Hey, a new fanfic though I'm still working on the other, "I'll be there for you"! I've seen ton of people doing this and thought, why not try, so I'm taking from anyone,, just to let you know, I'm doing it all alone, and this is just in my way, in my perspective point! So review and tell me what you think!

Ask Them Qs-Ep. 1

Me: Hello People of earth, if you're not studying or you're not working just to watch our brand new show "Ask Them Qs"….well, god job!

My name is Nadine and believe it or not, I'm a sixteen years old girl with a show, so deal with!

Anyways, since this is the first episode, let me tell you more about us and later we'll have some guest stars!


Here in "Ask Them Qs" we'll be expecting a variety of stars that will answer your questions here, so this is your chance to interfere with their life (wink) take it, or miss it and you'll cry and regret and slap yourself for life!

Every week, we'll have new guest stars, and will last with us for about a week or two, it depends on the number of questions we get, so make it more!

In today's episode, our guest stars ruled the internet world, if you haven't worked out who they are then…..WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU LIVIN!


They not only ruled the internet world, but they become a part of your life, your routine, and the reason you fight with others….mmm lets say for example, because of them, you fight about…..SEDDIE and CREDDIE!

((Applause, Screams))

That's right, lets all welcome to our stage, the iCarly Gang!


((The gang comes out))

Carly: Hey

Sam: What's up Nubs?

Freddie: Hola

Gibby: It's Gibbah

Spencer: Heloooooooo

Me: So how you doin iCarlay people!

Carly: Good

Sam: Bored

Freddie: Sam…..fine

Sam: What!

Spencer: Super Duper Good!

Gibby: Can I take my shirt off?

Everyone: NO!

Gibby: Sorry! (sinks in his chair)

Me: So as you can see, it seems like iCarly will be with us for a number of nights, let me explain to you the rules!

You, our viewers, can send us your questions by email to the following address Q s Q s . c o m , simple huh! Starting from tomorrow will be asking the iCarly gang all the questions you send us in, oh and ask anything, and I mean it, anything! ((Wink wink))

Carly: Anything?

Me: Anything

Sam and Freddie: any any thing?

((They look at each other))

Me: anything

Gabby: Can they ask about me

Me: uh…yes?

Spencer: Are you sure anything?

Me: (angrily) I said ANTYTHING!

Me: So people, go on and send us your Qs, ask about friends, relationships, love, seddie (wink), fav, stuff…..

Sam: Not seddie

Me: why not?

Sam: Uh

Freddie: yeah sam why not?

Sam: who's side are you dork

Freddie: YOU

Sam: Good!

Carly: Stop it…..can they ask about my grades

Me: …Yes?

Spencer: What about my sculptures?

Me: Sure they can

Gibby: Can they ask me to take my shirt off?

Me: I'm afraid i did say anything, so yeah they can! ((Grossed out))

Gibby: Super duper!

Spencer: Hey, that's my line!

Gibby: Sorry man!

Spencer: Ok, no problem man!

Me: Ok, so I guess those 30 minutes went by really quickly, so before I say good bye, remember, send in your questions and we'll ask them!

Gibby: yeah anything!

Me: yes, you heard the Gibson!

Sam: Wait wait, you called us here just for the introduction, nothing else!

Me: Yep

Sam: tell me why I should not kill you

Carly and Freddie: Sam

Me: coz I have bacon, meatball, ham, and fried chicken back stage!

Sam: you're lucky!

Me: I know!

Nathan: And we're-

Me: Not yet Nathan!

Nathan: Sorry

Me: Sorry, that was my nubby producer, plz excuse his extreme stupidity!

Nathan: sorry

Me: WE'RE STILL ON! Anyways, before anything else happens, ((look at Nathan)), time to say goodbye, see you tomorrow with your Qs! ICarly, any thing to say.

Carly: Am looking for a boyfriend, should be cute and PERFECT!

Sam: I'm hungry

Freddie: you're always are


Freddie: No…I like it

Sam: You do

Freddie: yeah

Gibby: I like being shirtless

Spencer: Bye

Me: wow, who knew Spencer would say something that makes since!

Spencer: What?

Me: um, nothing! Ok bye!

Nathan: and we're clear!

Jerry: Nathan you didn't turn of the camera

Nathan: what!


Nathan: sorry I'll turn it-(BEAB)

At the end, if u didn't get it, they were still on the t.v when Nathan said we're clear! So just so you get it, anything you read between the two lines is what it's been recorded and on tv, live!I

I'LL be asking them your questions, so plz review and write the Q you want me to put on, it could be about ANYTHING! And I'm a seddie fan of you haven't noticed, oh and the email address is nothing! Okay….Bye