Ireland made her way through the alleys of New York. She was looking for a business partner of hers. She spotted ay a particular alley near a black and red brick house. She waited there for a while. 5 minutes turned into 10, 10 turned into 15 and so on. Ireland was about to leave until a familar little Taiwanese girl popped her head out of the shadows the pervaded the alleyway. "Money please." she said a little impaitently. Ireland reached into her pocket and handed her at least $300 minimum. "Is America still alive?"

"Eeyup. Bad conditions but alive."

"Ok. You can let him go now. Or not. Whatever suits your fancy, creepy girl."

"I think I'll let him go. I love little Alfie but he's being a bitch about the whole not feeding him thing."

"...You're seriously fucked up." and with that Ireland left the alleyway. The girl followed her, "Soooooo, why did I need to kidnap Alfie?" Ireland looked at her with burning green eyes. "Because. STFU and GTFO, Polar Red." Well, well, well, if it isn't her...Well, we all KNEW it was her but ya know. Polar Red shrugged and walked off in the direction of her house. Ireland whipped out her phone when saw the small child was gone. Going through her pictures, she found a large pink house painted in green, "IRELAND WAS HERE." And in smaller letters were, "DON'T SAY SHIT TO RUSSIA ASSHOLE, OR I'LL FIND YOU. I DON'T PARTICULALLY CARE FOR RUSSIA AT ALL I JUST NEED AN EXCUSE TO KICK YOUR ASS AND MAKE YOU SUFFER. ENJOY YOUR PRESENT, AMERICAN SON OF A BITCH." Ireland smiled devilishly. Oh how she loved making people suffer. Especially people romantically involved with her big brother.