Chapter 1 – A fine drink

It has been more than a week since they left Thriller Bark, and Sunny and the Straw Hat Crew had been kept company by the sea ever since.

It was the middle of the afternoon, and the weather was invitingly warm. Out on the deck, there was Zoro, who was sleeping against one of the trees, Usopp, who was sitting on the grass concentrated and probably creating some new things to improve his attacks, Brook, who was just lying on the grass enjoying the sun he for so long had to avoid, Nami, who was sitting and reading a book while enjoying the nice breeze on her face and also Luffy, who was rolling on the grass out of boredom, near the girl.

"Namiiiii~ Is the Fishermen Island still too far away? I'm tired of being here… I want to go to an island!" the captain said, pouting.

"I don't know, but my guess is that the Fishermen Island is still far away." The navigator sighed as she said it. That boy was so impatient, why couldn't he just go and do something he enjoyed, instead of bugging her. "But I think…"

"NAMI-SWAN!" Oh! Why couldn't she just have a peaceful time while reading? "Nami-swan! Do you want a nice cool drink I prepared with all my love?" Sanji stopped near her, lowering a board with a refreshing drink right in front of her.

"Oh! Here comes the love-idiot… It was so nice and quiet."


'I don't quite know how Zoro thought it was nice and quiet with Luffy whining around...' Nami thought to herself with a sweat drop. 'Well… never mind' she really didn't care. "Actually, I could really use a drink." She replied smiling to the blond man with heart shaped eyes.

"Robin-chan already took my offer."

"Sanji! I want some too!" Luffy requested.

"Just get your ass in the kitchen and get it yourself, I left some there."

Luffy ran to the kitchen right away. "Oi Luffy! Bring me some too please" Usopp shouted.

Nami drank a little of it, it was refreshing and tasted so good. Just what she needed to relax her mind. Sanji could be a bit annoying when being too much enthusiastic towards her, but he never failed her when bringing her food or drinks, it was like he could read her mind of what she wished.

"Enjoying it?" The cook asked with a big smile on his face.

"It is really good! Just what I needed in this warm weather!"

"Your lovely knight always knows what you want, it's the power of love!" Nami listened to Sanji's babbling with another sweat drop, thinking 'Sure, sure'.

"Whoa! It really is good" Usopp said as Luffy had already come back with a drink for each of them.

"Anything Sanji does is very good!" Luffy stated with a big grin.

"Yohohohoho! I want to taste it as well!"

"WHOAAA! BROOK! DON'T JUST APPEAR BEHIND ME LIKE THAT! You scared me!" Usopp screamed "And don't drink MY drink! Go get one yourself!"

"Yohohohoho! It sure is tasty, Sanji-san."

"Thanks Brook, but it was specially made for the ladies"

"Everything you make is specially made for the ladies…" Zoro stated as he approached the group.

"Nobody asked your opinion, you shitty head."

"I don't need to be asked to say my opinion, curly eyebrow. It's MY opinion, so I say it whenever I want" Zoro said as he stole Luffy's glass from his hands and drank a bit himself.

"Don't come insult me and then drink what I prepared!" Sanji shouted angrily.

"Oh! It's actually good!" the swordsman commented with the captain.

"It is, right?" Luffy replied happily. "OI ZORO! Don't steal my drink! Don't drink anymore of it! It's mine!" the black-haired boy shouted at Zoro, suddenly realizing what just happened, ripping his glass from Zoro's hands.

"Nami-san, I was just thinking how beautiful you looked in that wedding dress." Sanji suddenly stated, his eyes heart shaped once again.

"Uh-oh… Here it comes again" Usopp and Zoro said at the same time. Ever since they left Thriller Bark, Sanji would often start fantasizing with Nami in that wedding dress.

"Nami-san really looked so beautiful and wonderful. You looked like an angel~."

"Well… thank you, I guess" she smiled slightly at the blond.

"But… but to think that Nami-san only got in that dress, because a pervert tried to force you to marry him… IT MAKES ME ANGRY!" Sanji's eyes were now on fire as he talked.

'Pervert? Look who's talking…' the long-nosed boy thought.

"Thank you for crashing that wedding. It would be terrible if I married that guy…" the girl said with disgust all over her face.

"I would never allow Nami-san marry anyone. Though she looks cute in a wedding dress, she should only wear if the groom was me, a real gentleman!"

"I have no intentions of marrying you, Sanji-kun" she couldn't be more honest, so she said it smiling.

Sanji was suddenly on his knees, with his hands on the grass, a dark cloud over him "Nami-san broke my heart."

'You're over reacting' Usopp thought to himself, sure that he wasn't the only one thinking the same.

Zoro started laughing hard at the scene before him. "Like anyone would ever marry you!" he managed to say between his laughing.

"What did you say, «I'm sorry I was born»-guy?" Sanji was suddenly up and the green-haired teen stopped laughing.

"You want to start a fight, shitty-cook?"

"Anyway… what did you mean you won't allow me marrying anyone? I would be glad if you stopped any marriage of mine that I was forced into, but… if I want to marry that person, you better not interrupt the marriage!" Nami simply said.

There was this long silence, during which Sanji just held a shocking expression on his face.

"Nami-san wants to get marry?"

"OF COURSE NOT! Not now… But I'm just saying that if in the future I do want to get marry, you don't have power of not allowing it to happen."

Sanji stayed silent for some seconds thinking, before saying "If Nami-san wanted to marry a guy, it would be because he makes her happy. If Nami-san is happy, of course I wouldn't ruin her wedding. Everything for my most beautiful flower's happiness! Unless the guy is a jerk. If you chose someone like this guy" he pointed to Zoro "I wouldn't take it easy. But I trust Nami-san's taste!"

"OI! What's that supposed to mean?" The swordsman shouted angrily.

"Come on, Zoro. You said «Like anyone would ever marry you!» to Sanji, but comparing to you he has better chances of getting married. At least he treats ladies right, unlike you." Nami said, remembering how Zoro calls her sea-witch sometimes.

This time it was Sanji's turn to laugh out loud. "What do you mean?" Zoro yelled at Nami "And you shut up!" he ordered Sanji with an angry face.

"I think Nami means neither of you has good chances of ever getting married!" Luffy said grinning.

"Like you're one to talk!" Sanji and Zoro shouted at their captain at the same time, but Luffy just started laughing.

'I think Luffy's right' Nami thought to herself. She couldn't imagine either of them getting married. Zoro, though he sometimes was gentleman, she couldn't imagine him treating a girl in a romantic way. Sanji was the opposite, he flirted with every cute girl he met, would he ever be able to pay attention to one girl alone?

"Like I would ever want to get married" She heard Zoro saying. They were still arguing, and Luffy was still laughing, joined by Usopp and Brook. The orange-haired girl looked at her glass that sadly was almost empty and suddenly remembered what she was saying when Sanji interrupted her to give her the drink.

"Oh Luffy!" The guys stopped talking and laughing and looked at her "I was saying to you that I saw on some map that we might be near an island. If we take a little shunt from where the log pose is taking us, we might run into that island."

"Isn't the log pose pointing to the Fishermen Island? I want see it, so I don't want shunts!" Luffy said with his eyes shining.

"WEREN'T YOU THE ONE WHO SAID YOU WERE TIRED OF BEING HERE AND WANTED AN ISLAND? We still don't know how long it will get us to arrive Fishermen Island, nor how to get there, so we might need supplies."

"But won't the log pose adjust itself to that island? We'll lose the track of the Fishermen Island" Brook pointed out.

"WHAT? We can't lose that track! We're not stopping at any island" the captain said.

"Stupid! I'll ask how long it takes for it to adjust, so we'll leave before it does, okay?"

"What if it only takes two seconds?"

"I don't think it ever adjust that quickly, Luffy."

"We can never know! Let's not risk!"

"I'm with Nami-san. We need supplies. If we don't buy food, we might not have enough until we get to the Fishermen Island. You'll starve to death Luffy." Sanji said calmly.

"YOSH! Let's go to that unknown island then!"

'That was easy...' Nami thought. "Without a log pose pointing to that island, and since we are at the unpredictable waters of the Grand Line, and compasses don't work here, I'm not sure we can find to that island, but I'll try. So everyone be alert. If anyone sees an island, please report to me."

So this is the first time I have written a fanfic. The first chapter doesn't say much, but it sure was fun to write =P English is not my mother language, so I'm sorry if there's grammar mistakes or other mistakes.

So I had this story plan for a while, but I never thought of how it would start, how would the first chapter be. I just thought of starting with Sanji bringing a drink to Nami. I don't know why, but decided that I wanted Sanji to fantasize with Nami in a wedding dress and the rest of the conversation just came to me naturally, but I gotta admit I was quite pleased on how that conversation ended. =)

It might not look like it yet, but this will be a Zoro and Sanji pairing story. I hope you like it! Please tell me what you think.