I Wish I Didn't Know

Mr Watt

Mr Watt's P.O.V.

It was the end of term. They were finishing year eleven. The physics teacher, Mr A. Watt, had decided that before the exams his students should have time to relax but to clear it with the Headmaster, Henry James Bray, so made the excuse that the children needed to see the velocity of the Go-Karts in motion and this practical would help them with their theory in the finals.

The Headmaster had warned the new teacher who had only started in the March about Alex Rider. Mr Watt was in no ways a stupid man and could see in an instant that the fair haired boy was not a druggy, nor mad, he'd considered criminal or simply too bored for his intelligence but when taking him for catch up lessons since March (when Alex was there) he soon realised this wasn't the case he was no more or less intelligent than anyone else and he was a good kid who worked hard so that ruled out criminal.

But there was something in the sixteen year old's eyes which reminded him of his grandfather who's served in the Second World War. A dark, seriousness which portrayed the fact that he'd seen things he'd never forget. He found that the child was closed and didn't like people prying into his life.

He'd seen cuts and bruises after his mysterious absences. He briefly wondered whether he was being abused but after seeing his relationship with his guardian, Jack Starbright, he quickly discarded that notion. He wondered whether the boy was really ill but after seeing him play football for the school team briefly last month, before being off for three weeks, he knew it was wrong.

Alex Rider was an enigma wrapped up in a Riddle.

But if there was one thing that Mr Watt loved it was the pursuit of knowledge he'd set out to find the truth and find it he would.

Currently they were at a MacDonald's for a quick lunch before heading back to the track for the afternoon. He was watching two of his boys; a grinning dark haired boy with bright, piercing blue eyes, laughing and chatting amiably to the other boy who had light blonde hair, dark brown eyes which were all too serious, and was looking around warily as though he expected to be attacked at any moment. These two boys were Tom Harris and Alex Rider.