, asking for Derek to be put down like a rabid dog. And when we came back from the woods that first evening, Derek's arm around my waist as we walked and talked through everything, things seemed perfect in that one moment - Until I spotted Aunt Lauren and her look of distaste. Derek saw it too, and even though he tried to hide it with that cool, blank gaze of his, I still saw the anger in his eyes, and something else too, something that said, "No matter what I do, I will never be good enough for her in your eyes. What else do I need to do?" But I saw defiance there too. After everything we'd gone through, he wasn't going to let Aunt Lauren come between us, neither was I. She hadn't left us alone together since that night, wherever me and Derek went, she'd find a reason to join, or she'd need my help with the cooking or she wanted some time to "talk" to me, lecture me more like. She needed to fully understand and fully appreciate I wasn't little Chloe anymore, I'd changed. And I wasn't changing back.

It was when I was thinking this that a note was quickly shoved under the door. Strewing my way across the slightly messy motel room I picked it up. It was Simon's, I could tell from the art on the page. A ghost in the top left corner, meaning me. Chloe. A patch of fog in the bottom right, that stood for Simon. A picture of an eye, N, a pair of twins, a mouth with a speech bubble and two sheep drawn to look feminine were in the middle. It had been drawn quick, erratically, but eventually I managed to figure out what he was trying to say.

Chloe, I need to speak to you. Simon.

Whatever he wanted to talk about it must have been serious, Simon wouldnt go behind his brothers back - or his Dad's for that matter if it wasn't. Ever since we reached this tepid state of safety, Simon had been a little bit withdrawn from me. I couldn't blame him, after all, he had liked me but when it came down to it we just weren't suited for one another. I liked Derek, I was now with Derek, and only thought of Simon as a friend. A close one, but just a friend all the same. He wouldn't have gone far. Since I washed the semi permenant dye from my hair I'd had to be careful around people, but as Aunt Lauren put it, the Edison Group knew what I looked like even with the disguise, and being in Pennsylvania now, it was unlikely anyone here would recognise or expect the missing girl from the posters in Buffalo to be here, but still I would have to be careful when I went out, but it wasn't like he would have gone far. So picking up my jacket off the chair, I put it on as I hurried out the door, to find out what was the matter with Simon before everyone else got back.