Kurt had been feeling tired lately. Well, actually he had been feeling tired, sick, dizzy, and sore lately, but he didn't want to be a bother, so he didn't tell anyone.

But people were starting to notice, and he noticed that people had started to notice. Everyone at Dalton, being all kind and what not, were constantly asking if he needed to go to the nurse, or take a time out and head back to his dorm, and of course he said, "No," to all of them. Who could blame him? He was a new student at the most confusing school (besides Hogwarts) and taking the most difficult classes he ever could have imagined. He needed to get a good score on all of his tests in order to stay at this school on a scholarship.

Blaine had just walked him to his dorm, and was his way to his. They had an hour before Warblers practice, and in this hour, Kurt had intended on doing for his chemistry exam, but before he knew it, he was asleep on his bed.

Blaine had noticed that something was wrong with Kurt, and he had tried to help, but Kurt wouldn't let anyone help him, so he decided that he would just keep a close eye on him.

"Warblers practice has begun," Wes said, slamming down his gavel.

"Wait, what about Kurt?" asked David.

"I'll call and see where he's at," Blaine suggested.

"H'lo?" Kurt mumbled.

"Kurt are you okay?"

"Wha?" he said, yawning.

"Kurt, were you asleep?"

"Yeah, why?" he said very sleepily.

"Warblers practice started 5 minutes ago."


"Kurt, it's fine. Look, we all know that you haven't been feeling well lately, and you need to rest. Just stay home, okay?"


"Hello, Kurt?"

"He hung up on me!" Blaine announced to the rest of the Warblers.

A few seconds later, a tired Kurt swung open the door, "I'm here!"

"Kurt you really didn't have to come," started Blaine, "You look awful."

"Gee, thanks Blaine." But Kurt knew that it was true. He had dark circles under his eyes from not getting enough sleep, he was getting thinner, and he was even paler than before, if possible.

They started practicing their routine, and while they were dancing around, Kurt could feel himself getting dizzy. He knew that he really shouldn't be awake, let alone dancing around, but he quickly waved away that thought, focusing on the dance.

Okay, he really shouldn't be doing this right now. He slowly saw his vision beginning to blur, but again, he ignored it. Well, that was a mistake. He could feel his knees buckling, and within a matter of seconds, he was on the floor.


At this point everyone was gathering around him. "Someone go get the nurse!" Blaine demanded. He immediately whipped out his phone, calling Finn.


"Finn, this is Blaine. We were at Warblers practice, and Kurt passed out."

"What's wrong with him?"

"I don't know. He's been tired, and sick lately, but anytime someone tries to help him he just insists that he's fine."

"Typical Kurt. He never wants anyone to worry about him." He let out a long sigh, "Okay, I'll call my mom, she'll go get him."


Finn was at Glee Club practice, and they were taking a break, when he heard his phone ring.


"Finn, this is Blaine. We were at Warblers practice, and Kurt passed out."

Great, he thought to himself. Kurt may always look confident, but inside, he was just a normal teenager too, and sometimes you had to remember that.

"What's wrong with him?"

After he said this, Rachel, Mercedes, Tina, and Quinn started to gather around him.

"I don't know. He's been tired, and sick lately, but anytime someone tries to help him he just insists that he's fine."

"Typical Kurt." At the sound of his name, everyone, even Mr. Shue, gathered around him. "He never wants anyone to worry about him. Okay, I'll call my mom, she'll go get him."


Mercedes was the first one to say something. "What's wrong with my boy, Finn?"

"He was at Warblers practice, and he passed out. Blaine said that he's been sick lately, but of course he never wants anyone to worry about him, so he never said anything."

Mr. Shue gave a look of concern. "Who's going to pick him up? Doesn't your mom have work?"

"Crap. I forgot!"

"It's fine, Finn. We'll go get him."

"Are you sure, Mr. Shue? It's like a two hour drive."

"It's fine. Okay, everyone you are dismissed."

Mr. Shuester and Finn were driving, when they came up to a large gate. There was a little stone shack, where a guy was sitting. "Name, and reason for visit?"

"William Shuester, and Finn Hudson. We are here to pick up a student, Kurt Hummel." The man typed something into the computer, and then said, "Drive straight through the gate, and then make a right. You'll be in the main parking lot, just pick a visitor's spot, and then go to the main office."


They made their way into the main office, where a secretary showed them into the nurse's office. Kurt was laying on one of the beds (which were suprisingly comfortable for a nurse's office) with Blaine sitting on the edge.

"Hello, I'm Will Shuester, and you're Blaine right?"

"Yes, sir. I think that we met at sectionals?"


That was when Finn and Will realized that Kurt was asleep. "I got this, Mr. Shue." Finn picked Kurt up ,Bride-style, with one swift motion.

"He's even lighter than he looks."

Kurt didn't wake up the whole way home. They arrived at the Hudson-Hummel (Hudmel as Finn liked to call it) household a little bit later, and Finn carried Kurt up to his room. Blaine had called twice already, just checking on Kurt.

Carole and Burt arrived home a little bit later, and Finn explained to them both what had happened.

"Dinner's almost ready! Wake up Kurt, too!" Carole yelled up the stairs to Finn.

Finn practically ran down the steps, and was followed by Kurt, who had changed into a pair of comfortable sweatpants, and an old t-shirt.

They were all having a conversation, but Kurt was to tired to pay attention to what they were talking about. He was practically about to fall asleep right there when Finn grabbed his arm. "Kurt what happened?"

"What?" He said groggily.

"That's a nasty bruise man! How'd you get it? No one's hurting you at that school, are they?"

"What? No, of course not. I honestly don't know how I got that bruise."

"And there's another one!" exclaimed Finn.

There were about five bruises on his arms, and shoulders.

"Burt can I talk to you in the other room for a moment?" asked Carole, with a worried expression.

They went into the living room, and when they came back, Burt told Kurt that he was taking him to the doctor tomorrow.


I totally got my idea for this story from Blood and Bones, by: You Are Airborne, but don't worry, because i'm just going to spin off from that, but I just love that story, and I changed some parts, but it's going to be a different storyline.

Please Review! :D