
I don't own Trigun or anything else except a few things I have in the real world. This story is my idea and mine. Most of the Characters are not mine. Also they will be OOC {out of character}


Not human, Not demon...

A man wearing a red coat and his blond hair was spiked. Slowly buries his brother. Then turns and looks at the land before him. "This land will soon die, without our help it will."

Said the man out loud. Then he turned back to the grave he had just made for his brother.

"Knives why, I will never be able to understand why you have hurt so many people. Rest in peace my brother"

The man slowly walked away from the grave and the beautiful green o'ace. Back into a land that was a huge dessert. He walked for many many miles before suddenly the sand underneath his feet started to give way.

"Shit" The man said

As the big man tried to get himself free he just sank deeper and deeper. "Shit!" He yelled before his head was underneath the sand. That is when he felt it, he was falling into a hole. Then he landed with a thump.

"What the hell! I just want to go in peace!" He screams, that is when he noticed lights appearing on the walls and floor. The blond man stood up and shook his head. Not another space ship.

"I need to find a way out of here. Without waking anything up."With that he started to walk and walked. He saw many strange things as he continued to walk the halls. Then out of nowhere a small robot came out. The blond man blue eyes widen. It was the strangest robot he had ever seen. It was a small human like boy with a puffy tail. That is when he then noticed that it's teeth.

"Shit!" He started to run the direction of the where he came from.

"Gahhhahahah! Stay away from me!" The big blond man said.

The little robot just kept its teeth bare, and chased him till they had gotten back into the room that he had fallen through. Looking all around to find something to get away. Then the little robot started to talk.

"Hello, are you here to hurt mommy? I will shred you to pieces if you are!"

The little robots eyes red. The blond man responded

"No I am not here to hurt anyone. What is your mommy? An where is she?"

The little robots eyes went from red to a shade of bright green.

"Oh she is sleeping, my master told me to watch over her. She is very nice and I love her with all my heart."

The blond man laughed a little and said.

"Would you be kind to show me the way out then."

The little robot looked at the blond man. Then took its little hand out towards him.

"I am Shippo, I am guardian of Kagome. Who is my mother. Please stay and play with me I haven't had anyone to play with me since we left earth."

The blond man looked at the little robot quite surprised.

"My name is Vash. Why haven't you awakened your mother?"

Shippo's little robotic arm fell back to his side. As he looked down saying.

"Because I cannot. I have tried many of times, but she needs someone special, not human, not demon to awake her."

Vash did not know what to think or say. She needed someone that was not human, but not demon...What on earth was she?

"May I see your mother Shippo?"

Shippo raised his face looking at Vash, then turn around then looked at him.

"Well come on Vash. She will be so happy to meet someone new. I will race you!"

The little robot took off, Vash right on its hills. They raced down many hallways and stairs.

-I am thinking this robot is just trying to kill me- Vash thought in his head. He had to stop his hands on his knees huffing and puffing. Shippo stopped and glace at him.

"We are almost there. Oh she is so pretty, but afterwards you will play with me right." Said Shippo his eyes looked like they had a shine to them.

"I w-w-will." Vash said as he looked at Shippo. They went past another set of halls till Shippo stopped at a very large door. Vash stopped and looked at the massive door.

-What is inside of it I wonder.- Vash thought as the little bot came up to him bouncing.

"Now let me give you a quick look over." Shippo looked at Vash, His blond hair slightly falling from the run and heat. His red coat was dirty. Shippo then shook his head at Vash.

"You really need a bath." Shippo said as he touched Vash's coat. Vash laughed at Shippo

- He wants me to be clean for his "mother" to meet- Vash thought that it was cute, then Shippo grabbed him.

"Oh well, she will just have to meet you anyways. She loves her baths. I remember when..."

Shippo continued on with his little stories as he pushed the doors open with one arm. While dragging Vash with another. Vash did not pay attention to Shippo as he kept talking about his "Mother" Vash was drawled into the room it was huge. It had faded painted pictures on the walls. Red curtain hanging on the ceiling draping down to the center of the room. In the middle of the room there was a cryo-sleep capsule. Other than that Vash didn't see anything else. The pictures he saw where beautifully painted. Layers of dust on them, but could still see the fighting figures and the backgrounds in them. That is when Shippo's voice came back to Vash for he had stop and was staring at one of the pictures on the wall.

"I painted them long ago when my master was building the ship. They are memories from the real Shippo." The little bot head went down as if greatly sadden. Vash turn his attention to the small bot.

"Real Shippo, you are not the first?" Vash asked.

"No he died while trying to protect Momma. My master was a reincarnation of an old friend of hers. When he met Momma his past memories came back. That is when he made me."

Vash stared at the small robot. Slowly Shippo raised his head to look at Vash.

"It was the last battle that Momma became like this. She fought with all her strength and beat the bad man. But the damage was done. He had corrupted the earth so badly it could not be saved. My master built this ship for them and many more to escape, the dyeing planet."

Shippo walked past Vash to the cryo-sleep capsule. It was built to look like a metal coffin, but the top part was made of glass.

"Shippo what is your mother?"

Shippo smiled at him then turn to his mother. Then gestured for Vash to come forward. Vash did so, and what he saw was a beautiful woman with long raven black hair she was wearing a long beautiful white dress, but something about her reminded her about.

"Rem."Vash said as he went to touch the glass. As Vash touched the glass it began to shine bright. Then the top part of the cryo-sleep capsule open making a whooshing sound as a small layer of mist came out. That is then when the wall began to shake and things began to fall.

"We must get her out of here!" Shippo was yelling at Vash. Vash picked the ghostly women who looked like Rem. Having her bridle style he took off Shippo in the lead.

"This way!" Shippo screamed. As they continued to run Shippo turned and Vash closely behind watched as Shippo open a door. That is when light blinded Vash temporarily.

"You must still run it is a big ship!" Shippo still in front of him. Vash running and keeping up with the small robotic boy. Soon a piece of the ground flipped and then slammed back down. Shippo and Vash finally stopping. The robotic boy ran up to Vash.

"I wonder what to do now. Oh I wonder when she will wake up?" Shippo jumping up and down then looked at Vash.

"You are nether human or Demon are you Vash?" Vash just looked at the boy. Vash then got a big goofy grin and started laughing.

"Well we made it out alive, now let's get somewhere so she is not in the sun. Oh she is so pretty you were right Shippo."

Shippo glared at Vash as he walked away still laughing.

They walked for a long while before they saw a town in the distance. That is when Vash really looked at Shippo. Yes he was a robot, but he acted like a little boy and besides him being in very odd clothing given the right clothes and hide the tail he would pass as a little red head human boy. That is when Vash got an idea.

"Hey kid can you stay here while I go into town, a let your mother come with me so I can get a room as well and get you some clothes."Vash knew he may not want to. But Vash did not want people to stare at the robotic boy and get wrong ideas to kill them or sell him. Shippo looked as though he was crazy.

"Vash I am going to stay with her. Why would you want to take my momma away from me?" Shippo looked as though he was about to cry.

" I just don't want to draw attention to you or your mother if you want she can stay here with you as I get you some clothes." Vash said not really wanting to let the beauty in his arms be left.

Shippo nodded his head up and down. Vash then looked and saw a mountain near the village, and took of that way. Shippo fallowed behind. Soon Shippo and Vash was in the mountain. Vash sat the girl down in the shade that one of the rocks provided.

"I will be back as soon as possible, be safe and don't let anyone see yall." Vash took off towards the town.

"Please hurry back, and Vash." Shippo said as he ran off.

Vash slowed down to not scare the people in town as he comes into it. Vash kept his eyes open then decided to go into the first store with clothing he saw. To his luck he did not have to look long when he spotted a sign that said "boy's clothes". Vash quickly went inside and started to look around in the clothes.

"Welcome sir, how may I help you today." Said a old women, Vash looked at her and saw she looked to be in her 60's and had a eye patch on her right eye.

"Oh no thank you, thank you though grandma." Vash said as he went to turn back around. He was hit upside his head.

"What did you say." Said the old lady

" I said no thank you madam!" Vash said while holding the back of his head.

"That is better." Smiled the old women.

Vash quickly grabbed some pants, a t-shirt with a long jacket and some shoes. He walked back to the lady to pay and then quickly left. As he was on his way out he noticed two girls sitting and chatting on the fountain. Vash quickly went around them without them seeing him. Vash raced up to the mountain where the boy and girl were. Again the image of Rem was stuck in his head.

"She looks likes her in away." Vash sighed. Soon he found them again, the women had yet to move. Shippo put his new clothes on and then complained when Vash said he had to hide his tail inside his jacket. Vash then picked the women back up. Then started to walk back to the town. He found an Inn pretty fast, and had the women lying in the bed, within minutes.

"You are still dirty." Shippo said. As he poked at Vash.

"Yea I need to take a shower, what are you about to do?" Vash asked the small robotic boy.

"I am just going to check out how this town is, it has been so long since I have seen humans" Shippo just smiled and took off out the window. Vash dashed to the window to see the robotic boy hopping from one building to another with easy. He shook his head, turned around to find that his eyes then landed on the raven haired girl again. Sighing Vash headed to the bath tub that the room had. Vash turn the water on and took a shower. As he got out he could hear the sheets on the bed moving. Vash did a quick peek at the women to find she had rolled over in her sleep. Vashs heart pounded in his chest.

"God that was close." Vash said out loud, as he put his clothes back on. Soon Vash walked over to the bed sat down in a chair next to the bed and started to watch her. She may have looked like Rem in the cryo-sleep capsule, but now she looked nothing like her. True her hair was black like Rems and her shape was almost like hers, but this was not Rem. As he watches the women sleep, he found himself falling asleep watching the sleeping angel.


Hope yall liked it. I am trying something different here with this story. Leave comments. If you did not like it don't read it. Oops I did it again. ;3 to late you have read it.
