Yay mah third hetalia story!

Ok this story was inspired by a roleplay me and mah friend have been doing for almost four days non-stop XD.

So yeah enjoy the story X3

Rating might go up cuz of later chappies... but there will be NO SMUT... well maybe alittle ;3

Pairings: UsxUk, RusxCan

Italics means their talking in their heads 83

DISCLAIMER: I donts own Hetalia

So far today has been a normal day for Matthew. He got out of bed early, took a shower and brushed his teeth, made pancakes and gave half to Kumakuji, and then go to work.

That was his schedule, what he does every day in the morning. But today is different, today… Alfred comes over. At least once a month, if he remembers, he visits him. It's like Matthew equivalent to having a period… comes once a month, stays for three to four days, in total agony for those days, headaches come and go in waves, you don't want to get out of bed, you just want to lock yourself in the bathroom and sit on the toilet and hope it goes away faster, and then when it's gone you've ruined a couple of your underwear. Yes, that does describe a visit from Alfred.

He had just called Matthew a few hours ago telling him he had a surprise for him. When Alfred says he has a surprise… you naturally expect the worst. The surprise is probably stupid, annoying, a waste of time, trash, or all of the above. Not only was today going to be awful but today Ivan was supposed to be coming over today.

Ivan and he had only been dating for three months now so they were still new in their relationship. But still, Ivan has been going over to his house ever since they started dating. Ivan was his equivalent to his maple… tastes amazing, can never get enough, good on everything, and you get sad when it's gone. Matthew really did love Ivan; he never really did understand why he always had to leave after a curtain amount of days. But that reason came one time Ivan decided to stay one more night.

He and Ivan were cuddling on the couch watching some hockey. Matthew had been going on and on about how no one can ever match him in hockey. Ivan just agreed with him because he had never seen anyone this into a sport other then around the time when the Olympics, the Winter Olympics, or the World Cup are going on. They both were just… well… talking, when through the window in comes Belarus, welding her knife, screaming at Ivan for being with Matthew and then tried to kill Matthew.

From then on Ivan only stayed three to four days at Matthews house that that little 'incident' wont happen again.

So at the moment, Matthew was preparing for a visit from both Alfred and Ivan.

"Today is going to be a long, stressful day…"Matthew sighed.

Shortly after that there was a couple of knocks on his door followed by yelling.


Matthew sighed again.

The urge not to open the door was great. But he knew if he ignored him he would find a way in and then he would complain to him about not letting him in and, from past experience, complain about how he got hurt curling in from where ever he got into the house from.

So with another sigh he walked over to the door and let him in. He was greeted with a bear hug and then threw his bags onto the floor.

"Hey Mattie, wassup I hope your reading for the most epic three night of your life"

"Yip, really looking forward to you trashing my house"

"Hey cut that sarcastic crap k, I know you love your big brother coming over and bringing his awesome videogames and movies but it's not me who's staying and these aren't my bags"

"… ah… what"

"Well Mattie… you might want to sit down for this"

So closing the door, they both walked over to the living room and sat down on the couch. Alfred started to eat the little snacks Matthew had made before hand for the impending visit from two people that shouldn't even be on the same continent together.

"Well Mattie… me and Arthur wanted to tell you this… heck we wanted to tell everyone but… you know with all the drama goin on we really didn't even have time to tell anyone really"

"Al if you got something say-"

"Me and Arthur had a son"


Did he just hear him right? Did he say they had a son?

"Wait, how-"

"We kept him in England so that way we knew he would be safe for awhile but now that world has cooled off a bit me and Arthur want to have some "alone" time and we cant get that while he's around sooo"


"I didn't even say anything"


"Oh come on Mattie"

"Hell no"


"Hell no"

Alfred then began to pout.




Matthew knew where this was going and also it explained why he had been so insistent on wanting come so early. Alfred wanted him to technically babysit his son.

Ok if it was anyone else's child he would have been fine with it… but this is the spawn of ALFRED, of AMERICA, it was already bad enough with just one of him running around and now there are TWO. Not only that but it's combined with the DNA of Arthur… does someone out there really hate the world that much. Did some one want the world to end this quickly and painfully?

"Hey it's not all that bad"

"But why couldn't you just have told me over the phone"

"Cuz you would've said no"

"Oh maple… Alfred why… never mind, so… where is he"

"Hehe, he's just outside I'll go get him"

And so with that he went outside. Matthew had a feeling this going to be the worst three days of his life.

So there the first chappie ^^

So who is America's son and when does Russia come in… and what will happen O3O

Please review and leave your comments about mah story so this story can be epic… please.