

I sit in front of Carly's computer as I research for our Psychology class. A whole essay about what happens in the human mind that isn't supposed to be 'Natural' or 'Normal'. I choose to do one how people think about situations. You know, from different points of views.

" I hate psychology homework!" Sam randomly exclaims.

" The less you exclaim, the more highly possible chance you will finish it sooner!" Carly yells back at her. I swivel around and look at the girls. Carly has her feet on the coffee table and her eyes on her laptop. Sam has her head on the coffee table and her body upside down on the couch.

" You know that's really bad for your brain Sam." I state.

" That's what I told her! But she doesn't believe that blood to the brain kills you." Carly says directing her eyes to me.

" I'm invincible!" Sam exclaims, fist pumping her hands in the air.

" If it helps you sleep at night." I say to myself.

" What did you say?" Sam yells.

" Nothing!" I yell back. I turn back to the computer. I take the mouse and scroll down some more on Zaplook. An interesting article catches my eye about how brains. Oh wow, this is interesting.

" Hey girls." I say.

" Yeah." Carly and Sam say in unison.

" How would you guys like to participate in an experiment for my essay?"

" Does it involve eating meat?" Sam asks. I turn around to the couch again.

" What's the one thing you can win the olympics in?" I ask directly to Sam.

" Sleep!" She exclaims. I watch her jump up and take a few moments to balance. I jump out of my seat and walk over to her as she balances her self out.

" I'm good." She says. "I'm good."

" So what's the experiment?" Carly asks, standing up.

" It's something called the alternate universe test. A group of friends who listen to the same song, at the same time, find themselves in an alternate universe. Either change on role reversal, gender bender or era." I reply.

" So your saying I can finally see what it would be like if you were a total badass." Sam says.

" And if I was a boy." Carly adds.

" Or what it would be like if we lived in the 70's." I also add. A silence appears as we think about it.

" Let's do it!" Sam exclaims.



Would I be hot as a dude? Like, would I have tons of girlfriends and be that super sensitive guy that everyone loves so that I'm a total shoe in for Prom King? Or something in that nature? I know I'm already titled 'Most Popular' in our yearbook but still. Ooo, maybe in a gender bender role reversal universe, I'm badass. Totally badass.

" You gonna stop dreaming or do this?" Sam asks looking at me. I look around the iCarly studio. Did I seriously have a really in depth thought that I don't remember them walking me up the stairs and into the studio. Wow.

" Yeah." I say walking to the center.

" So I have just made a twelve song playlist of really random songs." Freddie states as he messes with the laptop.

" Would the songs effect our dreams?" Sam asks.

" That is a good question but I don't think so. I think the main purpose of the song is that we are all on the same setting." Freddie replies.

" But what if the song is like super happy? Then I'm going to start dreaming of dancing eatable fried chicken and fries to go with it." Sam says.

" What kind of dreams do you have?" I ask looking at her.

" I can't really explain them most of the time." Sam replies looking back at me. I look back at Freddie.

" So what other necessities do we need?" I ask.

" Just, something to lie our heads on." Freddie replies. I head to the back room and pull out three giant pillows that I usually use for sleepovers. I create a small circle with them in the middle of the room.

" Let's get sleeping." Sam says. "Mama needs her beauty sleep." She adds.

" Coming from the girl who sleeps from ten pm to two pm." Freddie complains.

" It's an art." Sam says defending her self. I watch Freddie roll his eyes. I lie my head on one of the pillows and stare at the ceiling. I then hear the sound of Sam plopping her head down along with Freddie's. A click of the remote and the sound of a pop alternative song filled the room. It's pretty catching actually. I close my eyes and hear the lyrics fill my brain.

Who do you love, when love is gone?

Who do you hunger in this great unknown?

Memories of me will fade soon

And you'll find someone new

See everyone halo bright in beauty

See everyone arrayed for you to try

You're not alone in being alone

Six billion people, one of them's right for you