Hello, dear readers!

Due to the frequent server failures on Christmas Day, I am not sure if any one of you received an notice or is able to leave a response at all (much less favoriting or following). Now that ffnet got itself together and working again...(for now).

I am excited to inform you that I recently posted Lady Exorcist, the promised rebooted version of The Loveless!

Please give it a read and if you can, leave a feedback! Reviews are very nice to have, and is definitely what I preferred to get, but favoriting and following is good too! Please don't forget to do one, two, or all of these, if you can. (If servers failed again, please try again later, if you are able to?)

Criticisms are very much welcomed too. I need to know if it is too long, too confusing, or what, grammar aside (I am always accepting volunteers to be my editor(s)!).

I set myself a goal to write a thousand words a week, so hopefully you all should be able to get an update once a month. I don't think I can update more than that considering the length of the first chapter (it's 12k words!). All chapters in Lady Exorcist have a set standard length, which is minimum 5k words.

If any one of you have a question, please feel free to ask (in review or PM) and I will get back to you as soon as possible! I am always happy to interact with my dear readers~

Thank you so much for all of your supports and I hope you all will still be my dear readers, and stay for Lady Exorcist from there on!

Have a great New Year!


PS. No means to disrespect the rules of ffnet but I will leave this note up there, until I get a warning from an admin to remove it. I sincerely hope this is okay!

PPS. I update my profile fairly often with news, story progresses and such, so if you like, check it once a while too~