
"Okay, so why?" Sam firmly asked, keeping her hands to her sides. Although she was steaming angry at her friend, she would never hurt her. On purpose, at least.

"I.. I just.." Carly stuttered, trying to find the correct words. "You were jealous?" "No! I- I mean, kind of. Not because I like Freddie, but because if you two start dating, then-"

"Then what, Carly? I'll be happy, and I finally get to be with the guy I love?" Sam interrupted. Carly shook her head in defense. This wasn't going well.

"No, but because everything will be different." The brunette pushed herself against the dirty bathroom wall, and slid down to the tiled floor. Really, they need to clean this place...

"What are you talking about?" She asked, confused.

"Well.. If you two start dating, then I'll just be a third wheel. Whenever you guys are out together, all I'll have is stupid homework for company," Carly sighed. No one wants homework for company.

Sam laughed a little, and sat next to her best friend. "Carly, believe me, nothing will change. We'll always be the same wacky, awesome trio we always are," Carly smiled a bit. "Promise?"

"Ankle promise."

The two stood up, smiles on their faces, and began the usual 'ankle promise' dance they created when they were only 10. The two hugged in the end, knowing everything was going to be alright, even if Freddie did pick Sam to be his lucky lady. The two departed, ready to leave the disgusting restroom, when a certain brown-haired boy barged in. "Freddie, you do realize this is the women's restroom, right?" Carly chuckled.

He nodded, "Yeah, but I just wanted to know if everything is okay between you two." They both nodded in unison, while Freddie gave a grin. "I'm sorry for ruining your date, guys," Carly apologized, alittle red-cheeked, "Nah, its cool. We're going on another," Freddie said. Sam looked confused, "We are?"

"Yes, we are, Princess Puckett."

They stared at eachother for a few moments, smiling like two idiots in love when Carly broke in with a forceful cough.

"Lets go, guys," Carly said, putting her arms over her two best friends.



Pretty short chapter. I know. But now that this is done, get ready for my next story:


And just to keep you in suspence, heres the summary:

iCarly's 4th year anniversary! Instead of the usual movie, Groovy Smoothie visit, and iCarly webcast celebration, Spencer decides to shake it up a bit by taking the 4 on a Cruise! Sounds exciting, right? How long will their fun last when Carly mysteriously dissapears? Who took her? And most importantly, why?

This will be a Seddie and Creddie story. Half Creddie, Half Seddie. (: Hope you enjoy it!

Bye xx