Cloud watched as Zacks eyes slowly shut forever. Zack was gone, dead. The man who risked his own life for Cloud countless times had fallen at the last hurdle on the way to Midgar. He died for Cloud, but Cloud knew he could not fully enjoy life without Zack by his side. Cloud remembered all the things Zack had told him while he was in a Mako coma. All the stories about missions and his childhood and various other topics. Cloud loved hearing Zacks stories, even though he never got a chance to tell him.

Why were we heading for Midgar anyway? Its festering with ShinRa... Aerith. That was why Zack had chosen to go to Midgar. To see his girlfriend. If Zack hadn't gone to see Aerith, he wouldn't be dead. Clod thought about all the things Zack had told him about Aerith, trying to find a reason for Zack to risk, and loose, his life just to see her. Cloud could almost hear Zacks voice in his head.

"She's so wonderful, I know you will love her Cloud"

"She can talk to the Lifestream or something, she says she can hear dead people...kinda spooky eh?"

Aerith can talk to the Lifestream... Clouds eyes grew wide. She can bring Zack back! She can get him out the Lifestream!

Cloud simply had to find Aerith and get her to save Zack. But when Cloud was a grunt, he had studied the affects of Mako poisoning; You often loose your memory, forget were you are and the people around you. What if Cloud forgot Zack? It was a horrible thought, but it was possible. If Cloud forgot, Zack would stay dead. The only way Cloud would remember was if Zack was there with him.

Cloud sighed and looked at Zack.

"I wont let you down" Cloud was determined to get Zack to live again. The blonde pulled Zack up onto his back so his arms fell limply over Clouds shoulders and Cloud pulled Zacks legs up to rest on his hips, Cloud held them in place. The buster sword would have to wait, Cloud couldn't carry both Zack and his sword. Zacks head rested on the side of Clouds head. He could feel Zacks warm blood oozing onto his back.

Cloud began the long and painful walk to Midgar. He kept glancing over his shoulder at Zack and whispering his name to make sure he didn't forget.

After facing many strange looks, Cloud found his way to the old church that Zack had mentioned so often. As Cloud staggered in Aerith ran over.

" Zack...get him out the Lifestream" Cloud spluttered out as his legs gave way. Aerith nodded and pulled Zacks lifeless body to the middle of the flower pit in the centre of the church. Cloud crawled over to the side of the flowers to watch Aerith. She knelt next to Zacks body and began communicating with the Lifestream.

After about 15 hours of Cloud watching Zack, waiting for a sign of life, Aerith fell onto her back and panted; apparently chatting with the Lifestream takes up a lot of energy. Cloud went over to Aerith and leaned over her.

"A..are you okay?" Cloud asked. Aerith nodded and pointed to Zack.

"He should wake up in the next day or so, his body needs time to recover from being brought back from the Lifestream" She panted.

"So he will be okay?" Cloud asked excitedly.

"Yeah" Aerith smiled. Cloud squeaked with joy and shuffled over to Zack. He was breathing and some colour had returned to his face. Cloud hugged Zack tightly around his waist. He then jumped up. He probably should explain what had happened to Aerith. Cloud sat next to Aerith, who had now sat on a phew watching the two men. He explained everything that had happened, The Nibleheim incident, Getting tested on and escaping, Being on the run for nearly a year, Everything. Aerith just sat and listened to everything Cloud said, hanging on every word.

The story was interrupted by the form in the flowers siring. Cloud ran over and knelt next to Zack, holding his hand. Zacks eyes fluttered open and he slowly looked around the room until his eyes met the blonde boy smiling at him.

"Cloud..." Zack hugged Cloud as tightly, "I told you everything would be okay" Zack smiled as Cloud returned the hug.