Here it is Chapter 5! This Chapter is going to be a two parter and it is going to focus on Collins and Joanne. Read it. Review it. Any suggestions or ideas you have please share! ^_^

After Michael had asked Collins out. He was doing everything in his power to avoid Michael until he had figured out everything within himself.

At the Life Support Meeting

"Okay group. Instead of sitting around in the circle talking or doing group workshops. I am going to spilt you up into pairs." I want you each to talk to one another about what problems you have not shared with the group one thing you would change about the meetings and one thing you fear."Steve instructed

"Abby and Kim you are team one, Gordo and Darcy team two, and Michael and Collins team three."

Uncomfortable with his choice of a partner Collins asked "Can I switch partners?"

"No you can't once its set there is no going back."Steve said

"Fine."Collins grumbled

Michael walked up to Collins and said "I won't bite I promise besides this gives us a chance to talk."

Collins protested "There is nothing to talk about."

"Yes there is I asked you out and you have done everything in your power to avoid me."Michael stated

"No I haven't can we just work on this."Collins said trying to change the subject

"Whatever you say."Michael replied

"What's one thing you never shared with the group?"

"I sometimes hate coming to these meetings."Collins replied

"One thing you fear?"Michael asked


"One thing you would Change about these meetings?"

"That fact that it gets into my emotions"

"Okay now's it my turn." Michael said

"The one thing I never shared with the group is I tried to Kill myself when I first found out I had Aids. I was just so upset I couldn't take it anymore and I swallowed a bunch of pills. Passed out then of course got my stomach pumped."Michael commented

"Wow." Was all a taken back Collins said

Collins cleared his throat then said"Ahem...One thing you Fear?"

"Aside from death is being lonely."

"And last but not least. One thing you would change about L.S."

"Have more field trips. Sometimes sitting indoors can be so boring."Michael stated

Before Collins could say anything Steve Said "All guys time is up for today. Keep up the good work and we will be back in session Next week."

"Collins we didn't get a chance to really talk."Michael said

"I can't I have to catch the train I have a tutoring session at five."Collins said just about he was to head out the door.

"What train? maybe I'm headed that way."Michael wondered

"The A train."Collins Muttered

"Oh well that far from where I am going but I really think that we need to talk about what went down and our feelings."Michael said as he followed Collins into the subway

"Look I just can't I have to go I'm sorry."Collins said as the Train door closed

Sighing a tone of defeat Michael thought to himself."I'll get you to talk to me even if it kills me."

Michael walked to the local library

"Hi how may I help you?"The assistant asked

"Uh yes hi my name is Mike I am in need of a tutor."Michael answered

"What subject?"The assistant wondered

"Well I heard that Tom Collins is a good tutor what subject does he tutor?"

"One second let me look it up."The receopnist said while accessing the files on the computer.

"He teaches History and English."She replied back

"Perfect I need an English tutor does he have any openings today?"Michael asked

"No but he is free tomorrow."She answered

"Perfect I will take that."Michael said

She filled out a note for Michael to give to Collins.

"Collins get ready to talk now you will have no excuse."Michael muttered as he was leaving

At Joanne's Apartment after she had kicked Maureen out. Joanne was starting to feel the effects of their break up.

"Pookie are you there?" Maureen asked frightened

"Maureen I'm here where are you?"Joanne shouted

"I'm right across the bridge. Come to me."Maureen shouted

Joanne Ran as fast as she could to reach Maureen but before she could move any further a big flash of lighting Struck the bridge causing it to collapse.

"Pookie!"Maureen screamed

"NOOO Maureen!" Joanne shouted

Joanne woke up in a sweat only to notice that she was having a bad TV and that the noise came from her TV. She then walked out into the living room to turn off the TV and thought to herself "I need to get Maureen out of my head."

Joanne was talking the breakup pretty hard everywhere she went she thought she heard or saw Maureen on the way to work on the bus she thought some lady looked like her.

IN the office.

"Finally a place where I can keep my head clear."Joanne whispered to herself.

"Jefferson. wants to see you Brooks and Johnson."Margie the office temp said

"Okay."Joanne said as she walked in the direction of her Boss's office.

"I called you three into my office because you are the best. I have an important Case coming up and I want you three to handle it." stated

"Here are the files about our clients. Learn these files well then I want a review."She said as she passed each of her employee's a folder.

"Okay." The lawyers spoke

All three lawyers walked to the conference room

"Hey Jefferson are you okay? You seem a bit tense."Daniel Brooks asked noticing that his partner seemed a bit out of it.

"I'm fine let's just review this file "Joanne commented

"If you say so."He whispered

Outside the Conference room

"Pookie, Pookie, Pookie where are you?"A temp said while relaxing by the water cooler

Joanne Jumped at the word Pookie causing her partners to give her odd looks

"Are you sure you are up to handling this Case Jo. We can ask sweldoson to get someone else if you are not game."Drake Johnson said

"It's fine."She said

"Okay so the guy's name is Chris Graham he owns a new food store but some of his customers are having some issues.

"Uh-huh. So why did he come to us." Daniel asked

"Well some of his customers are trying to get his store shut down but are not doing it properly."

"Pookie!"Someone screamed

"Okay guys I need to go do you mind if I take my Portion of the File and review it at home. I will brief you guys before we review it in front of Swed."Joanne said.

"Sure but if you screw us over prepare to get the cold shoulder."Johnson declared

Joanne walks out of the conference room and over to the water cooler

"Excuse me but did any of you guys hear someone say Pookie where are you?"Joanne asked

"Ooh yes I was just talking about my pet Parrot Maureen all she will ever say now is Pookie where are you? I blame it on the TV."The temp replied

"That's it I need to get out of here."Joanne shouted

Joanne walked out of the building and was heading towards the subway to go home. At the same time Maureen was out shopping for some new things. She then noticed Joanne walking in her direction.

"Pookie is that you?"Maureen Shouted

Shaking her head Joanne grumbled"Oh no not again!" She then started to run

Maureen chased after her.

"Joanne stop! It's me!"Maureen shouted out of breath

Gasping in shock Joanne said "It really is you!"

"Uh yeah Pookie of course it is me who else would it have been?"Maureen said

"Don't worry about that I have just had a really weird day."Joanne grumbled

"Right. Well how have you been considering…Well you know?"Maureen wondered

Not wanting to tell Maureen she has been thinking about her and imagining that she has seen her everywhere Joanne laid"Oh I have been great. I'm currently working on this huge case. I even redecorated the apartment. What about you?"

"I have been good I'm living with Mark if you were curious as to where I was staying we are taking things slow."Maureen stated


"What are you talking about? Calm down you are making a scene."Maureen said trying to calm down an irate Joanne

"Don't touch me! Don't call me Pookie! I'm just done! I hope you and Mark have a happy life together."Joanne shouted then stormed off

Shocked by what has just happened Maureen muttered "Wow! It's not even like that with me and Mark I have no idea what is her problem."

Furious with what she had just heard Joanne needed to calm down so she headed to the bar to get a few drinks in her.

Lucky bar was the bar that Joanne would usually go to during her lunch break when she wanted to get away from the office or whenever she had a rough day.

"Hey Gwen one of your regulars are here." An employee said

"Hey Jo long time no see. How are things?"Gwen asked

"Pretty shitty right now if you ask me."Joanne grumbled

"Things at the office suck?"Gwen said in a sarcastic tone

"No work is fine. It's just. Well."Joanne said trying to avoid the Maureen topic

"Let me guess Maureen issues?"Gwen asked

"How did you know?"Joanne asked out of curiosity

"The only time you come in here is either when you are having a rough day at work or you or Maureen got into a fight."Gwen commented

"So what fight happened now?"Gwen asked

"We broke up."Joanne stated

"Don't you guys break up every other week? Gwen asked

"I know I know but this is for real this time. She refused to make a commitment now and she is back with Mark."Joanne explained

"The guy you helped get that buzz line job no way!"Gwen shouted

"Yes now I don't feel like talking now so give me something to drink."Joanne stated

"Martini?"Gwen asked Joanne if she wanted her regular drink

"No something stronger."Joanne said

"Vodka shooters coming up."Gwen recommended

After a few shots a couple of other drinks Joanne was totally wasted

"Fuck her! I mean who wouldn't want this jelly. I work hard! I went to all her protest! I mean seriously! Annnd then she she…. She! I mean Come on! Who wouldn't want to marry me? I'm hot? Aren't I? A drunken Joanne screamed

"Okay! I think someone had a little bit too much to drink. "Gwen said

"I need to go home I beet Maureen is FUCKING MARK RIGHT NOW!" crews this I is gome hoing."Joanne slurred

"Uh no! You are not going home alone Dave I'm off for the night."

"Let's go drunky."Gwen joked

Gwen gives Joanne a ride home.

"OH Look I'm home! How did I get home? OH GWEN I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE HERE HAVE A SEAT."

"Okay look I will take your stuff you go lay down."

"No...Oh Oh. I think I am going to puke!" Joanne cried

Joanne rushes into the restroom to puke her guts out

"Okay drinking beauty let's get you into bed"

After a struggle of Getting Joanne into Bed Gwen decides to stay on her couch just in case something happens. She then sat on the couch but notices that the files Joanne had to review were all over the place. So she gave them a quick glance.

The next day at the library Collins had his tutoring session with Michael.

Collins walks in

"Hey Dasha who is my first client of the day?"Collins asked

"His name is Mike. You are tutoring him in English he is already waiting for you in room 937"Dasha pointed out

"Okay."Collins replied

Collins head up into the room

"HI tutor!"Michael screamed

"Oh no I can't tutor you."Collins said

Collins tries to leave to tell Dasha he can't tutor Michael but Michael stops him but standing in front of the door.

"Oh no you are going to sit down and we are going to talk no avoiding."Michael commented

"UGH fine! But when this is done we are going to study something I can't let my rep go bad."Collins said

"Fair deal."Michael replied

"Now what have you been avoiding me lately?"

"I just don't want to deal with this right now everything is moving so fast I just don't want to betray or forget anyone."Collins said

"Betrayal forgetting what are you? Ooh you mean you don't want to forget about Angel."Michael thought

"Yeah. It's just I don't know how to handle all of this."Collins commented

"I understand. I mean I may have rushed into asking you out but I totally understand what you mean by forgetting Angel."Michael said

"I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship or anything but I feel like I just need time."Collins declared

"No our friendship is definitely not ruined but I will give you time to think just whenever you are ready for us to go on a date give me a shout."Michael said

"I promise. Now that that is out of the way. Pull out your book it's time to learn some English."Collins said as he took a seat

"Whatever you say teach."

At Joanne's Apartment.

Joanne woke up to a Headache and the smell of food cooking

"Ugh what is that smell? Oh no I think I am going to be sick!" a hungover Joanne cried

"About time I thought you would never get up."Gwen commented

"Why are you yelling at me?"Joanne wept

"I'm not it is the effects of your hang over someone had to many shooters last night. Now when you are done puking. Your partners called asking about the files. I told them you were sick last night but had time to look them over. I made toast and coffee."Gwen mentioned

Fifteen mintues later

"I feel like death!"Joanne cried

"That is what happens when you drink so much. Now I looked over your files and wrote down what you need to share with your partners read that over. I have to get to work. So here is some aspirin and I will catch you later."Gwen said

After Gwen left. Joanne took the aspirin ate some toast and coffee and got herself presentable for work. At work Joanne was still suffering from the hangover she got irritated at everyone. But she managed to fill in her Partners about the files thanks to Gwen notes.

Back at lucky Bar

"Is Gwen in?"Joanne asked

"Yeah I'll go get her. Just have a seat."A waiter said

Gwen walks out

"Hey girl how are you feeling? How did the review go?"Gwen asked

"The review went well but I still feel horrible. Honestly without your notes I wouldn't have made it. I don't know how to repay you."Joanne said

"Well I have the perfect formula for you."Gwen said

Gwen walked into the kitchen and Makes Joanne her famous Hang-Over remedy. Which was a concoction of Hot sauce club soda water some orange juice and a drop of coffee.

She hands it to Joanne and said "Drink it."

Joanne takes a whiff and gags "This is nasty."

"Just chug it you will feel so much better."Gwen declared

"Ugh thanks I guess."Joanne grumbled

'You will feel better in little bit but in the mean time. You were talking about how you can repay. "Gwen commented

"Yeah."Joanne said

"Well I was thinking how about me and you go out on a date?"Gwen asked

"Excuse me?"Joanne screeched

"You heard me you and me out on a date."Gwen stated

"I don't know I just got out of a relationship. I need to focus on myself. I really don't know!"Joanne said freaking out

"Look I am not asking for something serious. You said you wanted to have fun. You seem like a really cool person. You said you wanted to repay me. This is the cheapest way I can think of it."

"This is all just happening oh so Fast one minute I get out of a relationship cause Maureen doesn't want to marry me next I am hung over now you are asking me out on a date!"Joanne Said

"If you feel like I am rushing you. I will give you like a week to digest all of this if you say yes then we can have a awesome time if not then I totally understand I will just charge you more for drinks."

"That's cruel! But I understand."Joanne exclaimed

"My shift is about to start now I am going to give you a to go cup. And get ready."Gwen mentioned

"Oh okay thanks. For everything. I guess I will see you in a week with my Answer."Joanne said

"Okay see you in a week."Gwen said