Heartbeat Calendar

Chapter One

By JadenXJesse lover

A/N Italics are how Hikaru/Kaoru perceive the pictures, while underlined italics are the thoughts of Hikaru/Kaoru. Thanks loaaaaads to Eria for beta-reading :D

"EEH?" Retorted the two identical twins in unison, "W-when did you... How did you?"

"I might not be as good as you two, but I am rather proficient with Photoshop." Kyoya smiled, coldly and maliciously

"Y-you're a cruel devil, Kyoya-senpai!" The two twins looked away in embarrassment and annoyance from the picture that stood in front of them; in fact, it wasn't just one picture. Oh no, it was a multitude of pictures!

"Cheer up Hika-chan, Kao-chan! I think this one looks cute." Mitsukuni adorably hugged his pink Usa-chan while looking at one of the pictures, "But why didn't you tell me there was going to be cake?" His big round eyes began to water at the cake within the picture and his guests were comforting him in a second, "You know how much me and Usa-chan and Takashi love cakes!"

His guests comforted him in less than a second, "Honey-senpai! Don't fret! I baked a cake especially for you. It has chocolate and marshmallows and icing and strawberries..." His adoring patron placed her handmade cake onto the nearest table; in a split second, the cake was no more. The only sign of it ever existing was the icing that was smeared on Mitsukuni's adorable, blushing cheeks.

"KYAAAAA!" The patrons screamed as Mitsukuni smiled, "Honey-senpai is so cuuuuute!"

"I apologise if this upsets you Hikaru and Kaoru, but as you two are officially in the Host Club – what's that commoner's saying – 'your assets are mine'."

"W-w-h...?" The twins speechlessly froze in shock and anger. They were at a total loss for words and extremely angry at Kyoya and his 'stupid calculations'.

"What's all the fuss about?" Haruhi walked into the room, having brought some more instant coffee and some more home-made cookies, one of which she was eating. "Why are you guys staring at that compu-..."

She stood still as she saw the images come up, one by one, on a slideshow. "HAHAHAHA" she laughed hysterically, "YOU TWO!" She continued, slumping to the floor, "This serves you right!" She rolled on the floor laughing more, while some patrons were now gathering around her.

"Haruhi is so cute when he's laughing." They said with dear admiration, a wave of adoring agreement following.

"Haruhi!" Hikaru admonished with pretend-hurt

"What have we ever done to you?" Kaoru said innocently, he weakly rested his arms against Hikaru, as though he were dying, to get the attention of their patrons.

"Oh I don't know... Dressing me up in a dress? Publishing photos of me in a dress?"

"But Haruhi, you looked so cute in a dress." The twins surrounded her on either side, both seemingly advancing on her

"Yeah, you looked like a real girl." Whispers of "yeah, she does" and "that's so true" as well as the odd nosebleed dotted the crowd of guests.

"That's cause I am, you idiots." She muttered under her breath.

"Did I just hear... Haruhi... in a dress...?" Tamaki cried out optimistically from the other side of the room. He quickly rushed towards Haruhi and the twins, "Is it finally the day? The day that daddy can see daddy's little girl wearing a dress?" He said, hopes and fantasies flickering in his eyes

"Senpai, the day you can see me in a dress is when you stop being such an obnoxious idiot." She said flatly, stabbing Tamaki in the heart. He shrank into his little ball of depression and kept muttering to himself "o-obnoxious...". "And anyways we were just talking about the... the twins..." She couldn't help but break into a laugh again,

"Haruhi, that's not funny! Kyoya-senpai used us like tools!"

"Yeah, we object to that!" Hikaru said angrily, pointing at the pictures on the screen. Tamaki glanced over and his jaw fell open, speechless at the horrors he saw his 'little girl' seeing.

"MAMA! How could you let our little girl see pictures of these two... these two dirty perverts!" He cried out in vain tears. "Oh Haruhi! Daddy's failed you!"


"We're not perverts! Kyoya made this and published it!"

"I simply thought the twins act needed to be... refreshed. Plus it just so happens that we've earned twice as much." He smiled like the evil devil he truly was

"Typical." Sighed Haruhi

"But to let our darling daughter see it! Have you no shame as her mother?"

"She's not a child anymore, Tamaki." He said mild-mannerly, causing Tamaki to cry overdramatic tears of sorrow. "We should let our... daughter be more independent."

"So, Kyoya?"

"We don't want those pictures on the site."

"Don't you worry, Hikaru, Kaoru. I sold them as calendars. It's quite popular, already in its third printing. Additionally, there's an onslaught of patrons and guests sending correspondence asking for a new set to match the current one."

"WHAT?" the two light-auburn haired twins complained in shock, "Th-they're already on sale?"

"Yep. I'll let you two have one for free if you want, consider it a token of my gratitude."

"Why would we ever want one?" Hikaru protested while Kaoru sat down calmly

Amidst the leaving patrons and guests, a swirling podium appeared from the floor, witch-like cackles booming out. "Silly little twins..." Renge fiercely began, "Soft twincest is all good..." She sipped her cup of African tea, "But we need more! We need more romance and action!" She shouted determinedly, quickly followed by a murmur of "uh huh, uh huh" from the guests who had overheard her.


"Well if they don't want the free calendar," Haruhi began, a little bit of embarrassment showing in her cheeks ", can I have it?"

"WHAT?" Tamaki furiously shouted, "Haruhi! You shouldn't let these creepy perverts convince you to join in with their disturbing fantasies! That is not the response a lady should give!" He said furiously, overshadowing her with his 'fatherly' love

"Senpai, please stop sexually harassing me."

"..." A blank, crooked face remained on Tamaki as he cowered back into his 'depression corner'.

"I want to have one so that I can laugh at these idiots every day."

"Are you sure it's because of that, Haruhi?" Hikaru mischievously teased,

"Maybe it's cause you simply can't resist us..." Kaoru and Hikaru licked the specks of cookie crumbs on Haruhi's cheeks simultaneously.

"You could've just used a napkin... or at least told me." Haruhi smiled innocently, though slightly confused at why the twins always seem to be doing this.


Soon after, the Host Club retired for the day and all its members began to leave. The twins offered to give Haruhi a lift in their limo but Tamaki insisted that 'nasty twins' should not be allowed to escort a young lady, especially his 'daughter', home. So, as usual, Tamaki brought Haruhi home and had her cook him some 'commoner's ramen', an event that Tamaki planned to enjoy forever; fantasies of Haruhi as his adoring housewife flooded into him, sending him into a seizure-like fit.

"Strange..." Haruhi remarked as she unpacked her bag, "Where's the calendar?"


"Eh?" Hikaru said, a bit confused, as he opened his bag to find Haruhi's calendar between some maths books, "She must have put it in my bag by accident." He took it out and looked at the cover, 'The Forbidden Hitachiin Twincest'.

"Typical Renge... I bet this was all her idea."

"Hey Hikaru!" His younger brother called, "I'm going to take a shower, 'k?"

"'K." Hikaru replied nonchalantly, "I wonder what kind of things Kyoya put in?" He began to open the calendar, "I guess it wouldn't hurt to have a peep." Bad mistake, Hikaru, bad mistake.

"Oh god..."


Their thin, pale legs were entangled together, covering their nether regions. Bare porcelain skin caressing bare porcelain skin. Kaoru's spindly arms were hauled over his brother's neck, keeping the two twins tightly together. Hikaru's soft fingertips were gently placed on Kaoru's velvety, blushing cheeks. Their brown, watery eyes gazed at each other in loving adoration, Kaoru's cute, innocent face calling for Hikaru. Their lips hovered open and inches away from each other.

Kaoru seemed to be moaning and groaning with a feverish lust, licking his lips in eagerness. "Oh Hika..." he said, his eyes were round and had his usual embarrassed look in them. "Oh Hika..." he blushed and moaned, as he lay oh so angelically on the soft bed, covered with red roses.

"Oh Kaoru..." Hikaru whispered, unaware of his flustered, bright red cheeks. All he could think about now was how cute Kaoru looked, how adorable and sensual his brother seemed. His mind even began to conjure up Kaoru's moans and groans as he called out Hikaru's name in pleasure. His senses imagined the smoothness and softness of his twin's velvet-soft porcelain skin, the fragrance of Kaoru's sweet-smelling auburn hair, the perfect pleasure as he caresses his younger brother's slender, gentle body.

Too busy in fantasy to realise, Hikaru's hand had wondered freely into the depths of his pants, already eagerly moistened with pre-cum. His hand stroked his twitching, hard shaft without hesitation, gently teasing the head. Pictures of them sleeping together again, the soft feeling of his brother's back, the light sensation that was Kaoru's budded nipples arose from his head. "H-head..." Hikaru continued fantasizing. He would kiss his brother's fully erect head, lightly kissing it, licking away at the slit, cleaning Kaoru's thick, sticky mess.

Suddenly he heard the shower coming on and could hear the warm water drizzling down Kaoru's beautiful, pale, smooth back. He imagined Kaoru taking time to moisturise his gorgeous strawberry blonde hair. He imagined Kaoru slowly rubbing his gentle skin, savouring his own sensual touch, slowly applying soap.

Hikaru couldn't help pumping his own member faster and faster, soon nearly reaching climax. He imagined his little twin brother, licking his fingers and teasing his own warm, tight hole under the warm water. "Oh Hika..." Kaoru would moan pleadingly to his older brother; so ravaged by his needs, he was now on all fours. He suckled deliciously on his two slender fingers, "Oh Hika... I fell so wet..." Hikaru kept pumping away, wriggling about in mirth. "I want you so much..." Kaoru pushed his slender fingers into his wet, soaking hole, "Mmmm... Hikaruuuuu-..."

In unison with his fantasies of his brother, Hikaru's seed shot out and covered his hand and parts of his white shirt. "Fuck!" He whispered, frustrated.

Hikaru collapsed on the bed, fatigued and defeated by his self-pleasure and panting rather heavily. The images and fantasies he experienced began to diminish and he began to calm down and relax.

D-did I just...? No I couldn't have. He's my brother after all! He was about to dismiss his thoughts when he suddenly found himself cleaning his mess up after hearing the shower turning off. Oh god... Am I...? No, no, it must be hormones. Yeah I'm sure that's it.

Fortunately he had cleaned up before he could hear the coming of footsteps. Though, unfortunately what was about to happen would undoubtedly beat everything Hikaru had just imagined.

Kaoru walked in with nothing more than a white towel wrapped around his slender hips. He was steamy and moist, water droplets falling from his fingertips. His body looked so soft and smooth, his pink rose buds standing out against his snow white skin... And his smile... Oh his smile was so... so... cute and beautiful... Hikaru quickly looked away, trying to hide his flustered and blushing self, finding it extremely difficult to not stare at his brother.

"Say, Hikaru... Are you all right? I think you've gone red a bit... have you got a fever?" Kaoru sat next to his reflection and playfully tried to pull him onto the bed.

"N-no... I-I'm fine... I-I was just trying to beat this boss, that's all." He lied, attempting to sound casual, "I think tonight we should sleep in different beds..." I can't sleep with Kaoru, knowing that I'd get... that thing... He cursed himself for having ever thought what he just did, for fantasizing about his brother like this. Damn you Kyoya and Renge and your stupid calendar!

What's wrong with him? Kaoru asked himself, confused because they've always slept together and so it's their first time 'apart'. "Hikaru... are you sure?"

"Y-yeah..." he replied, rather apprehensively. Though after a second of thought, "Actually n-no... never mind..." he said calmly, trying to shrug it off, a 'no-need-to-worry' smile already smacked on his face, "W-well...? Are we going to sleep or not?" He said impatiently

"It's only 10 o'clock." Kaoru complained, his puppy dog eyes working its magic,

Why does he have to be so... cute?

"C'mon Kaoru, I'm sleepy now." Hikaru pleaded, eager to get to the morning. Maybe it'll go away after some sleep.

"Oh all right then..." He said, grabbing a fresh clean set of pants and throwing away the towel.

Why is he blushing so much, that's not like him at all. I hope he's ok. Kaoru said as he snuggled up to his beloved twin. Oh Hikaru... if only you knew...

Yeah, I'm sure it's nothing Hikaru thought to himself as he could feel a surge of emotions welling up in his heart, I'm sure it's just hormones or something...

A/N Ok so hope you guys liked it. I'll do more if people like it and want me to continue. Once again thanks to Eria for beta-reading; one can never be too grateful :p

Till then, au revoir,

JJ 3