Jacob's Decision

This is just an idea I got while I was listening to such an inspirational song. I hope the story continues; but my esteem is really down and I'm sorry to say that I cannot continue the story without kind reviews.

Please Enjoy. I apologize if the chapter is too short.*

Jacob's P.O.V:

Why do I have to be so fucking afraid of rejection? Yes, I'm afraid to tell Emmett I Imprinted on him…I mean, what would he say? Apparently he isn't gay, especially not with that blond bitch on his arm. That menace Rosalie will never let me hear the end of it, if she doesn't rip my head off first. She's fucking bananas over Emmett, and she's really the only thing besides Emmett's disapproval that's keeping me from telling him that I imprinted on him.

I think it's the fact that I imprinted on a Cullen that I didn't and probably never will tell my pack mates. They'll shun me…and that's something I won't be able to live with. And here we are, the entire pack over at Emily and Sam's for breakfast. Just as always, we all accepted her cooking without complaint and devoured it all. Only that when the time came for arguing over the last piece of French toast, I just sat and watched Quil and Embry play rock-paper-scissors. I don't know, my thoughts have somewhat been revolving about Emmett lately. Sam-who was standing in the doorway of his and Emily's house-just glared at…me. He had an expression that seemed full of worry, which was weird, my pack alpha never worried, at least not about me.

Sam's P.O.V:

I can see Jacob staring at me from the corner of my eye, I guess he's wondering why I'm even paying attention to him. What my beta failed to realize is that I always worry about my pack underlings, I just don't show it. And this week, Jacob has been acting out of it, like every single ounce of happiness had been drained from his normal spunky attitude. Actually, it was freaking me out a bit, what could have happen? What could be important enough that it would change his demeanor and personality? My mind blew with possible answers as I just left the room and went out for some air. Of course Jacob would come following, probably wondering why my gaze had been so…penetrating. So I decided to go for a run instead.

"Sam," Jacob shouted alarmingly, I was right…he did want to talk. "Wait!"

As I slowed down to a slight walk, I could hear Jacob's footsteps nearing behind me. Smirking, I turned around to see an angry expression that made its way across his face.

"Sam, what's your problem?" Jacob exclaimed, his expressions only darkening "Did something happen with the pack? Because as your beta, I'm required to know every detail concerning any mishaps and you know that."

I openly gazed at him, blinking. Why had Jacob been so upset, especially when he had no idea what my intentions were?

"Calm down Jacob," I pleaded; I raised both of my hands, palms facing Jacob in a surrendering position. I shouldn't have to do any of this, but when speaking to Jacob I felt I only needed use my Alpha superiorities' when needed "I wanted to speak with you privately away from the pack. So knowing you, I decided to play the conspicuous card which played exactly the way I wanted it too."

Jacob folded his arms across his chest and I watched as his mood changed from zealous to anticipating in less than a second. Bingo…he was now ready to listen to what I had to say.

"Jacob. I know you didn't expect me to notice your change in behavior, but you're my beta and I have realized. You tell me what the hell's happened these past few days." I practically shouted… everything had turned in less than 5 minutes.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Jacob responded, he shifted from one leg to the other while totally trying to refrain from eye contact, "All I'm saying is that if you have a problem, with me or with the pack, just say it to our faces." His anger was boiling now as a matter of fact, and I felt as if he was pushing it a little.

"Jacob. Listen to me, you tell me what the hell's gotten into you and I mean it. What is it you're afraid of?" I pleaded; I would do whatever it took to get him back to normal, I would force him to tell me if I had to.

"Nothing's wrong, why can't we just leave it at that?" he argued, violently. His fist clenched and he stood straight to keep from shifting to a fighting stance. We both knew how that would turn out. Well fuck, I guess we would have to do this the hard way.

"Tell me what the hell is wrong?" I shouted, my voice enlightened with the strength that only the Alpha possesses. I watched as he gulped, and shook. Something was wrong, deeply wrong, and I would soon know it.

"I-I im-imprinted…" Jacob said sullenly, his voice a dreadful tone. It would sound like that, seeing as if he was forced to say it. My eyes widened to show him that the little bit of intel he just provided wouldn't be good enough.

"Go on."

"I imprinted o-on Em-Emmett Cull-Cullen," he informed; his eyes caught mine and held on tight as the rest of his body froze. Glaring at him, I stepped back a little. My eye twitched uncontrollably and my mind was spinning, did Jacob just tell me what I thought he just told me. Did Jacob just tell me that he was gay? and more importantly, did he just tell me that he imprinted on a vampire? You've got to be fucking kidding me…

Everything twisted, my stance hardened and my fist clenched. The ample thoughts in my head were swarming uncontrollably and I felt myself unable to breathe right. The growing emotion of anger within Jacob only seemed to exacerbate my engrossed mood. Oblivious to anything from that moment on, I could only utter the words, "Y-you wha-what?"

Well guys. I hope that this chapter is good enough; I don't think it's good and it probably won't go anywhere, but with enough kind reviews I could maybe continue the story.

Thanks Guys…