Disclaimer – Original characters belong to Stephenie Meyer, plot lines and characterisations all belong to Aurora18, copyright February 2016.

Wow looks like you guys are still on board with this one huh?! Well that makes me so happy, thank you to all of you for your loyalty.

Last time…

"I cannot have you living here any longer my love, not now that we are mated. I have been preparing a cottage for us, would you please do me the extraordinary honour of sharing it with me?"

"My h-home is wherever y-you are I-Isabella, always."


Chapter 13 – Nesting

It's a beautiful day to be introducing my love to our new home, the sun shines brightly through the trees and it makes me glad that I told Edward earlier about our strange effervescent skin. It is not too obvious as the trees provide considerable cover but every now and then I notice him looking down at our entwined fingers, his eyes widen slightly as if he is startled but he just smiles and gives my cold hand a small squeeze with his warm one.

"Wh-what are y-you thinking?"

"Many things, my love. I am happy, incredibly so, that I can feel you here so close beside me. I am slightly perturbed that it has been a whole eleven minutes since you last kissed me and I find myself feeling somewhat nervous about showing you the home I have had built for us."

I look over at him to see his cheeks flush the lightest pink; his heart rate is slightly elevated but not dangerously so. I wonder if he is nervous, so I ask him exactly that as soon as the thought occurs to me.

"N-no, I'm just not u-used to s-so much change in m-my life. Everything is d-different with y-you."

"I hope that you find this difference appealing." Instead of answering me directly, he clasped my hand tighter in his and places his hand on my neck to move me ever so gently so that my back is against a tree. The length of him is pressed against me and without thinking about it I find myself emitting a low purr as he runs his nose along my collarbone and up my neck towards my ear.

"You s-smell so g-good Isabella."

"Our scents have changed since we completed our bond, now when another vampire senses me I will be recognised as a bonded female, your mate."

"Vampires c-can get all of th-that with j-just your s-scent?"

"Yes, it is how we categorise and rank others. You will always be linked to me so no other vampire would dare to feed from you knowing what you are to me."

"But why?"

"Because I would kill them, or at the very least a trial of sorts would be held. The killing of a mate can never be pardoned; it is the worst crime in my world."

He was silent for a while and although there was nothing I would ever seek to withhold from my Edward, divulging the intricacies of the Volturi was not a conversation I wanted to have so soon after we had completed our bond.

"Edward I would never let anything happen to you, since the moment we met you have been under my protection."

I tipped his chin up to make him look into my eyes and saw a sort of hesitation that had not been there before.

"I cannot read your mind my love, please tell me what you are thinking."

"There's s-so much I do-don't know but all I c-can th-think about is b-being with you a-again." He blushed more fully now and I placed one cold hand on his neck and laced the other through his hair as I kissed him, gently for me but more forceful than I had been with him before.

"I want to lay with my mate in our new home." I whispered in his ear and felt him groan and harden above me, the feeling was indescribable and without giving him warning I pulled him onto my back and sped the last mile to the cottage.

Perhaps he caught a glimpse of our new home, perhaps not. I was not concerned; there would be plenty of time later for that.

I felt a small shiver of anticipation and looked up into my love's eyes as we stood in our new bedroom, both on either sides of the bed and fully conscious as to what this moment represented. Yes we had come together several times the night before but doing this in our new home was incredibly significant for me.

"Do you like it?"

"We're all a-alone here."

"Yes, there will be no one to rescue you from the bad vampire who is about to have her wicked way with you."

"Thank G-God."

I giggled shamelessly as he pulled his shirt over his head and then picked me up allowing me to wrap my legs around his waist. The Edward I had met not so long ago certainly wasn't this bold or forthright, but I took immense joy from seeing him so free and happy.

We gracelessly tumbled backwards onto the bed amidst throws and covers and pillows. The difference in texture between Edward's skin surrounding me and the silks and cottons on the bed was incredibly sensual, especially for a vampire, and I decided that if nothing else could be accomplished today then wearing in our new bed could be a good start.

I felt more in control this time around and took my time exploring every inch of my love. I knew that we could do this, I could control my strength without hurting him and he had been so accepting of everything that my world had to offer him. When he offered his neck to me at the peak of our climaxes I could not resist a chance to join myself with him again in yet another way. Even though he was not a vampire, he seemed to possess instincts that made him a phenomenal mate.

As we lay together, he sated and me basking in the midday sunshine slipping through our window overlooking the meadow, I could not tear my eyes away.

"Your eyes a-are red."

"The consumption of human blood, however small will render our eyes crimson. My usual diet is a blend of animal blood and human which more the most part ensures that they remain their usual gold/brown colour."

"But why?"

"Humans are our most natural food, but I chose a long time ago to live off of the blood of animals. I do not want to be the monster I was created to be, but with animal blood we are significantly weaker."

"Why d-does that m-matter?"

"I told you once that I work in law enforcement and that it has been a tradition in my family for a very long time."

"Isabella, w-what do you m-mean?"

"Edward we are the law, I drink the blood of criminals to rid our world of the worst law breakers. It is time I told you about the Volturi, about my people."

Oooh tense, no?

It's been a while since I've updated this, but it's going to get more regular. I say it all the time but I am endlessly grateful for the love and support, because you guys are awesome. If you liked this chapter, let me know.

Also – I have a new story called 'First Love', it's completely different to anything I've written before so please check it out and let me know what you think.

Happy Tuesday!
