Author's Note: here's Chapter 7, the last one :(( but enjoy the last chapter and don't forget to review, only if you liked it of course!

Chapter 7: Real Confession Time

The next day, the rangers all decided to celebrate their victory by all going out for breakfest except for Emily and Jayden. Emily and Jayden wanted to stay behind because Emily asked Jayden if he could help her practice on her sword skills again.

Just as they were about to go outside to train, Ji called "Emily, there's someone at the front gate that's here to see you!"

"Be right there, Ji!" Emily replied back to Ji and turned to Jayden. "I'll be right back. Go wait outside for me."

Emily came up to the front gate and saw that James was waiting there for her. Emily walked up to him and said "Hey James, what brings you here?"

"I came here to tell you good-bye and thanks for saving me. I know that when I saw you slapping your butler, you were doing that to get that jacket off of me. I should have seen what you were doing right away. But I was right about you. You are kind and a caring girl."

Emily blushed lightly. "Oh, well thank you. That was so sweet of you to say that."

"Also, I had realized something else. I knew that I liked you, but I didn't consider your feelings as well."

"My feelings?" Emily asked, alittle confused.

"Yes, I didn't really realized that you had feelings for him until I saw it myself."

"Him? Who are you talking about?"

"Your butler."

"Wait, Jayden?"

"Yes, if that's his name. I can tell that he is very important to you and I know that you like him. Even though I like you alot, I want to see your feelings come first. He must be quite a gentlemen. So, this is my final good-bye." James then started walking back to his limo but Emily stopped him before he got in.

"Wait, you think I like Jayden?"


Emily went silent for a couple of seconds, then James grabbed her hand, kissed it gently, and said "Good-bye, Emily." He then drove away, leaving Emily wondering.

For a moment, it took Emily alittle time to realize what just happened as she started walking back to the house. Then she stopped and thought about what James said.

I can tell that his is very important to you and I know that you like him.

Of course Jayden was important to her since he was their leader, but liking him in the way James was talking about, that was a different story. She didn't know if she liked him like that for sure, but then again only time would tell.

"Hey, EM! Aren't you coming?" Jayden yelled out from the house as it broke Emily from her train of thought.

"Yes, I'm coming." Emily yelled back as she went back into the house and outside to the training area.

When she got outside, they both warmed up first, then began training. When it was time to fight, Emily took Jayden by surprise. Instead of avoiding hitting Jayden, Emily tried as much as she could to get her aim right and won most of their fights.

When Jayden had ended up on his back at their last fight, he said "Wow Emily. I'm impressed. You didn't hesitiate and just went for it. I guess you're not scared of me anymore."

"I was never scared of you. I was just nervous and hesistant, but you taught me how to pick my confidence up." Emily pointed out as she offered her hand out to Jayden.

Jayden took it and stood right up. "Good job, kid."

Emily felt like she was blushing as she looked up at him and smiled sweetly.

"Awww, are you two having a 'moment'?" Mia asked as she suddenly came out of no where.

Emily took a step back. "Mia, what are you doing here? I thought you were with everyone else, at breakfest."

"Oh, I came back to get my purse since now I have to pay for everyone's meal. That's what I get for losing at a rock, paper, scrissors game. I also came by to check up on how your training was going. I can see that you were also doing, umm, other things." Mia slyly smiled as she left to go back to the others.

"Mia, that girl." Emily sighed, shaking her head.

"Emily, what was she talking about?" Jayden asked.

"Huh? Oh, its nothing. Nothing. Don't worry about it."

"Naah, she meant something else and you know what it is. Tell me, Emily."

"No way." Emily turned away from Jayden.

"Emily, I'm your leader. Now tell me."

"You told me to treat you like I would treat Mike or Mia, so I am. By not telling ya." Emily smiled as she started to walk away.

"Emily." Jayden demanded as he started following her.

"Nope. Ain't gonna." Emily started walking alittle faster.

"Oh come on, please tell me!" Jayden walked alittle faster also.

"Ok. Just kidding, no." Emily then took off running as Jayden chased her down.

They ran past Ji, with Ji shaking his head, saying "Kids these days."

Author's Note: The End! Hope you liked my recreating of the Japanese episode of this into the Power Rangers Samurai version.

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