Pure Evil

Everyone thinks no matter how hurt, no matter what happens a pure soul will always bounce back. That a pure heart and soul would always be just that, pure no matter what happened. But everyone is wrong. Even the purest soul can be blacken all it takes is one small taint. It starts small something no one ever notices than it grows until the pure soul is consumed and twisted. This is how pure evil is created.

I have major writer block with His Dark Angel and needed to do something. This is what i came up with . . . hope you like it guys R/R

Chapter 1: Creation

The night was a quiet one; the sky was bright for the night. The brightness of the full red moon cast its rays upon the lands. Inu Yasha had went to Kikyo as usual after seeing her soul stealers in the area. Miroku had taken a giggling Sango into the bushes away from camp. Leaving Kagome alone as usual to sit by the fire.

The three had almost forced Kagome to give Shippo to a group of Kitsune. She was surprised when Sango and Miroku took sides against her about the young Kit, but after days of yelling and arguing it was taken out of her hands. Kagome had gone home for the last time for supplies for the group and while she was gone the three had just handed Shippo over to the group. Upon her return she was devastated to find they had just given her kit to some group they knew nothing about. It was weeks later that they got the news the whole group of Kitsune were slaughter including young Shippo. A group of youkai recognized Shippo as one of the group looking for jewel shards and killed the group thinking they had them. Sango and Miroku offered their apologies even Inu Yasha, But Kagome could never feel close to them again like she use to again.

'That was three years ago' Kagome sighed inwardly as she stared into the fire. The moving of the bushes brought her eyes up to the returning couple. She watched through her lashes as Miroku fixes his robes before he grabs Sango's hand again. The two don't even say goodnight or spare Kagome a glance before they settled down for the night smiling as they snuggle together.

Kagome gave the couple a disgusted look before she stood up and walked away from camp.


She stood in the tiny clearing waiting for Sesshoumaru to appear like he always did when she was alone. She looked to the red moon with sigh, it was an omen bad things were about to happen. She smiled slightly bad things always happened, but this would be different she knew it would. Tonight would be the night she would confess her heart's desire.

Her breathe caught as he stepped into the tiny clearing the red light of moon seemed to make him look even more beautiful in her eyes.

He stopped before her and his cold look melted into something else, that made her heart skip a beat. But as quick as it came it was gone again replaced by the cold look he gave everyone. She looked away and gathered her courage to speak.

"Sesshoumaru-sama," she spoke softly watching as he looks down at her again. "How. .What do you think of me?"

"Nothing," was his simple answer. She flinched as if she had been hit.

"What. .what do you mean . . nothing?" she spoke trying to keep the pain she felt from being heard.

"Have you grown dimwitted Miko? This Sesshoumaru thinks nothing of you mortal. You Miko are nothing to this Sesshoumaru. Your species is nothing to this Sesshoumaru your species is disgusting, greedy, disrespectful, low-lives a waste of space." he voice cold as ice as he spoke looking at the red moon.

"What" she whispered her hand clutching the fabric above her heart. "I thought"

"That's the problem Miko you thought. As a female a human female you should not strain your tiny mind in such a way. You are only a means to an end. If it wasn't for Naraku coming after your group time after time this Sesshoumaru would not burden himself with your weak group." He never looked from the moon even as she fled the tiny clearing. His clawed hands twitched as the smell of her tears reached him. His own black heart broke at the words he spoke the creature within him howling in rage at what he had done. 'it was for the best'

Sesshoumaru sighed and looked to the tree-line she disappeared into he felt the eyes watching them. He knew what was there even if she didn't and he would not fall into the same trap as his half-brother. He looked to his newly formed arm thanks to the Miko he had just insulted, again his heart ached. With a shake of his head he walked away 'the final battle was coming now was not time for sentiment.'


She didn't get far before she collapsed on the ground sobbing from the pain. Her heart seemed as if it was dying. Nothing made sense the world was spinning out of control, a feeling was burning within her soul the likes of which she never felt before.

The air in her lungs grew heavy like weights. The darkness of the night seemed to draw closer to her. She didn't stir as a dark aura wrap around her own, she didn't even bat an eye as it sat right next to her.

"Those dogs could never love you; they are too full of themselves to give you the love you deserve"

"I hate all of them," came her harsh whisper.

"As you should"

"But I shouldn't," she bit out the purity in her soul fighting the unknown feeling trying to consume her.

"And why not? First you were passed over for a corpse then the one's you called friends sent your son to his death. The one's you call family laughs in the face of your pain thinking of their own happiness over your own. Then tonight you were insulted and had your poor heart stepped on by a high and mighty lord who thinks of you as nothing but dirt under his boots. When you were the one he came too, you were the one he spent hours talking too. Giving you false hope only to crush your heart for his own game. You should hate them," His voice smooth and full of sorrow as if he felt her pain. The pain so fresh she never questioned how he knew the things he did.

"Then kill me that's what you came for right to take the shards and my life," Her breathing was harsh as the battle within raged but she didn't care.

"That's where your wrong . .How can I kill the thing I love most in this world," he fingers moved through her hair picking out leaves.

"Because I look like her right?"

"You look nothing like her and I should know," he chuckled lightly. "Maybe at first glance you bear a striking resemblance but if someone cares to look again you can tell the difference," He shrugged. "It is you Kagome who I want to give my heart too . .I . .want to give. .my . .love"

"Your. .love?" she finally turned to face him her eyes widen.

"Is that not what you desire to be loved?"

"It's all I ever wanted," she whispered tears filled her eyes again.

"I can give you that. .I can give you your heart's desire," he purred stroking her face wiping away her tears.

"You would do that for me?"

"I would do anything for you," he smiled pulling her into his embrace. She didn't fight , she gave him no resistant's what so ever as he whispered in her ear softly, soothingly, until the world stopped spinning and everything became clear yet again.


Kikyo's eyes shot open from her place by Inu Yasha's side. She looked around trying to find out what disturbed her peaceful rest, but found nothing out of the ordinary. It happened again, something inside her changed, moved her eye widen in realization. She shook Inu Yasha by her side shouting for him to wake up.

"hm what is it my love?"

"We have to get back to your camp something's wrong with my reincarnation." He hurried and dressed not even bothering to ask how she knew.

"That shard detector better not got herself in trouble again." he grumbled grabbing Kikyo's hand they set off. Reaching the camp the two looked around they saw Sango and Miroku sleeping but no Kagome. Even her black pack she had now carried was gone. "THAT BITCH," he roared awaking the slumbering couple.

The couple jumped awake grabbing their weapons they looked around. They narrowed their eyes at Kikyo and Inu Yasha stepped in front of her protectively.

"What is she doing here?" Sango hissed.

"Where is Kagome?" Inu Yasha hissed.

"Over the-" Miroku started and stopped seeing the spot Kagome was last in bare.

"She's probably bathing again," Sango brushed off the question. "Now answer me?"

"Kikyo's joining the group deal with it," he snorted.

"She had better not try anything Inu Yasha or I'll put her back in the grave," Sango hissed and settled back beside Miroku.