Seeeeeeequuuueeellllll everyone! Im back...a little bit later than i promised, but at least im here with what i promised. Now, for those of you who haven't read the first 'Avatar Outbreak' you are going to need to read it to understand what is going on in this story, because then it just sounds like i made everyone REALLY whiny and bitchy. So i hope you like the second part the series. Btw, this one is going to be REALLY angsty at the beginning, because of all the death that happened and such, it might go away soon, who knows? So on with the story :D

"Now, if anyone would like to say a word on about the victims, please come on up," The father said, he backed away from the podium as Aang came up.

He cleared his throat and took a breath, "I may not have known all of my fellow students, but I still feel the pain from their deaths. With the flesh eating…infection, my friends and I didn't think we were ever going to see the outside of the school ever again. But before the explosion happened, we were able to get out, infection free and safe. I know that my friends and I are on the same page when I say that we will never forget them and how much this event has had on our lives. My thoughts go out to the families that have lost someone in this event and I hope they can watch over us in the coming years." Aang stepped down as everyone gave a light applause.

"Anyone else?" The father asked, Aang sat back down next to Katara and she took his hand. "I would like to thank you all for coming, the next room has food and drinks for everyone, feel free to socialize and I hope I don't have to do this again for a long time." Everyone started to file out of the stuffy room. Aang, Katara, Toph, and Sokka went straight to the awaiting limo. Ever since the incident, the gang spent some time in therapy. Still no one believed the kids about there being Zombies; they chalked it up to PDS. The nightmares still haunted them all, Sokka had it the worst. It was weeks before he would even talk to Katara again, he wanted so bad to be with Suki when she turned, so they could die together. He finally forgave her 4 days before this funeral was held. Haru moved to England, far away from his memories of the events, he became a very popular cook over there. Zuko and Ty Lee had finally made their relationship official, but after Ty Lee moved out of her house, she moved in with Zuko. Even with all the grief she was going through, Toph's feelings for Aang weighed heavy down on her. She had even tried killing herself, but Sokka had stopped her. Ever since then, they had gotten close. Aang and Katara's relationship had gotten stronger; she spent the night at his house every so often, when the memories had gotten too much for her.

Aang sighed as the limo drove down the street, "Do you think we will ever be able to let this go?" He asked, not particularly looking for an answer, knowing the answer.

"Not until the day we die," Sokka reported, Toph squeezed his hand.

"At least we still have each other," Katara softly said.

Aang scratched the side of his face, "But for how long?"

She looked at him funny, "What do you mean Aang?"

"You remember that we were in a 'test', people were watching us Katara," He explained, "That information had to go somewhere. Whoever needed that information didn't just put us through that for kicks and giggles. They have to have something planned for us."

Sokka nodded, "He's got a point there sis; they wouldn't destroy our lives just because they felt like it." There was silence once again in the car. The sound of the rough road was the only thing that kept them from going insane.

"Going to my house tonight?" Aang asked, everyone nodded in approval. "Roku is out of town again, so we will be alone."

Mr. Smith read the papers in the file as a man busted into the room, "What can I do for you Johnson?"

Johnson straighten his tie and slowed his breathing, "Sir, we were wondering what to do with Saunders now?"

"Send him in, he has brought me my coffee in weeks, what is he doing? Playing hooky?" He asked, still preoccupied with the file.

Johnson coughed, "Actually sir, he's a Zombie."

"Well isn't that a hell of an excuse to call in with, tell him he needs to be here of he's fired," Mr. Smith told him.

"No sir, he actually is a Zombie, he ate the whole 5th floor 2 weeks ago, don't you remember?" He asked, still a little hesitant around his boss.

Mr. Smith paused, "Oh yeah, I totally forgot, what are you doing with Saunders now?"

"We are testing on him to see if we can come up with a cure sir," Johnson reported.

He stood up, "Johnson, we already have a cure why are you wasting your time with him?"

Johnson cowered a little, "Sir, the anti-virus isn't effective, it just slows down the infection."

"Ah, well that makes sense then," Mr. Smith sat back down and continued reading, "Have you got all the subjects together yet?"

"Well kind of sir, the original test subjects seemed to stay in the same area, but there is a problem with one of them sir," Johnson opened his briefcase and pulled out a file, "Subject EB2, or 'Haru' as they call him, seems to have left the country."

Mr. Smith looked up, "Go get him then Johnson, we need all the test subjects we can get."

"That's where the problem gets worse sir, he moved to England," He told him. "They really have a strict problem with us, don't you remember 3 years back when we tried to get one of the test subjects there and we there were extreme losses on both sides?"

He waved it off, "Just get what needs to be done, done, I don't want to hear anything else until you have an actual anti-virus and you have the test subjects in custody, then we'll talk, now see your way out Johnson." The lowly employee sighed, picked up his briefcase and left the dark room. He made his way to the testing area of the building. There were biohazard suits lined up on the walls, Johnson took his time putting one on, making sure there was no way the infection could make its way to him. He pushed his way through the biohazard doors, a line of doctors were rushing around, trying to get their jobs done and away from the biting man strapped to the table.

"You all are feeding it regularly right?" Johnson asked, looking at the remains of Sanders, his face has scratches down it, one of his eyes looked look it was about to pop out at any second. He bit at anything that would come near him.

One of the doctors brushed past him, "Of course we are, now if you'll get out of our way, we need to keep working; we are extremely close to finding a cure."

"That's it!" A doctor on the other side of the room shouted, everyone crowded around. "I found it, start producing this mixture," He handed one of the doctors a sheet of paper, "It shouldn't take long, make sure Mr. Smith knows we are done and terminating the subject." A mix of cheers and 'thank gods' were shouted around the room. He pulled out a syringe from a drawer and stuck it into Saunders's neck. He started to thrash around more until his head exploded.

Johnson's jaw dropped, "What the fuck was that? Why didn't you just shoot him or something?"

"It's more effective than guns, also there is no wondering if he is dead or not?" The doctor told him, as he wiped off the brains that landed on his suit. "We put Sodium Chloride into the solution, it attracts all the virus cells to the Sodium Chloride, making it explode out of the subject, instantly killing them."

His eyebrows furrowed, "Table Salt kills these things?" He nodded, Johnson sighed and started down the hallway, "Why don't we just give the test subjects salt shakers instead of guns…"

Aang softly kissed Katara as he slowly thrusted into her. The soft music played in the background as they made love. "Faster Aang," she moaned, her wrapped her arms around his head as he began to pick up speed. He brought his hands to her butt, pulling her against his thrusts. Katara began to massage her own breasts, enjoying the waves of ecstasy Aang sent through her. "Oh God Aang, I'm going to cum." Her walls started to shut on him, it was a like a vise on his penis.

"Me too," he moaned. Aang gave her one final thrust and his seed burst into her, mixing their fluids. Katara smiled happily as he pulled out and rolled off of her. She put her head against his chest as they enjoyed the decent from their sexual high. "That was way better than just doing it."

In the next room, they could hear the squeaking of the bed and Toph moaning, "Oh Sokka, fuck me harder!"

Katara sighed, "At least they found love in each other."

"I still feel horrible of how they got together though," Aang's mood darkened. He remembered finding out that Toph was found with the Desert Eagle she still had in her mouth in the bath tub. Thank God for Sokka or else she would have done it. She didn't seem to hold anything against Aang, but from what he was told, she had felt dead inside without someone to comfort her, specifically him. He pulled Katara's nude backside to him and nuzzled his face into her neck, "How are feeling lately Kat?"

His thumb was lightly stroking back and forth on her stomach, "I'm doing better than I would have originally thought…why do you ask Aang?"

"Just making sure you don't do anything, well, you know," He suggested at the topic he was just on.

She turned her head back towards him, "You're asking if I have thought about killing myself because of what happened?" He was silent for a minute, but nodded his head. "No Aang, I haven't thought of that as a way out of this. I have you to help cope, but I still have nights where I stay up crying."

He kissed her on the shoulder, "I wish we could be rid of this thing, it's too much to handle."

Katara turned towards him, "We can do this Aang, I swear to you…it will take more than a month to get rid of this out of our minds though, just give it sometime."

In the other room

Sokka held the tiny girl against him, it felt right having her in his arms. The relationship between them wasn't really set in stone. He had lost Suki in the 'testing' and his heart was still aching from it. Toph still loved Aang, but here she was naked, sweaty and lying in his arms. It wasn't the ideal relationship from the outside looking in, but it's what both of them needed. They both have tasted the bitterness of hurt and loss, so what they lost previously, now seemed to fit together with each other. Sokka had no idea if Toph loved him and vice versa, but every time he kissed Toph, things seemed a little bit better. Her kisses on his chest caught his attention, "What are you thinking about Sokka?"

He smiled, "I was thinking about how beautiful your eyes are." She blushed and he pulled up to his face, their lips crashing together. "You are so cute do you know that?"

She playfully hit him, "Shut up Sokka, you already fucked me, you don't need to kiss my ass."

Sokka grabbed her butt, making her squeal, "What if I grabbed it?"

"I just might have to let you," Toph smiled and kissed him. She relaxed on his chest. For the past couple weeks, this had been her safe place to go when the memories flooded back, it always calmed her down. "Hey Sokka?"


She put her chin on his chest and looked up at him, "Would be alright if I could officially be your…girlfriend?" He froze at the question. Suki came to his mind when she asked. Would he be able to take another blow to his heart? What would he do if he lost her? His questions made up his mind, if he didn't find Toph to be girlfriend material, he wouldn't be having sex with her or thinking these things.

"Of course Toph," He softly kissed her nose.

Toph grinned, "I thought you might not want to do be an item because of…well, I don't want to remind you…"

Sokka winced a little bit, "I know, I'll always have a place for her in my heart, like you have for…" He left it at that, not wanting to trigger any emotions from the topic of the conversation and his name.

"You can say it Sokka, I see him every day," Toph whispered.

"Have you two even been alone together since everything happened?" Sokka asked, she shook her head, "You need to bury the hatchet Toph, you know that he loved Katara. A part of him will always love you no matter what. Do you know what he did when he found out about when I found you? He cried…hard."

She sniffed, "Really?"

"Of course Toph, we all are now connected by one event and are closer than family now, even closer than lovers. If Aang died, I would be devastated, I probably wouldn't eat for days." Sokka said.

"How did you deal with getting over Suki, Sokka?" She asked, hopefully he had a way that would make it easier for her.

He took a breath, "I really haven't gotten over her Toph. My heart is still torn from where she was ripped from. But Katara told me she said not to worry, I don't know if I could do that though. When we first starting having sex though, it really helped, being with someone who I could mostly relate with."

"Oh," Toph sadly said.

He held her closer to him, "But things will get better, Toph, we will both finally be better from our past relationships and our relationship will be stronger."

"Do you really think our relationship will last that long Sokka?" She asked.

"No Toph…I know so."

She giggled, "You are such a loser, only you would make a lame saying like that." Toph paused and sniffed for a second, "Do you smell that?"

He shrugged, "It wasn't me, I can tell you that much," Sokka's head started swimming and passed out. Toph tried to fight it, but it was too strong and passed out on top of him.

Back in Aang's Room

Katara all of a sudden felt extremely tired, "Aang, what's that smell?"

He sniffed around them, "I have no c-" His head dropped and was instantly out.

She sat up and started shaking him, "Wake up Aang-" Katara couldn't keep herself awake anymore and passed out.

On the other side of town, Ty Lee walked out of the shared bathroom and jumped into bed with Zuko, who was flipping through the channels. "Hey Zuko, why didn't we go to the funeral today? I wanted to see Aang."

"I can't deal with that stuff right now Ty," He sighed, lying back in the bed, "You can go see Aang anytime, I just don't want be around the parents and family of people I had to kill to survive."

"Aang and the rest of them were there, I even heard Aang said something during the service," Ty Lee curled up next to him.

He scoffed, "I swear he is the biggest smart ass ever."

"I think he is just being an ass to you because of the past between you two," She laughed.

"Yeah, but I still find it to be funny as hell," Zuko turned off the T.V and his light. After lying in the silence, Zuko shook Ty Lee, "Hey Ty, does what happened to us…ever, you know, bother you?"

She shrugged, "A little, I mean, the memories are horrible, but I am a regularly happy person, I really don't show my mental baggage," Ty Lee stretched in his arms, "Why do you ask?"

"I don't know, the last time I talked to Sokka, he was talking about how much they all dream about what happened and it's like they are followed by this cloud of guilt, ya know?" Zuko said, his thoughts going back to his conversation with Sokka.

"I feel really bad for Aang; he is always talking about how the stresses of the situation have taken our old lives away," Ty Lee added, "Like what happened with Toph. I can tell you right now that I wouldn't have ever thought she would be the one to try to kill themselves…maybe Sokka, but not Toph."

He silently nodded, agreeing with her. "We should probably go see them tomorrow and check on how they're doing."

"Yeah, that would be fun, hey, do you smell that?"

The holding cells lights turned on, waking Katara up from her sleep. She was lying on the cold metal floor; it had no comfort what so ever for her. Her heartbeat began to pick up. Where was she? How did she get here? What person had the nerve to steal her away in the night when she was naked? Katara got up and pounded on the door in front of her. "Aang? Sokka? Toph?" She screamed, hoping someone was around to help explain the situation to her. Maybe her dad thought she was crazy again and brought her back to the hospital. She quickly ruled that out since her dad would of at least waken her up and told her he was bringing her here. There was nothing around her except the metal walls, floor, ceiling, and the metal door in front of her. She was at least happy that she was clothed, because if she got out of here, she wouldn't want to run around in the nude. Katara looked at her clothes and her face dropped. A tiny little symbol on the right of her shirt was the same logo she grew to hate for the past month. "Not again!" She screamed and kicked, reliving her nightmare once again.

So this was a lot shorter than my other chapters, mainly because i wanted to end this chapter like that and i couldn't fit in any Zombies if i was going to end it like that. There will be Zombies soon...and action and all that schtuff you all came here for. Now, i keep forgetting to say in the beginning, there is a lot of M stuff, like blood...death...killing...screwing of the intimate nation, you know, the goooooood stuff. But lets just call it even and ill let you all review. Remember, Reviewing is the only way i know i'm doing okay.
