Chapter 23

Olivia's POV

"Guys, did you ever notice how similar the show is to our lives?" I asked them. We were now at the cast party at Ray's house. Ray, Mo, Stella, Charlie, Wen, and I were all sitting on the floor drinking soda.

"No, it's not," Charlie said, "We're not a band."

"No, not that," I responded.

"Then what?" Wen asked me.

"Like for example we all got detention for similar reasons in the show," I explained.

"True," Stella agreed, "but, that's one thing."

"And, the couples in the show are true right now."

"Okay, that's another. I'll give you that," Stella said.

"We also have a crazy music teacher and principal that only cares about the jocks and the cool kids."

"Yeah, you're right," Mo said, "And Scott cheated on me with Jules and I'm going out with Charlie. Just like how Smith cheated on Margaret with Julia and Margaret ended up going out with Chris."

"Woah, that's weird," Ray said.

"Yeah, and like Sophie and Roy couldn't stand each other, but that was just on the outside because they actually liked each other the whole time," Stella said.

"Just like us," Ray finished.

"Okay, that's creepy," Wen said, "It's like the show is psychic or something."

"Or…maybe Miss Reznick is," Charlie added.

"Huh?" we stared at him.

"You know, like she chose this show and she cast us in these parts. And we ended up doing whatever our parts did. I mean, minus the whole battle of the bands thing. She was like foretelling the future."

"That's so weird. I don't even want to think about it," Wen rubbed his head.

"She's like a guardian angel or something," Mo said. We all looked at Miss Reznick by the drink fountain talking to Principal Brennigan. She smiled at us and winked.

"Woah," we chorused.

That's the last chapter! I hope you enjoyed this story of mine! I'm sad it's over! But, I have another story that I'm going to upload later today. It's called "The Third Wheel." It's a Z&L/LM crossover. But, I'm going to put it in the main LM archive because no one reads Z&L anymore. I hope you read it! Please review!

XOXOXO Bubblelina15

P.S. Don't forget to TURN UP THE DRAMA!