No one's POV

The purple ranger and Jayden kept on battle. Finally though the purple ranger got some hits on Jayden and soon was on the ground demorphed. The ranger walked over to Jayden and lowered her swords.

"Any last words?" she said while lowering the blade to touch his thought.

"Come on Em. It Jayden. Please fight it." Then the ranger's body glowed purple and slowly back up.

"Jayden? Please help me." She said while demorphing and then passing out on the ground. Jayden got to his feet and so did the others and they soon walked up to her. Jayden reached down to pick her up but was stopped by mia.

"Look she's glowing." Throughout her whole body a strange purple glow was flowing throughout her.

"Kevin you're smart. Do you know what happening?" Mike asked.

"I think I read something about in the pass a ranger was turned evil and the only way to get them back was to either destroy them or for true loves kiss.

"Jayden try kissing her." Mia stated.

Jayden walked over to Emily and gave her a kiss on the lips and as they parted Emily's eyes slowly opened. They started glowing a purple but then just as fast they changed back to normal.

"What happened?" she asked while standing up. She looked down at her wrist.

"What is this?"

"Dayu got you when you where in Australia and turned you evil. Don't every run away like again you scared us and you never put us in danger. We love you. I love you." With that Jayden kissed Emily.

"OK and now my other question. What is this." She said while holding up the morpher on her wrist.

"I think that is your new purple morpher."

"All right when I am starving. How about we all go get some cupcakes." With that they all left to go get cupcakes

The end. If you want a sequel review. Or if you want me to just continue on this story still review. Catch ya on the flip side.