I'm back! Almost a year since I last updated, you got every right to be mad but I'll explain everything at the end! For now enjoy Episode 17 part 2 !

Ask Them Qs: Ep.: 17 (2)



Me: and we're back

Sam: unfortunately

Me: What?

Sam: Nothing

Me: ….ok? Anyways, I thought it'd be fun to randomly choose a member of the audience to ask the next question, so lets see…. You with the purple top ! Jerry hand her the microphone

Jerry: Here you go ma'm (Hands the mic)

Me: and you are?

RozaJeantheShiningami: Hi ! My name is Roza, or you can call me RozaJeantheShiningami

Everyone: What?

Spencer: RosaJeanshu?

Me: We'll just go with Rosa ! So Rosa, rose, Rosalina-

Sam: Just get on with it

Me: Aww meany

Sam: Huh

Me: Urgh, so Rosa, your question?

Rosa: well my question is for Spencer

Spencer: Yepeee

Rosa: So Spencer, have you ever thought about how many boys Carly has gone out with under your care and yet you still let her be alone with boys? Why is that?

Spencer: Not so yepeeee ? um… well no one can handle her !

Carly: Excuse me?

Spencer: It's hard to tell you what to do and what not to do…I feel awful if I screamed at you and i want to see you happy and, wait what were we talking about?

Carly: Spencer, do you really care about me that much?

Sam: Oh damn this is getting mushy

Freddie: I like watching this- ouch Sam?

Sam: What? You're getting on my nerves

Freddie: Urgh you are so annoying!

Sam: Deal with it

Spencer: Of Course I care about you, you're my only sister and I love you! Sam you too

Sam: Yeah yeah

(Carly + Spencer Hugs)

Gibby: Ok now that calls for a group hug!

(iCarly Cast hugs)

Me: Well thank you-

Rosa: actually one more thing, Spencer I Love you, you're the best on iCarly

Spencer: wow well, Thank you

Me: Well-

Rosa: AND-

Me:Urgh what else?

Rosa (scared): nothing

Me: Good sit down

Sam: well I'm not the only mean one here

Freddie: (Laughs)

Me: and you're laughing because?

Freddie: Nothing

Me: well next … Wait a minuet ! Gibby, I forgot to give you the email last time!

Gibby: What email?

Me: For Em j loves you ! You know, the girl who loves you

Carly: he doesn't want it

Sam: Jealous Carly?

Carly: No

Seddie: Yes

Carly: I'm never winning aren't I ?

Sam: Nope

Gibby: I told you Carls, just mail, no seeing

Carly: whatever

Me: Well then, Gibby her email is, emjlovesyousplashface. c o m

Gibby: ok….what's her email

Me: Didn't I just say it?

Gibby: didn't you just said her name

Me: That is her Email you….uh

Sam: Potato bag?

Me: Um I'm not that mean ! Well , um, anyways, I've got a Dare for everyone including moi, from the awesome purpleprincess77 and she dares us to randomly dance for 15 minutes! I love this dare, it's simple and quick. So Jerry

Jerry: It's ready

Freddie: What's Ready

Voice: Random Dancing

(Music Starts)

(Everyone dance crazily)

Me: alright audience start dancing

Girl 1: weheee

Boy56: that's for children

Boy55: Come on dude this is so fun

Boy56: Childish

Girl33: I love you Freddie

Sam: He's mine skunk bag

Gir34: Ouch that hurts

Girl33: oh well…yay

Gibby: I'm tired I'll sit

Me: No sitting for the next 14 minuets

Everyone: boooo


Me: You too Nathan, Jerry start dancing

Nathan: But I'm holding a camera?

Me: So what?

(Nathan and Jerry starts dancing)

Me: Jennette you can site, you're too lovely to see you in pain

Jennette: Aw love you too

Carly: urgh

( 14 minutes later)

(Music stops, everyone sits)

Me: Well that was…

Sam: Freddie rub my feet

Freddie: Find your self someone else, I'm dead

Sam: I'm tired

Freddie: Me too sam, but am i complaining? No

Sam:What is the matter with you?

Freddie: Nothing and i'm not rubbing your feet

Sam: ….

Carly: Water please

Spencer: my feet hurt

Carly: we're never doing random dancing again

Gibby: At least not for the coming couple of months

Me: Jerry, water for everyone please, and while he get it! We'll go in to a break

Everyone: Yesssss



Me: And we are back

Carly: All fresh

Sam: All tired

Me: But questions aren't over! Quick question from Lucia, if you could have any super powers what would it be? Interesting

Sam: Invisibitly

Freddie: Flying

Carly: Being able to change to different shapes and people

Spencer: Breath in water

Gibby: laser eyes

Me: wow that's cool, you can all be like, the fantastic 5 or something

Girl70 Scream: I want Freddie

Me: Security, get her out

Girl70: Freddie

Freddie:eh, huh, that was weird

Me: so Sam no comment

Sam: No

Me: Is there something wrong between you two?

Freddie: Nope

Sam: Yes

Freddie: Yes?

Me: Yes?

Sam: Yes?

Carly: What Yes?

Spencer: Why Yes

Gibby: Yes she said yes?

Me: Yes?

Jerry: What's going on

Nathan: No idea

Sam: YES! On with the questions

Freddie: Sam wha-

Sam: I said on with the questions

Me: um ok, eh….. Lovelifeforeverfun asks you Spencer, why don't we ever see Socko? and where do you guys usually go hang out?

Spencer: Why would you want to see him? How would you see him?

Carly: You mean like how you guys see us via mini cameras or whatever that you are using?

Me: I guess?

Spencer: well no need to see him, and we hang out at places you least imagine

Gibby: Like?

Spencer: You don't want to know!

Me: Ok then, another question for you all, if you were to go to a alternate universe, what do you think it would be like?

Carly: a place where everything is free and build-a-bra would be the largest shop in the world

Gibby: a world where there is all kind of liquid soaps and infinity]

Spencer: somewhere where all chicks wants me

Freddie: A place where there is the latest technologies


Me: Sam. Sam?

Sam: What did you say?

Freddie: She'll probably say a world with ham that lasts for infinity

Sam: Don't answer for me, you don't know what I surely want!

Me: Well the questions asks you, if you were to go to a alternate universe, what do you think it would be like?

Sam I'd rather not answers, and Freddie's answers is wrong

Freddie: what's up with you, you seem-

Sam: You have no right to ask

Carly: What did you do Freddie?

Freddie: Nothing!

Sam: Yeah right

Freddie: But-

Me: you can fight later! The show is about to finish! I just got one more thing for you all ! The startling Seddier PurpleJerk send us a list of dares for all of you and requires you doing it outside the show! So I'll tell you now the dares, give it to you on a paper when the show is over! I'll send my camera men, that excludes you Nathan-

Nathan: Yes!

Me: I'm doing it for Jennette

(Jennette smiles)

Me: and the camera men will film whatever stated in the dare, so we'll watch it on the next episode! So here we go !

Me: For Sam, you should act nice towards everyone and wear girly clothes for a whole day.

Sam: aw man! I'm gonna kill yah PurpleJerk Dude

Me: She, it's a she Sam, as in a girl

Sam: Wait! Where did you hear that

Me: I made it

Sam: Yeah right

Me: well, Freddie, your dare is to tell your mom that she's going to be a grandma! And when she wakes up , that's if she faints, you can tell her it was just a joke.

Freddie: -_-

Sam(chuckels): Unless she dies first

Me: Carly, your dare is to pull a prank on Principal Franklin.

Carly: What No! He is a nice guy and it's not my thing!

Sam: why didn't I get this dare?

Me: Don't ask me, Spencer, you'll have to ask out the fat girl with popcorn from the audience! What Girl?

Spencer: Which one?

Jerry Laughs: I think she mean, that one (he points out to Girl44)

Spencer+Carly+Gibby+Me+Freddie+Sam: Ewwwww

Girl44: Yay (still eating a pop corn)

Spencer: Can I quit the show?

Me: Good Luck spency

Spencer: It's all your fault

Me: me?

Spencer: No The PurpleJerk Dude

Sam + Me: She, it's a she Spencer, as in a girl

Gibby: Wow

Me: Well that ends up our-

Gibby: where is my dare?

Me: Sorry Gib, no dare for yah!

Carly: No worries, we can replace it by the desert I'll make you home

Gibby: Super

Freddie: Sam you still mad

Sam: Nadine won't you end the show?

Me: I guess I have to, thank you everyone for watching and see you next episode! Don't worry, i'll try to figure out what's happening between Sam and Freddie! Remember, three more episodes and we're Done ! (Tears in Nadine's eyes)

iCarly Cast: Thank God

Me: Mean People

Carly: It's about time!

Me: But the show is awsome

Spencer: You do know we are humans who get tired

Me: Like i Care!

Me: Well everyone...Bye !



Shoutout to:

# RozaJeantheShiningami

# Em J loves you (For always reviewing)

# purpleprincess77

# Lucia

# Lovelifeforeverfun ( You'll be on the show next episode :)

# PurpleJerk

First of all Thank you to all me reviewers, 151 Reviews? Are you kidding me? I LOVE YOU!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and now let me tell you why I took months to update!

I've been really busy with school this year, I've Got IGCSE's coming in 4 days, and I had to study well all year long , so so so sorry!

Yesterday I accidentally went over the reviews and realized how much fans love this story, I felt so mad at my self, I wanted to update but I was so busy, and I won't finish until 13th June so I was like, what the heck, let me give them this chapter!

Probably, the next chapter won't be up till after a month and a half, but if you're lucky, I might update earlier!

I understand if you hate me for not updating, but please forgive me? Would you?

Well that's all I have to say, words are not enough to tell you how sorry I am!

Ps: Please don't send much dares, I've got a lot of it, and if you do have only dares no questions, try to make the dares simple and easily done in the show not out of it!

You've three more episodes till the story ends, I'm really glad I got to know so many of you and how most of you have been on the journey with me from the beginning, like:

-Purple Jerk

-Em J Loves You



Thank you everyone, and you four up there, are PHENOMENAL !