
I do not own Inuyasha at all, the characters will be OC! {Out of character}. Same with every other anime, manga, games, songs, and books. This story is mine though. The characters are not.


Be careful What You Wish

A woman with brown eyes and raven black hair stood watching as a fox was destroying a village. She cried, for the fox was in blood rage. An as the fox was destroying the village, the villagers was trying their hardest to defend it many dyeing. She tried to move scream do something, but she was unable to move or talk. She watch as a man with blond hair summoned a frog an fought it, then trapped the fox with in a small child. To her this was the most real dream she has had yet. As the man started to fade, he looked at her his blue eyes locking with her. To her this was the first time something acknowledged her. "Please be kind to him, please take care of him for he has the greatest burden above all".

"Kagome!" shouted a man with white hair and a pair of dog ears upon his head.

She blinked once then again, it was cloudy out as she looked up into the sky. "Inuyasha sit." the one named Inuyasha crashed into the ground. She could hear some very colorful words as she sat up. A small boy with red hair and fox tail jumped on to her "Inuyasha said we need to go back to Kaede. Are you going to go back? How long are you going to be gone this time? A can I have some more of those colors and sweets" The small boy asked. "Yes we are, I just need a couple of days there sweetie. Don't worry Shippo you will have Sango, Kirara, Kaede, Inuyasha and Miroku there. And I will bring some back for you." Kagome started to get up with Shippo cradle in her arms. Inuyasha spell wore off then. "You evil bitch Why did you do that?" Kagome gave a glare at Inuyasha. "Sit again, because you did not have to shout in my ear!" Kagome then looked at a man in purple robes. "Well he has been trying to get you up for the past hour Kagome." A woman in green skirt, white and pink kimono top came into the camp area with a bucket of water in her hands. "Oh Kagome you're up finally! You had us worry!" the women dropped the bucket an then ran over to Kagome and gave her a hug."Wait, what? Miroku are you serious? Sango your hug is to tight. Air!" said Kagome.

"Yes, we have been trying to wake you for an hour now, but you just wouldn't wake up. Sango went to get some water." said Miroku. Sango let go and scratched the back of her head. "It was the last resort... because you just wouldn't wake up Kagome." Kagome just shrugged" Ok since everyone is up we can go." said Inuyasha as his spell wore off. Kagome rolled her sleeping bag up then placed it into her yellow bag. "Hurry up Kagome! You are the one who wanted to go back! An if you don't hurry you are going to have to explain to Koga about your well. I smell Sesshomaru as well." Inuyasha shouted at her. Since Kagome awoke from her dream she had this feeling that something is going to happen. "Kagome!" Inuyasha shouted again. She turned and looked at him, " I am coming Inuyasha. Sheesh!" Kagome picked up her bag and started to fallow. Shippo walked next to her as Inuyasha walked in front of them, and Sango walking with Miroku in the back. Kagome just couldn't stop thinking about her dream. The man with blue eyes and blond hair. "Kagome why wouldn't you wake up?" Shippo ask as they walked. Kagome looked down at him" I do not know, but I was dreaming about a fox." Inuyasha kept his pace but Sango and Miroku moved closer to Kagome and Shippo. "Oh a fox that is cool what did he look like?" Shippo asked more excitedly. "Well it wasn't a very nice dream. He was huge, had nine tails and was in blood rage. He was attacking a village. I wanted to help but it was like I was a ghost. Nothing could see or hear me. I couldn't move ether or say anything." Kagome said. Shippo looked down a little sad about the fox sounding like a bad guy. "I wonder why he was attacking the village." Miroku asked "They must have done something really bad to him." Shippo said. He looked at Kagome. "What else happen in your dream?" Sango asked. "Well it was weird the place and village was so strange. Even though there was the fighting. I also saw a man..." Kagome didn't get to finish her story.

As a man with flowing black hair, and red eyes came out of the sky. "Naraku!" Shouted Inuyasha. "It is so nice to see everyone here." Kagome grabbed Shippo and backed up, as she backed up she ran into something. Kagome turned her eyes wide. "Sesshomaru!" Kagome jumped away from him. Inuyasha turned towards him then back to Naraku. "Hmmm, seems like we will have more than Inuyasha's little group." As Naraku said that Koga and Ayame came out with their band of wolves behind them. Kagome looked at Shippo" Please stay by me." She placed him on the ground and grabbed her bow and arrows, as she threw her bag to the ground. Naraku laughed. "Oh the little miko thinks that she can fight." Naraku waved his arms as thousands of demons came from the forest and around him. "Naraku you son of bitch!" Inuyasha charged Tetsusaiga grew as he pulled it out. They all started to fight demons, Sango was fighting as many as she could with Kirara help. Miroku was going to use his wind tunnel but saw there were hell hornets so he fought the best he could without it. Then a few minutes in the battle a child on top of a giant horse came flying in." Naraku you started fighting without me that is sad." As the child turned his attention to Naraku." Oh I knew you be Hakudoshi here soon so who cares" Koga and Ayame holding up their end very well. Shippo using his fox fire and tricks to protect himself and Kagome. Kagome firing as many arrows as she could. Inuyasha swinging and killing as many demons as possible as he head for Naraku. Just then a woman came out with a baby in her arms with a small girl that was completely in white. "Kagura Kanna You traitors!" Naraku yelled. Kagura just smiled and then threw the baby towards Koga." Kill it! It will kill him hel" Kanna said before their eyes rolled up into their heads and both fell to the ground, they then started to turn to ashes. Koga caught the baby. "Hakudoshi save your brother." Naraku screamed at the small boy on his horse. At that moment Sesshomaru had grabbed the boy around his neck without the horse knowing. Inuyasha finally reaching Naraku swung his sword as it turn red turning red. "Hahaha you think you can break my barrier." as Naraku laughed. Sesshomaru aloud his poison to sink into the small boy, Inuyasha hitting his barrier. Kagome released her arrow at Naraku then reloaded and shot another one at him. As her arrow and Tetsusaiga hit the barrier broke and her other arrow shot straight into him. Koga then turn his head away from the baby as he killed it with his sword. All three of Naraku bodies turned into ash. As the shikon-no-tama slowly fell to the grown, it was complete.

Kagome raced up and picked it up. As soon as she did there was a flash of light and the surrounding demons that had came with Naraku were turn to ash. Light still shining, Kagome heard a voice. "Make a wish" She could hear everyone screaming but couldn't do anything. Kagome friends were trying to get to her even Shippo tried to get to her but could not touch her. "I wish you gone forever." As that happen Kagome was thrown up into the air. As the shikon-no-tama faded into her. Kagome was slowly lowered to the ground till she was lying on the ground. Inuyasha went to pick Kagome up. "Kagome, Please be alright." But he could not Kagome was still glowing with holy power. An then Kagome started standing she open her eyes, but her eyes were blue and then her voice not her own" I have been wished on, a wish that the shikon-no-tama be gone forever. With that wish this girl shall have my power, and must leave this world as well." Kagome glowing started to get brighter and brighter. Till Kagome was no more. "NOOO!" all screamed except Sesshomaru. Shippo fell where he was crying, Sango holding her lifeless brother in her arms cried harder, Miroku, Koga and Ayame cried. But Inuyasha looking at the spot she left. "Kagome is gone, she must be in her world?" Inuyasha made a mad dash for the well. "She just can't be gone! No I refuse to believe it." Inuyasha saw the well he quickly jumped in, but no power, no light, nothing. He jumped out then jumped back in and kept doing this till Sesshomaru said "Inuyasha, stop that. She is gone, the power from the well is gone. Inuyasha you must go on, she would have want that." Inuyasha stopped and looked at him that is when tears started to fall from his eyes.


This is my very first story, so I apologies if it is not to your likening. If you do not like it don't read it...oops you already did ;3. Well go ahead and burn me or criticize how much it ether sucked or you liked it. Pointers what should have done or not. It is my story I am not going to change anything it. It will stay how I make it. I know grammar and spelling is horrific.
