I Wouldn't Have It Any Other Way

Soul and Maka approached the Academy. All Maka could think about was how sweet the 'in your face' was going to taste coming off her lips, and how satisfying the surprised face that would be hiding behind Lord Death's mask would be to her. Broken, HA! Hardly. She may have a few scratches but that will never stop her, never has. She was so caught up in basking in the glory of the images her mind produced of their near future, that she didn't notice how quiet Soul was, or catch that he would occasionally stop breathing.

Soul was terrified. He and Maka were on totally new grounds. He should be happy - would be happy - but his life is threatened right now and all that would run through his mind is him being lowered in a casket and Maka's world crumbling as he went down. He couldn't calm her down, or tell her she would be okay, because he would be dead. All he could imagine was how he would scream and how she wouldn't be able to hear him, because he'd be dead. Then the scene contorted to a new time when Maka was over him, images of her kissing a stranger flooded his mind and he couldn't handle it, but he had to, because he wouldn't be there, he wouldn't have the right anymore… He would have to accept that she had to move on, and even if he tried to call out to her, she wouldn't hear him, because he'd be dead. The movies played in his mind and was making it hard for him to breathe, and the imp's laughter echoed in the background, reinforcing that this very well could happen, that maybe it would.

Soul shook it off, he had to. For now, he was still alive. There's no point for him to worry Maka. Nothing was set in stone. Not yet. He looked over at her and saw her smile getting bigger and bigger as they got closer to the stairs of the DWMA. He chucked and shook his head. Look at her, she's so smug! She's going to end up jinxing herself or something. Lord Death might get mad and end up putting us on house arrest or something instead of letting us go back to our original status. She's so funny sometimes.

Before they knew it, they were in front of Lord Death's office. Soul took a deep breath but Maka just jumped in and pushed open the door. Lord Death turned around, startled.

"Why, what brings you two here?" He asked curiously.

"We came to give you this-." Maka declared, holding up a transparent purple orb, that was about the size of a bowling ball.

"Oh." Death began in shock. "How'd you get that?"

In response, Maka flung the map and paper with the symbols out of her pocket and into Lord Death's face.

"Oh…" Lord Death uttered, at a loss for anything better to say. After a minute, he finally collected his words. "Well, Maka, this is very unlike you to go against me…" He trailed.

Soul stiffened. 'Why didn't he say my name too!?' Soul mentally screamed, sweat dropping.

"I had to prove myself to you, I had to prove that I'm not broken and that our partnership is stronger than a witch." Maka explained, her features were serious and her arms were crossed, hugging the orb.

Lord Death bit back some words, then exhaled slowly. His shoulders slumped in defeat.

"I understand what you're saying, but I don't condone it. You still went behind my back…"

"Do you know who we went up against during that mission?" Maka interrupted.

Lord Death stared at her, surprised.

"Witch Suzimiya." Maka spat. "We overcame our biggest obstacle, our greatest setback. Please don't handicap us any further… We've worked too hard to take another step back… So please… Lord Death…" Maka trailed, her seriousness melting into worry.

Lord Death took the orb from Maka and his huge hands fluidly hovered around it, making it light up. He slowly touched it and a purple haze rose up and caressed his hands, then dissipated.

"The witch has been spying on you." He spoke. "I think that she was planning on finding you again. She must've rigged the mission to make it appear like a one-star mission so I could send you two to her."

Lord Death turned around and sighed. He studied Soul and Maka's shocked expressions and inhaled sharply.

"I know you two have come a long way, and it seems that this situation couldn't be avoided, so I will overlook it just this once…" He trailed.

Maka realized what he was saying and perked up, her smile was growing.

"I now declare that you two have all of your previous rights and rating, and will go on with everything as you normally would, well, before the 'accident'. You are dismissed."

Maka jumped in joy and squealed and hugged Lord Death while hollering 'thank you's' and 'you won't regret it's'. Soul just smirked as he watched his meister make a fool of herself. She didn't do it often, so he'll probably overlook it. Though, he may tease her about it later.

They finally left Death's office and began to make their way home. Soul snaked his fingers between Maka's and Maka squeezed his hand in return. They walked happily down the sidewalk, both having a little more pep in their step than usual. Soul's brow furrowed and his lip twitched in curiosity.

"Say," He began, slowing his walking pace. "What should we do with Suzimiya's soul? Should I eat it, or do you want to keep it as a momentum?"

"Hmmm… I don't know… I think you should eat it. I mean, we earned it, so why not? It'll make us one step closer to making you a Death Scythe."

"How about we save it for when we collect ninety-nine soul's, and then I'll eat it afterwards." Soul suggested.

"Yeah, good idea! Sounds like a plan." Maka chirped happily.

As they continued to walk, they heard a familiar voice in the background.

"...Black Star?..." They both moaned in unison.

Sure enough, around the corner flew Black Star, then Patti, but they stopped and stared at Soul and Maka.

"Yo. Kidd, Tsu, Liz. Come check this out!" Black Star bellowed.

The three peeped around the corner and their jaws dropped.

"Are they holding hands?" Liz gasped incredulously.

"That's what they appear to be doing." Kidd confirmed.

Tsubaki just giggled softly and smiled.

"Well its about time!" Black Star yelled, laughing.

Patti began to laugh like a mad woman and began to sing, "Maka and Soulie sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes love~ then comes marriage~, then comes a baby in a ba~by carriage!"

Soul choked on his spit and Maka's mouth fell open and a blush was creeping up both their necks. Soon, Black Star joined Patti in singing and the other's began to laugh and tease the two.

"Guys stop!" Maka begged, embarrassment soaked her voice.

Soul just shook his head. His friends sure are a handful, but he wouldn't have it any other way.

The imp watched from the inside as the two were carrying on without a care in the world. He smiled sadistically and chuckled.

"Ah, Soul. If you only knew…" He sighed. "You wouldn't be smiling if you knew what I have in store for you around the corner. Keep laughing, smiling, and carrying on Soulie. Do it while you still can…."

The imp smiled a wicked, terrible, smile. His razor sharp teeth flashed in the light.

"This time, your soul will be mine! And I'll get there through your heart."

The imp snickered evilly as he walked away, taboo jazz sounding softly in the distance, the darkness engulfed him as he made his way deeper into Soul's soul.