It was good to be in his room again, good to not be pumped up on drugs. Yugi let out a sigh as he lay sprawled on the on his bed. A few weeks had pasted since his ordeal and things were slowly getting back to normal. His friends were finally not treating him like spun glass and Grandpa would let him out of his sight for more than a few seconds.

But even so, things popped up every now and again that brought back the last few months in sharp detail. Yugi had developed a rather acute fear of doctors and especially nurses. He could not be alone in the same room with them without having a panic attack. Even when someone else was in the room Yugi was nervous and twitchy.

His phobia of doctors was the most noticeable change in Yugi's behavior, but not the only. Little things, like not wanting to be in a room with a closed door, or refusing to take off the millennium puzzle during gym, stood out sharply to those that knew him.

Yugi Motou still had a long way to go in recovery.

It matters not, I am here Abiou and I will always love you.

Smiling, Yugi rolled onto his side and curled around the puzzle. I know, thank you.

A soft hand ghosted over his back. Yami gently leaned down and pressed a kiss to Yugi's cheek.

Come, Abiou, enough brooding. Let's go see if Jou wants to duel, or maybe Kaiba wants to have his ass handed to him again. Said Yami, chuckling.

"Yami! Be nice!" Yugi scolded. He owed Seto Kaiba quite a lot, without him he would have never made it out of that Hell hole. Seto, of course, denied that Yugi owed him anything. "I didn't do it for you." He would say "I did it for myself, do you know how whiny Jou is when he wants something? It was for my peace of mind."

Yugi knew it was a lie, well, for the most part anyway. But that was okay.

I know, I know. Now come on! Came Yami's impatient voice.

"Alright! Alright! Let's go find you some entertainment." Yugi laughed.

Grabbing his jacket, he headed out the door.

You know what, they're right, Grandpa, Jou, Yami and the others; my parents are missing out. He decided as he walked out the front door.

And Yugi Motou wasn't going to waste anymore of his time or his life on them, they just weren't worth it. So instead he gave his love a kiss and headed out to find those he could truly count on.

Authors note

Well, that is the end folks! I know, I know, I'm sad too. It's been fun, but all good things must come to an end. I would like to thank all who took time out of their day to read my story and/or review, it means a lot to me and is the reason I keep writing. I hope that you all enjoyed the story and will continue to read my work.

Until next time,
